import { ENV } from 'ember-environment'; import { Mixin, mixin, get, set } from 'ember-metal'; import EmberObject from '../../lib/system/object'; import Evented from '../../lib/mixins/evented'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; moduleFor( 'Function.prototype.observes() helper', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test global observer helper takes multiple params'](assert) { if (!ENV.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Function) { assert.ok( 'undefined' === typeof Function.prototype.observes, 'Function.prototype helper disabled' ); return; } let MyMixin = Mixin.create({ count: 0, foo: function() { set(this, 'count', get(this, 'count') + 1); }.observes('bar', 'baz'), }); let obj = mixin({}, MyMixin); assert.equal(get(obj, 'count'), 0, 'should not invoke observer immediately'); set(obj, 'bar', 'BAZ'); set(obj, 'baz', 'BAZ'); assert.equal(get(obj, 'count'), 2, 'should invoke observer after change'); } } ); moduleFor( 'Function.prototype.on() helper', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test sets up an event listener, and can trigger the function on multiple events'](assert) { if (!ENV.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Function) { assert.ok( 'undefined' === typeof Function.prototype.on, 'Function.prototype helper disabled' ); return; } let MyMixin = Mixin.create({ count: 0, foo: function() { set(this, 'count', get(this, 'count') + 1); }.on('bar', 'baz'), }); let obj = mixin({}, Evented, MyMixin); assert.equal(get(obj, 'count'), 0, 'should not invoke listener immediately'); obj.trigger('bar'); obj.trigger('baz'); assert.equal(get(obj, 'count'), 2, 'should invoke listeners when events trigger'); } ['@test can be chained with observes'](assert) { if (!ENV.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Function) { assert.ok('Function.prototype helper disabled'); return; } let MyMixin = Mixin.create({ count: 0, bay: 'bay', foo: function() { set(this, 'count', get(this, 'count') + 1); } .observes('bay') .on('bar'), }); let obj = mixin({}, Evented, MyMixin); assert.equal(get(obj, 'count'), 0, 'should not invoke listener immediately'); set(obj, 'bay', 'BAY'); obj.trigger('bar'); assert.equal(get(obj, 'count'), 2, 'should invoke observer and listener'); } } ); moduleFor( ' helper', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test sets up a ComputedProperty'](assert) { if (!ENV.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Function) { assert.ok( 'undefined' === typeof, 'Function.prototype helper disabled' ); return; } let MyClass = EmberObject.extend({ firstName: null, lastName: null, fullName: function() { return get(this, 'firstName') + ' ' + get(this, 'lastName'); }.property('firstName', 'lastName'), }); let obj = MyClass.create({ firstName: 'Fred', lastName: 'Flinstone' }); assert.equal(get(obj, 'fullName'), 'Fred Flinstone', 'should return the computed value'); set(obj, 'firstName', 'Wilma'); assert.equal(get(obj, 'fullName'), 'Wilma Flinstone', 'should return the new computed value'); set(obj, 'lastName', ''); assert.equal(get(obj, 'fullName'), 'Wilma ', 'should return the new computed value'); } } );