require "relaton_gb" module Asciidoctor module Gb # A {Converter} implementation that generates GB output, and a document # schema encapsulation of the document for validation class Converter < ISO::Converter =begin # subclause contains subclauses def term_def_subclause_parse(attrs, xml, node) return clause_parse(attrs, xml, node) if node.role == "nonterm" sub = node.find_by(context: :section) {|s| s.level == node.level + 1 } sub.empty? || (return term_def_parse(attrs, xml, node, false)) # TODO allow breakup of "symbols", "abbreviated terms" (node.title.downcase == "symbols and abbreviated terms" || node.title == "符号、代号和缩略语") && (return symbols_parse(attrs, xml, node)) xml.term **attr_code(attrs) do |xml_section| xml_section.preferred { |name| name << node.title } xml_section << node.content end end =end def sectiontype_streamline(ret) case ret when "引言" then "introduction" when "范围" then "scope" when "规范性引用文件" then "normative references" when "术语和定义", "术语、定义、符号、代号和缩略语" "terms and definitions" when "符号、代号和缩略语" then "symbols and abbreviated terms" when "参考文献" then "bibliography" else super end end def appendix_parse(attrs, xml, node) clause_parse(attrs, xml, node) end =begin def section(node) a = section_attributes(node) noko do |xml| case sectiontype(node) when "引言", "introduction" then introduction_parse(a, xml, node) when "patent notice" then patent_notice_parse(xml, node) when "范围", "scope" then scope_parse(a, xml, node) when "规范性引用文件", "normative references" norm_ref_parse(a, xml, node) when "术语和定义", "terms and definitions", "术语、定义、符号、代号和缩略语", "terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms", "terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations", "terms, definitions and symbols", "terms, definitions and abbreviations", "terms, definitions and abbreviated terms" @term_def = true term_def_parse(a, xml, node, true) @term_def = false when "符号、代号和缩略语", "symbols and abbreviated terms", "abbreviated terms", "abbreviations", "symbols" symbols_parse(a, xml, node) when "参考文献", "bibliography" bibliography_parse(a, xml, node) else if @term_def then term_def_subclause_parse(a, xml, node) elsif @biblio then bibliography_parse(a, xml, node) elsif node.attr("style") == "bibliography" bibliography_parse(a, xml, node) elsif node.attr("style") == "appendix" && node.level == 1 annex_parse(a, xml, node) else clause_parse(a, xml, node) end end end.join("\n") end =end =begin # spec of permissible section sequence SEQ = [ { msg: "Initial section must be (content) 前言", val: [{ tag: "foreword", title: "前言" }], }, { msg: "Prefatory material must be followed by (clause) 范围", val: [{ tag: "introduction", title: "引言" }, { tag: "clause", title: "范围" }], }, { msg: "Prefatory material must be followed by (clause) 范围", val: [{ tag: "clause", title: "范围" }], }, { msg: "规范性引用文件 must be followed by "\ "术语和定义", val: [ { tag: "terms", title: "术语和定义" }, { tag: "clause", title: "术语和定义" }, { tag: "clause", title: "术语、定义、符号、代号和缩略语" }, { tag: "terms", title: "术语、定义、符号、代号和缩略语" } ] }, ] SECTIONS_XPATH = "//foreword | //introduction | //sections/terms | .//annex | "\ "//definitions | //sections/clause | //references[not(parent::clause)] | "\ "//clause[descendant::references][not(parent::clause)]".freeze def sections_sequence_validate(root) f = root.xpath(SECTIONS_XPATH) names = { |s| { tag:, title: s&.at("./title")&.text } } names = seqcheck(names, SEQ[0][:msg], SEQ[0][:val]) || return n = names[0] names = seqcheck(names, SEQ[1][:msg], SEQ[1][:val]) || return if n == { tag: "introduction", title: "引言" } names = seqcheck(names, SEQ[2][:msg], SEQ[2][:val]) || return end names = seqcheck(names, SEQ[3][:msg], SEQ[3][:val]) || return n = names.shift if n == { tag: "definitions", title: nil } n = names.shift || return end unless n warn "ISO style: Document must contain at least one clause" return end n[:tag] == "clause" or warn "ISO style: Document must contain clause after Terms and Definitions" (n == { tag: "clause", title: "范围" }) && warn("ISO style: 范围 must occur before 术语和定义") n = names.shift or return while n[:tag] == "clause" (n[:title] == "范围") && warn("ISO style: 范围 must occur before 术语和定义") n = names.shift or return end unless n[:tag] == "annex" or n[:tag] == "references" warn "ISO style: Only annexes and references can follow clauses" end while n[:tag] == "annex" n = names.shift if n.nil? warn("ISO style: Document must include (references) "\ "Normative References") return end end n == { tag: "references", title: "规范性引用文件" } or warn "ISO style: Document must include (references) 规范性引用文件" n = names.shift n == { tag: "references", title: "参考文献" } or warn "ISO style: Final section must be (references) 参考文献" names.empty? or warn "ISO style: There are sections after the final Bibliography" end =end end end end