# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # TODO how are we going to handle soft/hard contrast? module Rouge module Themes # Based on https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox, with help from # https://github.com/daveyarwood/gruvbox-pygments class Gruvbox < CSSTheme name 'gruvbox' # global Gruvbox colours {{{ C_dark0_hard = '#1d2021' C_dark0 ='#282828' C_dark0_soft = '#32302f' C_dark1 = '#3c3836' C_dark2 = '#504945' C_dark3 = '#665c54' C_dark4 = '#7c6f64' C_dark4_256 = '#7c6f64' C_gray_245 = '#928374' C_gray_244 = '#928374' C_light0_hard = '#f9f5d7' C_light0 = '#fbf1c7' C_light0_soft = '#f2e5bc' C_light1 = '#ebdbb2' C_light2 = '#d5c4a1' C_light3 = '#bdae93' C_light4 = '#a89984' C_light4_256 = '#a89984' C_bright_red = '#fb4934' C_bright_green = '#b8bb26' C_bright_yellow = '#fabd2f' C_bright_blue = '#83a598' C_bright_purple = '#d3869b' C_bright_aqua = '#8ec07c' C_bright_orange = '#fe8019' C_neutral_red = '#cc241d' C_neutral_green = '#98971a' C_neutral_yellow = '#d79921' C_neutral_blue = '#458588' C_neutral_purple = '#b16286' C_neutral_aqua = '#689d6a' C_neutral_orange = '#d65d0e' C_faded_red = '#9d0006' C_faded_green = '#79740e' C_faded_yellow = '#b57614' C_faded_blue = '#076678' C_faded_purple = '#8f3f71' C_faded_aqua = '#427b58' C_faded_orange = '#af3a03' # }}} extend HasModes def self.light! mode :dark # indicate that there is a dark variant mode! :light end def self.dark! mode :light # indicate that there is a light variant mode! :dark end def self.make_dark! palette bg0: C_dark0 palette bg1: C_dark1 palette bg2: C_dark2 palette bg3: C_dark3 palette bg4: C_dark4 palette gray: C_gray_245 palette fg0: C_light0 palette fg1: C_light1 palette fg2: C_light2 palette fg3: C_light3 palette fg4: C_light4 palette fg4_256: C_light4_256 palette red: C_bright_red palette green: C_bright_green palette yellow: C_bright_yellow palette blue: C_bright_blue palette purple: C_bright_purple palette aqua: C_bright_aqua palette orange: C_bright_orange end def self.make_light! palette bg0: C_light0 palette bg1: C_light1 palette bg2: C_light2 palette bg3: C_light3 palette bg4: C_light4 palette gray: C_gray_244 palette fg0: C_dark0 palette fg1: C_dark1 palette fg2: C_dark2 palette fg3: C_dark3 palette fg4: C_dark4 palette fg4_256: C_dark4_256 palette red: C_faded_red palette green: C_faded_green palette yellow: C_faded_yellow palette blue: C_faded_blue palette purple: C_faded_purple palette aqua: C_faded_aqua palette orange: C_faded_orange end dark! mode :light style Text, :fg => :fg0, :bg => :bg0 style Error, :fg => :red, :bg => :bg0, :bold => true style Comment, :fg => :gray, :italic => true style Comment::Preproc, :fg => :aqua style Name::Tag, :fg => :red style Operator, Punctuation, :fg => :fg0 style Generic::Inserted, :fg => :green, :bg => :bg0 style Generic::Deleted, :fg => :red, :bg => :bg0 style Generic::Heading, :fg => :green, :bold => true style Keyword, :fg => :red style Keyword::Constant, :fg => :purple style Keyword::Type, :fg => :yellow style Keyword::Declaration, :fg => :orange style Literal::String, Literal::String::Interpol, Literal::String::Regex, :fg => :green, :italic => true style Literal::String::Escape, :fg => :orange style Name::Namespace, Name::Class, :fg => :aqua style Name::Constant, :fg => :purple style Name::Attribute, :fg => :green style Literal::Number, :fg => :purple style Literal::String::Symbol, :fg => :blue end end end