# frozen_string_literal: true Capybara.add_selector(:radio_button, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do label 'radio button' xpath do |locator, allow_self: nil, **options| xpath = XPath.axis(allow_self ? :'descendant-or-self' : :descendant, :input)[ XPath.attr(:type) == 'radio' ] locate_field(xpath, locator, **options) end filter_set(:_field, %i[checked unchecked disabled name]) node_filter(%i[option with]) do |node, value| val = node.value (value.is_a?(Regexp) ? value.match?(val) : val == value.to_s).tap do |res| add_error("Expected value to be #{value.inspect} but it was #{val.inspect}") unless res end end describe_node_filters do |option: nil, with: nil, **| desc = +'' desc << " with value #{option.inspect}" if option desc << " with value #{with.inspect}" if with desc end end