require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. spec_helper]) describe Endeca::DocumentCollection do before do @metainfo = mock('MetaInfo', :[] => nil) @document = mock('Document', :[] => nil) @refinement = { "Dimensions" => [ { "ExpansionLink" => "N=&Ne=7", "DimensionName" => "city", "DimensionID" => "7" } ] } @breadcrumb = { "Dimensions" => [ { "DimensionName" => "property type", "DimensionRemovalLink" => "N=", "Type" => "Navigation" } ] } @raw = { 'Records' => [@document], 'MetaInfo' => @metainfo, 'Refinements' => [@refinement], 'Breadcrumbs' => [@breadcrumb] } @document_collection = end describe '#new' do it "should store the raw data" do @document_collection.raw.should == @raw end end describe '#attributes' do it "should return the metainfo hash of the collection" do @document_collection.attributes.should == @metainfo end end describe '#documents' do it "should return a collection of documents" do @document_collection.documents.size.should == 1 @document_collection.documents.first.should == end it "should return the correct document class for subclassees" do class ConcreteDocument < Endeca::Document; end collection =, ConcreteDocument) collection.documents.first.class.should == ConcreteDocument end end describe "#previous_page" do describe "when on the first page" do before do @document_collection.stub!(:current_page).and_return(0) end it "should be nil" do @document_collection.previous_page.should be_nil end end describe "when on any other page" do before do @document_collection.stub!(:current_page).and_return(4) end it "should return the previous page" do @document_collection.previous_page.should == 3 end end end describe "#next_page" do before do @document_collection.stub!(:total_pages).and_return(20) end describe "when on the last page" do before do @document_collection.stub!(:current_page).and_return(20) end it "should be nil" do @document_collection.next_page.should be_nil end end describe "when on any other page" do before do @document_collection.stub!(:current_page).and_return(4) end it "should return the next page" do @document_collection.next_page.should == 5 end end end describe '#refinements' do it 'should return a collection of Refinement objects' do @document_collection.refinements.should == [] end it "should return refinement by name" do @document_collection.refinement_by_name('city'). should == end end describe '#breadcrumbs' do it 'should return a collection of Breadcrumb objects' do @document_collection.breadcrumbs.should == [] end end describe "#each" do it "should yield to the documents" do block = lambda{1} @document_collection.documents.should_receive(:each).with(&block) @document_collection.each(&block) end end describe "#is_a?" do it "should be true if the compared class is Array" do @document_collection.is_a?(Array).should be_true end it "should be true if the compared class is Endeca::DocumentCollection" do @document_collection.is_a?(Endeca::DocumentCollection).should be_true end it "should be false if the compared class is String" do @document_collection.is_a?(String).should be_false end end end