jQuery.webshims.register('form-native-extend', function($, webshims, window, doc, undefined, options){ "use strict"; var Modernizr = window.Modernizr; var modernizrInputTypes = Modernizr.inputtypes; if(!Modernizr.formvalidation || webshims.bugs.bustedValidity){return;} var typeModels = webshims.inputTypes; var validityRules = {}; var updateValidity = (function(){ var timer; var getValidity = function(){ $(this).prop('validity'); }; var update = function(){ $('input').each(getValidity); }; return function(fast){ clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(update, 9); }; })(); webshims.addInputType = function(type, obj){ typeModels[type] = obj; //update validity of all implemented input types if($.isDOMReady && Modernizr.formvalidation && !webshims.bugs.bustedValidity){ updateValidity(); } }; webshims.addValidityRule = function(type, fn){ validityRules[type] = fn; }; webshims.addValidityRule('typeMismatch', function (input, val, cache, validityState){ if(val === ''){return false;} var ret = validityState.typeMismatch; if(!('type' in cache)){ cache.type = (input[0].getAttribute('type') || '').toLowerCase(); } if(typeModels[cache.type] && typeModels[cache.type].mismatch){ ret = typeModels[cache.type].mismatch(val, input); } return ret; }); var overrideNativeMessages = options.overrideMessages; var overrideValidity = (!modernizrInputTypes.number || !modernizrInputTypes.time || !modernizrInputTypes.range || overrideNativeMessages); var validityProps = ['customError','typeMismatch','rangeUnderflow','rangeOverflow','stepMismatch','tooLong','patternMismatch','valueMissing','valid']; var validityChanger = (overrideNativeMessages)? ['value', 'checked'] : ['value']; var validityElements = []; var testValidity = function(elem, init){ if(!elem){return;} var type = (elem.getAttribute && elem.getAttribute('type') || elem.type || '').toLowerCase(); if(!overrideNativeMessages && !typeModels[type]){ return; } if(overrideNativeMessages && !init && type == 'radio' && elem.name){ $(doc.getElementsByName( elem.name )).each(function(){ $.prop(this, 'validity'); }); } else { $.prop(elem, 'validity'); } }; var oldSetCustomValidity = {}; ['input', 'textarea', 'select'].forEach(function(name){ var desc = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty(name, 'setCustomValidity', { prop: { value: function(error){ error = error+''; var elem = (name == 'input') ? $(this).getNativeElement()[0] : this; desc.prop._supvalue.call(elem, error); if(webshims.bugs.validationMessage){ webshims.data(elem, 'customvalidationMessage', error); } if(overrideValidity){ webshims.data(elem, 'hasCustomError', !!(error)); testValidity(elem); } } } }); oldSetCustomValidity[name] = desc.prop._supvalue; }); if(overrideValidity || overrideNativeMessages){ validityChanger.push('min'); validityChanger.push('max'); validityChanger.push('step'); validityElements.push('input'); } if(overrideNativeMessages){ validityChanger.push('required'); validityChanger.push('pattern'); validityElements.push('select'); validityElements.push('textarea'); } if(overrideValidity){ var stopValidity; validityElements.forEach(function(nodeName){ var oldDesc = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty(nodeName, 'validity', { prop: { get: function(){ if(stopValidity){return;} var elem = (nodeName == 'input') ? $(this).getNativeElement()[0] : this; var validity = oldDesc.prop._supget.call(elem); if(!validity){ return validity; } var validityState = {}; validityProps.forEach(function(prop){ validityState[prop] = validity[prop]; }); if( !$.prop(elem, 'willValidate') ){ return validityState; } stopValidity = true; var jElm = $(elem), cache = {type: (elem.getAttribute && elem.getAttribute('type') || '').toLowerCase(), nodeName: (elem.nodeName || '').toLowerCase()}, val = jElm.val(), customError = !!(webshims.data(elem, 'hasCustomError')), setCustomMessage ; stopValidity = false; validityState.customError = customError; if( validityState.valid && validityState.customError ){ validityState.valid = false; } else if(!validityState.valid) { var allFalse = true; $.each(validityState, function(name, prop){ if(prop){ allFalse = false; return false; } }); if(allFalse){ validityState.valid = true; } } $.each(validityRules, function(rule, fn){ validityState[rule] = fn(jElm, val, cache, validityState); if( validityState[rule] && (validityState.valid || !setCustomMessage) && (overrideNativeMessages || (typeModels[cache.type] && typeModels[cache.type].mismatch)) ) { oldSetCustomValidity[nodeName].call(elem, webshims.createValidationMessage(elem, rule)); validityState.valid = false; setCustomMessage = true; } }); if(validityState.valid){ oldSetCustomValidity[nodeName].call(elem, ''); webshims.data(elem, 'hasCustomError', false); } else if(overrideNativeMessages && !setCustomMessage && !customError){ $.each(validityState, function(name, prop){ if(name !== 'valid' && prop){ oldSetCustomValidity[nodeName].call(elem, webshims.createValidationMessage(elem, name)); return false; } }); } return validityState; }, writeable: false } }); }); validityChanger.forEach(function(prop){ webshims.onNodeNamesPropertyModify(validityElements, prop, function(s){ testValidity(this); }); }); if(doc.addEventListener){ var inputThrottle; var testPassValidity = function(e){ if(!('form' in e.target)){return;} var form = e.target.form; clearTimeout(inputThrottle); testValidity(e.target); if(form && overrideNativeMessages){ $('input', form).each(function(){ if(this.type == 'password'){ testValidity(this); } }); } }; doc.addEventListener('change', testPassValidity, true); if(overrideNativeMessages){ doc.addEventListener('blur', testPassValidity, true); doc.addEventListener('keydown', function(e){ if(e.keyCode != 13){return;} testPassValidity(e); }, true); } doc.addEventListener('input', function(e){ clearTimeout(inputThrottle); inputThrottle = setTimeout(function(){ testValidity(e.target); }, 290); }, true); } var validityElementsSel = validityElements.join(','); webshims.addReady(function(context, elem){ $(validityElementsSel, context).add(elem.filter(validityElementsSel)).each(function(){ $.prop(this, 'validity'); }); }); if(overrideNativeMessages){ webshims.ready('DOM form-message', function(){ webshims.activeLang({ register: 'form-core', callback: function(){ $('input, select, textarea') .getNativeElement() .each(function(){ if(webshims.data(this, 'hasCustomError')){return;} var elem = this; var validity = $.prop(elem, 'validity') || {valid: true}; var nodeName; if(validity.valid){return;} nodeName = (elem.nodeName || '').toLowerCase(); $.each(validity, function(name, prop){ if(name !== 'valid' && prop){ oldSetCustomValidity[nodeName].call(elem, webshims.createValidationMessage(elem, name)); return false; } }); }) ; } }); }); } } //end: overrideValidity webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', 'type', { prop: { get: function(){ var elem = this; var type = (elem.getAttribute('type') || '').toLowerCase(); return (webshims.inputTypes[type]) ? type : elem.type; } } }); }); jQuery.webshims.register('form-number-date-api', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined){ "use strict"; if(!webshims.getStep){ webshims.getStep = function(elem, type){ var step = $.attr(elem, 'step'); if(step === 'any'){ return step; } type = type || getType(elem); if(!typeModels[type] || !typeModels[type].step){ return step; } step = typeProtos.number.asNumber(step); return ((!isNaN(step) && step > 0) ? step : typeModels[type].step) * (typeModels[type].stepScaleFactor || 1); }; } if(!webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache){ webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache = function(attr, elem, cache){ if (!(attr+'AsNumber' in cache)) { cache[attr+'AsNumber'] = typeModels[cache.type].asNumber(elem.attr(attr)); if(isNaN(cache[attr+'AsNumber']) && (attr+'Default' in typeModels[cache.type])){ cache[attr+'AsNumber'] = typeModels[cache.type][attr+'Default']; } } }; } var nan = parseInt('NaN', 10), doc = document, typeModels = webshims.inputTypes, isNumber = function(string){ return (typeof string == 'number' || (string && string == string * 1)); }, supportsType = function(type){ return ($('').prop('type') === type); }, getType = function(elem){ return (elem.getAttribute('type') || '').toLowerCase(); }, isDateTimePart = function(string){ return (string && !(isNaN(string * 1))); }, addMinMaxNumberToCache = webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache, addleadingZero = function(val, len){ val = ''+val; len = len - val.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){ val = '0'+val; } return val; }, EPS = 1e-7, typeBugs = webshims.bugs.bustedValidity ; webshims.addValidityRule('stepMismatch', function(input, val, cache, validityState){ if(val === ''){return false;} if(!('type' in cache)){ cache.type = getType(input[0]); } var ret = (validityState || {}).stepMismatch || false, base; if(typeModels[cache.type] && typeModels[cache.type].step){ if( !('step' in cache) ){ cache.step = webshims.getStep(input[0], cache.type); } if(cache.step == 'any'){return false;} if(!('valueAsNumber' in cache)){ cache.valueAsNumber = typeModels[cache.type].asNumber( val ); } if(isNaN(cache.valueAsNumber)){return false;} addMinMaxNumberToCache('min', input, cache); base = cache.minAsNumber; if(isNaN(base)){ base = typeModels[cache.type].stepBase || 0; } ret = Math.abs((cache.valueAsNumber - base) % cache.step); ret = !( ret <= EPS || Math.abs(ret - cache.step) <= EPS ); } return ret; }); [{name: 'rangeOverflow', attr: 'max', factor: 1}, {name: 'rangeUnderflow', attr: 'min', factor: -1}].forEach(function(data, i){ webshims.addValidityRule(data.name, function(input, val, cache, validityState) { var ret = (validityState || {})[data.name] || false; if(val === ''){return ret;} if (!('type' in cache)) { cache.type = getType(input[0]); } if (typeModels[cache.type] && typeModels[cache.type].asNumber) { if(!('valueAsNumber' in cache)){ cache.valueAsNumber = typeModels[cache.type].asNumber( val ); } if(isNaN(cache.valueAsNumber)){ return false; } addMinMaxNumberToCache(data.attr, input, cache); if(isNaN(cache[data.attr+'AsNumber'])){ return ret; } ret = ( cache[data.attr+'AsNumber'] * data.factor < cache.valueAsNumber * data.factor - EPS ); } return ret; }); }); webshims.reflectProperties(['input'], ['max', 'min', 'step']); //IDLs and methods, that aren't part of constrain validation, but strongly tight to it var valueAsNumberDescriptor = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', 'valueAsNumber', { prop: { get: function(){ var elem = this; var type = getType(elem); var ret = (typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].asNumber) ? typeModels[type].asNumber($.prop(elem, 'value')) : (valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supget && valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supget.apply(elem, arguments)); if(ret == null){ ret = nan; } return ret; }, set: function(val){ var elem = this; var type = getType(elem); if(typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].numberToString){ //is NaN a number? if(isNaN(val)){ $.prop(elem, 'value', ''); return; } var set = typeModels[type].numberToString(val); if(set !== false){ $.prop(elem, 'value', set); } else { webshims.error('INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11'); } } else { valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supset && valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supset.apply(elem, arguments); } } } }); var valueAsDateDescriptor = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', 'valueAsDate', { prop: { get: function(){ var elem = this; var type = getType(elem); return (typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].asDate && !typeModels[type].noAsDate) ? typeModels[type].asDate($.prop(elem, 'value')) : valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supget && valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supget.call(elem) || null; }, set: function(value){ var elem = this; var type = getType(elem); if(typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].dateToString && !typeModels[type].noAsDate){ if(value === null){ $.prop(elem, 'value', ''); return ''; } var set = typeModels[type].dateToString(value); if(set !== false){ $.prop(elem, 'value', set); return set; } else { webshims.error('INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11'); } } else { return valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supset && valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supset.apply(elem, arguments) || null; } } } }); $.each({stepUp: 1, stepDown: -1}, function(name, stepFactor){ var stepDescriptor = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', name, { prop: { value: function(factor){ var step, val, dateVal, valModStep, alignValue, cache; var type = getType(this); if(typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].asNumber){ cache = {type: type}; if(!factor){ factor = 1; webshims.info("you should always use a factor for stepUp/stepDown"); } factor *= stepFactor; val = $.prop(this, 'valueAsNumber'); if(isNaN(val)){ webshims.info("valueAsNumber is NaN can't apply stepUp/stepDown "); throw('invalid state error'); } step = webshims.getStep(this, type); if(step == 'any'){ webshims.info("step is 'any' can't apply stepUp/stepDown"); throw('invalid state error'); } webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache('min', $(this), cache); webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache('max', $(this), cache); step *= factor; val = (val + step).toFixed(5) * 1; valModStep = (val - (cache.minAsNumber || 0)) % step; if ( valModStep && (Math.abs(valModStep) > EPS) ) { alignValue = val - valModStep; alignValue += ( valModStep > 0 ) ? step : ( -step ); val = alignValue.toFixed(5) * 1; } if( (!isNaN(cache.maxAsNumber) && val > cache.maxAsNumber) || (!isNaN(cache.minAsNumber) && val < cache.minAsNumber) ){ webshims.info("max/min overflow can't apply stepUp/stepDown"); throw('invalid state error'); } if(dateVal){ $.prop(this, 'valueAsDate', dateVal); } else { $.prop(this, 'valueAsNumber', val); } } else if(stepDescriptor.prop && stepDescriptor.prop.value){ return stepDescriptor.prop.value.apply(this, arguments); } else { webshims.info("no step method for type: "+ type); throw('invalid state error'); } } } }); }); var typeProtos = { number: { mismatch: function(val){ return !(isNumber(val)); }, step: 1, //stepBase: 0, 0 = default stepScaleFactor: 1, asNumber: function(str){ return (isNumber(str)) ? str * 1 : nan; }, numberToString: function(num){ return (isNumber(num)) ? num : false; } }, range: { minDefault: 0, maxDefault: 100 }, date: { mismatch: function(val){ if(!val || !val.split || !(/\d$/.test(val))){return true;} var i; var valA = val.split(/\u002D/); if(valA.length !== 3){return true;} var ret = false; if(valA[0].length < 4 || valA[1].length != 2 || valA[1] > 12 || valA[2].length != 2 || valA[2] > 33){ ret = true; } else { for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){ if(!isDateTimePart(valA[i])){ ret = true; break; } } } return ret || (val !== this.dateToString( this.asDate(val, true) ) ); }, step: 1, //stepBase: 0, 0 = default stepScaleFactor: 86400000, asDate: function(val, _noMismatch){ if(!_noMismatch && this.mismatch(val)){ return null; } return new Date(this.asNumber(val, true)); }, asNumber: function(str, _noMismatch){ var ret = nan; if(_noMismatch || !this.mismatch(str)){ str = str.split(/\u002D/); ret = Date.UTC(str[0], str[1] - 1, str[2]); } return ret; }, numberToString: function(num){ return (isNumber(num)) ? this.dateToString(new Date( num * 1)) : false; }, dateToString: function(date){ return (date && date.getFullYear) ? addleadingZero(date.getUTCFullYear(), 4) +'-'+ addleadingZero(date.getUTCMonth()+1, 2) +'-'+ addleadingZero(date.getUTCDate(), 2) : false; } }, time: { mismatch: function(val, _getParsed){ if(!val || !val.split || !(/\d$/.test(val))){return true;} val = val.split(/\u003A/); if(val.length < 2 || val.length > 3){return true;} var ret = false, sFraction; if(val[2]){ val[2] = val[2].split(/\u002E/); sFraction = parseInt(val[2][1], 10); val[2] = val[2][0]; } $.each(val, function(i, part){ if(!isDateTimePart(part) || part.length !== 2){ ret = true; return false; } }); if(ret){return true;} if(val[0] > 23 || val[0] < 0 || val[1] > 59 || val[1] < 0){ return true; } if(val[2] && (val[2] > 59 || val[2] < 0 )){ return true; } if(sFraction && isNaN(sFraction)){ return true; } if(sFraction){ if(sFraction < 100){ sFraction *= 100; } else if(sFraction < 10){ sFraction *= 10; } } return (_getParsed === true) ? [val, sFraction] : false; }, step: 60, stepBase: 0, stepScaleFactor: 1000, asDate: function(val){ val = new Date(this.asNumber(val)); return (isNaN(val)) ? null : val; }, asNumber: function(val){ var ret = nan; val = this.mismatch(val, true); if(val !== true){ ret = Date.UTC('1970', 0, 1, val[0][0], val[0][1], val[0][2] || 0); if(val[1]){ ret += val[1]; } } return ret; }, dateToString: function(date){ if(date && date.getUTCHours){ var str = addleadingZero(date.getUTCHours(), 2) +':'+ addleadingZero(date.getUTCMinutes(), 2), tmp = date.getSeconds() ; if(tmp != "0"){ str += ':'+ addleadingZero(tmp, 2); } tmp = date.getUTCMilliseconds(); if(tmp != "0"){ str += '.'+ addleadingZero(tmp, 3); } return str; } else { return false; } } }, month: { mismatch: function(val){ return typeProtos.date.mismatch(val+'-01'); }, step: 1, stepScaleFactor: false, //stepBase: 0, 0 = default asDate: function(val){ return new Date(typeProtos.date.asNumber(val+'-01')); }, asNumber: function(val){ //1970-01 var ret = nan; if(val && !this.mismatch(val)){ val = val.split(/\u002D/); val[0] = (val[0] * 1) - 1970; val[1] = (val[1] * 1) - 1; ret = (val[0] * 12) + val[1]; } return ret; }, numberToString: function(num){ var mod; var ret = false; if(isNumber(num)){ mod = (num % 12); num = ((num - mod) / 12) + 1970; mod += 1; if(mod < 1){ num -= 1; mod += 12; } ret = addleadingZero(num, 4)+'-'+addleadingZero(mod, 2); } return ret; }, dateToString: function(date){ if(date && date.getUTCHours){ var str = typeProtos.date.dateToString(date); return (str.split && (str = str.split(/\u002D/))) ? str[0]+'-'+str[1] : false; } else { return false; } } } // ,'datetime-local': { // mismatch: function(val, _getParsed){ // if(!val || !val.split || (val+'special').split(/\u0054/).length !== 2){return true;} // val = val.split(/\u0054/); // return ( typeProtos.date.mismatch(val[0]) || typeProtos.time.mismatch(val[1], _getParsed) ); // }, // noAsDate: true, // asDate: function(val){ // val = new Date(this.asNumber(val)); // // return (isNaN(val)) ? null : val; // }, // asNumber: function(val){ // var ret = nan; // var time = this.mismatch(val, true); // if(time !== true){ // val = val.split(/\u0054/)[0].split(/\u002D/); // // ret = Date.UTC(val[0], val[1] - 1, val[2], time[0][0], time[0][1], time[0][2] || 0); // if(time[1]){ // ret += time[1]; // } // } // return ret; // }, // dateToString: function(date, _getParsed){ // return typeProtos.date.dateToString(date) +'T'+ typeProtos.time.dateToString(date, _getParsed); // } // } }; if(typeBugs || !supportsType('range') || !supportsType('time')){ typeProtos.range = $.extend({}, typeProtos.number, typeProtos.range); typeProtos.time = $.extend({}, typeProtos.date, typeProtos.time); typeProtos.month = $.extend({}, typeProtos.date, typeProtos.month); // typeProtos['datetime-local'] = $.extend({}, typeProtos.date, typeProtos.time, typeProtos['datetime-local']); } //'datetime-local' ['number', 'month', 'range', 'date', 'time'].forEach(function(type){ if(typeBugs || !supportsType(type)){ webshims.addInputType(type, typeProtos[type]); } }); if($('').prop('labels') == null){ webshims.defineNodeNamesProperty('button, input, keygen, meter, output, progress, select, textarea', 'labels', { prop: { get: function(){ if(this.type == 'hidden'){return null;} var id = this.id; var labels = $(this) .closest('label') .filter(function(){ var hFor = (this.attributes['for'] || {}); return (!hFor.specified || hFor.value == id); }) ; if(id) { labels = labels.add('label[for="'+ id +'"]'); } return labels.get(); }, writeable: false } }); } }); (function($){ var id = 0; var isNumber = function(string){ return (typeof string == 'number' || (string && string == string * 1)); }; var retDefault = function(val, def){ if(!(typeof val == 'number' || (val && val == val * 1))){ return def; } return val * 1; }; var createOpts = ['step', 'min', 'max', 'readonly', 'title', 'disabled', 'tabindex']; var rangeProto = { _create: function(){ var i; this.element.addClass('ws-range').attr({role: 'slider'}).append(''); this.trail = $('.ws-range-rail', this.element); this.range = $('.ws-range-min', this.element); this.thumb = $('.ws-range-thumb', this.trail); this.updateMetrics(); this.orig = this.options.orig; for(i = 0; i < createOpts.length; i++){ this[createOpts[i]](this.options[createOpts[i]]); } this.value = this._value; this.value(this.options.value); this.initDataList(); this.element.data('rangeUi', this); this.addBindings(); this._init = true; }, value: $.noop, _value: function(val, _noNormalize, animate){ var left, posDif; var o = this.options; var oVal = val; var thumbStyle = {}; var rangeStyle = {}; if(!_noNormalize && parseFloat(val, 10) != val){ val = o.min + ((o.max - o.min) / 2); } if(!_noNormalize){ val = this.normalizeVal(val); } left = 100 * ((val - o.min) / (o.max - o.min)); this.options.value = val; this.thumb.stop(); this.range.stop(); rangeStyle[this.dirs.width] = left+'%'; if(this.vertical){ left = Math.abs(left - 100); } thumbStyle[this.dirs.left] = left+'%'; if(!animate){ this.thumb.css(thumbStyle); this.range.css(rangeStyle); } else { if(typeof animate != 'object'){ animate = {}; } else { animate = $.extend({}, animate); } if(!animate.duration){ posDif = Math.abs(left - parseInt(this.thumb[0].style[this.dirs.left] || 50, 10)); animate.duration = Math.max(Math.min(999, posDif * 5), 99); } this.thumb.animate(thumbStyle, animate); this.range.animate(rangeStyle, animate); } if(this.orig && (oVal != val || (!this._init && this.orig.value != val)) ){ this.options._change(val); } this.element.attr({ 'aria-valuenow': this.options.value, 'aria-valuetext': this.options.textValue ? this.options.textValue(this.options.value) : this.options.options[this.options.value] || this.options.value }); }, initDataList: function(){ if(this.orig){ var listTimer; var that = this; var updateList = function(){ $(that.orig) .jProp('list') .off('updateDatalist', updateList) .on('updateDatalist', updateList) ; clearTimeout(listTimer); listTimer = setTimeout(function(){ if(that.list){ that.list(); } }, 9); }; $(this.orig).on('listdatalistchange', updateList); this.list(); } }, list: function(opts){ var o = this.options; var min = o.min; var max = o.max; var trail = this.trail; var that = this; this.element.attr({'aria-valuetext': o.options[o.value] || o.value}); $('.ws-range-ticks', trail).remove(); $(this.orig).jProp('list').find('option').each(function(){ o.options[$.prop(this, 'value')] = $.prop(this, 'label'); }); $.each(o.options, function(val, label){ if(!isNumber(val) || val < min || val > max){return;} var left = 100 * ((val - min) / (max - min)); var title = o.showLabels ? ' title="'+ label +'"' : ''; if(that.vertical){ left = Math.abs(left - 100); } trail.append(''); }); }, readonly: function(val){ val = !!val; this.options.readonly = val; this.element.attr('aria-readonly', ''+val); }, disabled: function(val){ val = !!val; this.options.disabled = val; if(val){ this.element.attr({tabindex: -1, 'aria-disabled': 'true'}); } else { this.element.attr({tabindex: this.options.tabindex, 'aria-disabled': 'false'}); } }, tabindex: function(val){ this.options.tabindex = val; if(!this.options.disabled){ this.element.attr({tabindex: val}); } }, title: function(val){ this.element.prop('title', val); }, min: function(val){ this.options.min = retDefault(val, 0); this.value(this.options.value, true); }, max: function(val){ this.options.max = retDefault(val, 100); this.value(this.options.value, true); }, step: function(val){ this.options.step = val == 'any' ? 'any' : retDefault(val, 1); this.value(this.options.value); }, normalizeVal: function(val){ var valModStep, alignValue, step; var o = this.options; if(val <= o.min){ val = o.min; } else if(val >= o.max) { val = o.max; } else if(o.step != 'any'){ step = o.step; valModStep = (val - o.min) % step; alignValue = val - valModStep; if ( Math.abs(valModStep) * 2 >= step ) { alignValue += ( valModStep > 0 ) ? step : ( -step ); } val = alignValue.toFixed(5) * 1; } return val; }, doStep: function(factor, animate){ var step = retDefault(this.options.step, 1); if(this.options.step == 'any'){ step = Math.min(step, (this.options.max - this.options.min) / 10); } this.value( this.options.value + (step * factor), false, animate ); }, getStepedValueFromPos: function(pos){ var val, valModStep, alignValue, step; if(pos <= 0){ val = this.options[this.dirs.min]; } else if(pos > 100) { val = this.options[this.dirs.max]; } else { if(this.vertical){ pos = Math.abs(pos - 100); } val = ((this.options.max - this.options.min) * (pos / 100)) + this.options.min; step = this.options.step; if(step != 'any'){ valModStep = (val - this.options.min) % step; alignValue = val - valModStep; if ( Math.abs(valModStep) * 2 >= step ) { alignValue += ( valModStep > 0 ) ? step : ( -step ); } val = ((alignValue).toFixed(5)) * 1; } } return val; }, addBindings: function(){ var leftOffset, widgetUnits, hasFocus; var that = this; var o = this.options; var eventTimer = (function(){ var events = {}; return { init: function(name, curVal, fn){ if(!events[name]){ events[name] = {fn: fn}; if(that.orig){ $(that.orig).on(name, function(){ events[name].val = $.prop(that.orig, 'value'); }); } } events[name].val = curVal; }, call: function(name, val){ if(events[name].val != val){ clearTimeout(events[name].timer); events[name].val = val; events[name].timer = setTimeout(function(){ events[name].fn(val, that); }, 0); } } }; })(); var setValueFromPos = function(e, animate){ var val = that.getStepedValueFromPos((e[that.dirs.mouse] - leftOffset) * widgetUnits); if(val != o.value){ that.value(val, false, animate); eventTimer.call('input', val); } }; var remove = function(e){ if(e && e.type == 'mouseup'){ eventTimer.call('input', o.value); eventTimer.call('change', o.value); } that.element.removeClass('ws-active'); $(document).off('mousemove', setValueFromPos).off('mouseup', remove); }; var add = function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(document).off('mousemove', setValueFromPos).off('mouseup', remove); if(!o.readonly && !o.disabled){ leftOffset = that.element.focus().addClass('ws-active').offset(); widgetUnits = that.element[that.dirs.width](); if(!widgetUnits || !leftOffset){return;} leftOffset = leftOffset[that.dirs.pos]; widgetUnits = 100 / (widgetUnits - ((that.thumb[that.dirs.outerWidth]() || 2) / 2)); setValueFromPos(e, o.animate); $(document) .on({ mouseup: remove, mousemove: setValueFromPos }) ; e.stopPropagation(); } }; var elementEvts = { mousedown: add, focus: function(e){ if(!o.disabled){ eventTimer.init('input', o.value); eventTimer.init('change', o.value); that.element.addClass('ws-focus'); } hasFocus = true; }, blur: function(e){ that.element.removeClass('ws-focus ws-active'); hasFocus = false; eventTimer.init('input', o.value); eventTimer.call('change', o.value); }, keyup: function(){ that.element.removeClass('ws-active'); eventTimer.call('input', o.value); eventTimer.call('change', o.value); }, keydown: function(e){ var step = true; var code = e.keyCode; if(!o.readonly && !o.disabled){ if (code == 39 || code == 38) { that.doStep(1); } else if (code == 37 || code == 40) { that.doStep(-1); } else if (code == 33) { that.doStep(10, o.animate); } else if (code == 34) { that.doStep(-10, o.animate); } else if (code == 36) { that.value(that.options.max, false, o.animate); } else if (code == 35) { that.value(that.options.min, false, o.animate); } else { step = false; } if (step) { that.element.addClass('ws-active'); eventTimer.call('input', o.value); e.preventDefault(); } } } }; eventTimer.init('input', o.value, this.options.input); eventTimer.init('change', o.value, this.options.change); elementEvts[$.fn.mwheelIntent ? 'mwheelIntent' : 'mousewheel'] = function(e, delta){ if(delta && hasFocus && !o.readonly && !o.disabled){ that.doStep(delta); e.preventDefault(); eventTimer.call('input', o.value); } }; this.element.on(elementEvts); this.thumb.on({ mousedown: add }); }, updateMetrics: function(){ var width = this.element.innerWidth(); this.vertical = (width && this.element.innerHeight() - width > 10); this.dirs = this.vertical ? {mouse: 'pageY', pos: 'top', min: 'max', max: 'min', left: 'top', width: 'height', outerWidth: 'outerHeight'} : {mouse: 'pageX', pos: 'left', min: 'min', max: 'max', left: 'left', width: 'width', outerWidth: 'outerWidth'} ; this.element [this.vertical ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('vertical-range') [this.vertical ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('horizontal-range') ; } }; $.fn.rangeUI = function(opts){ opts = $.extend({readonly: false, disabled: false, tabindex: 0, min: 0, step: 1, max: 100, value: 50, input: $.noop, change: $.noop, _change: $.noop, showLabels: true, options: {}}, opts); return this.each(function(){ $.webshims.objectCreate(rangeProto, { element: { value: $(this) } }, opts); }); }; jQuery.webshims.isReady('range-ui', true); })(jQuery); jQuery.webshims.register('form-number-date-ui', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined, options){ "use strict"; var curCfg; var formcfg = $.webshims.formcfg; var stopPropagation = function(e){ e.stopImmediatePropagation(e); }; var createFormat = function(name){ if(!curCfg.patterns[name+'Obj']){ var obj = {}; $.each(curCfg.patterns[name].split(curCfg[name+'Format']), function(i, name){ obj[name] = i; }); curCfg.patterns[name+'Obj'] = obj; } }; var splitInputs = { date: { _create: function(){ var obj = { splits: [$('')[0], $('')[0], $('')[0]] }; obj.elements = [obj.splits[0], $('')[0], obj.splits[1], $('')[0], obj.splits[2]]; return obj; }, sort: function(element){ createFormat('d'); var i = 0; var seperators = $('.ws-input-seperator', element).html(curCfg.dFormat); var inputs = $('input', element); $.each(curCfg.patterns.dObj, function(name, value){ var input = inputs.filter('.'+ name); if(input[0]){ input.appendTo(element); if(i < seperators.length){ seperators.eq(i).insertAfter(input); } i++; } }); } }, month: { _create: function(){ var obj = { splits: [$('')[0], $('')[0]] }; obj.elements = [obj.splits[0], $('')[0], obj.splits[1]]; return obj; }, sort: function(element){ var seperator = $('.ws-input-seperator', element).html(curCfg.dFormat); var mm = $('input.mm', element); var action; if(curCfg.date.showMonthAfterYear){ mm.appendTo(element); action = 'insertBefore'; } else { mm.prependTo(element); action = 'insertAfter'; } seperator[action](mm); } } }; var labelWidth = (function(){ var getId = function(){ return webshims.getID(this); }; return function(element, labels, noFocus){ $(element).attr({'aria-labelledby': labels.map(getId).get().join(' ')}); if(!noFocus){ labels.on('click', function(e){ element.getShadowFocusElement().focus(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); } }; })(); var addZero = function(val){ if(!val){return "";} val = val+''; return val.length == 1 ? '0'+val : val; }; (function(){ var monthDigits = ['01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12']; formcfg.de = { numberFormat: { ",": ".", ".": "," }, timeSigns: ":. ", numberSigns: ',', dateSigns: '.', dFormat: ".", patterns: { d: "dd.mm.yy" }, month: { currentText: 'Aktueller Monat' }, date: { close: 'schließen', clear: 'Löschen', prevText: 'Zurück', nextText: 'Vor', currentText: 'Heute', monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni', 'Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember'], monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mär','Apr','Mai','Jun', 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dez'], dayNames: ['Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag'], dayNamesShort: ['So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'], dayNamesMin: ['So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'], weekHeader: 'KW', firstDay: 1, isRTL: false, showMonthAfterYear: false, yearSuffix: '' } }; formcfg.en = { numberFormat: { ".": ".", ",": "," }, numberSigns: '.', dateSigns: '/', timeSigns: ":. ", dFormat: "/", patterns: { d: "mm/dd/yy" }, month: { currentText: 'This month' }, date: { "closeText": "Done", clear: 'Clear', "prevText": "Prev", "nextText": "Next", "currentText": "Today", "monthNames": ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"], "monthNamesShort": ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"], "dayNames": ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"], "dayNamesShort": ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"], "dayNamesMin": ["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"], "weekHeader": "Wk", "firstDay": 0, "isRTL": false, "showMonthAfterYear": false, "yearSuffix": "" } }; formcfg['en-US'] = formcfg['en-US'] || formcfg['en']; formcfg[''] = formcfg[''] || formcfg['en-US']; curCfg = formcfg['']; var createMonthKeys = function(langCfg){ if(!langCfg.date.monthkeys){ var create = function(i, name){ var strNum; var num = i + 1; strNum = (num < 10) ? '0'+num : ''+num; langCfg.date.monthkeys[num] = strNum; langCfg.date.monthkeys[name] = strNum; langCfg.date.monthkeys[name.toLowerCase()] = strNum; }; langCfg.date.monthkeys = {}; langCfg.date.monthDigits = monthDigits; langCfg.numberSigns += '-'; $.each(langCfg.date.monthNames, create); $.each(langCfg.date.monthNamesShort, create); } }; createMonthKeys(curCfg); $.webshims.ready('dom-extend', function(){ $.webshims.activeLang({ register: 'form-core', callback: function(){ $.each(arguments, function(i, val){ if(formcfg[val]){ curCfg = formcfg[val]; createMonthKeys(curCfg); $(document).triggerHandler('wslocalechange'); return false; } }); } }); }); })(); (function(){ var mousePress = function(e){ $(this)[e.type == 'mousepressstart' ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('mousepress-ui'); }; var retDefault = function(val, def){ if(!(typeof val == 'number' || (val && val == val * 1))){ return def; } return val * 1; }; var createOpts = ['step', 'min', 'max', 'readonly', 'title', 'disabled', 'tabindex', 'placeholder', 'value']; var formatVal = { number: function(val){ return (val+'').replace(/\,/g, '').replace(/\./, curCfg.numberFormat['.']); }, time: function(val){ return val; }, //todo empty val for month/split month: function(val, options){ var names; var p = val.split('-'); if(p[0] && p[1]){ names = curCfg.date[options.formatMonthNames] || curCfg.date[options.monthNames] || curCfg.date.monthNames; p[1] = names[(p[1] * 1) - 1]; if(options && options.splitInput){ val = [p[0] || '', p[1] || '']; } else if(p[1]){ val = curCfg.date.showMonthAfterYear ? p.join(' ') : p[1]+' '+p[0]; } } return val; }, date: function(val, opts){ var p = (val+'').split('-'); if(p[2] && p[1] && p[0]){ if(opts && opts.splitInput){ val = p; } else { val = curCfg.patterns.d.replace('yy', p[0] || ''); val = val.replace('mm', p[1] || ''); val = val.replace('dd', p[2] || ''); } } else if(opts && opts.splitInput){ val = [p[0] || '', p[1] || '', p[2] || '']; } return val; } }; var parseVal = { number: function(val){ return (val+'').replace(curCfg.numberFormat[','], '').replace(curCfg.numberFormat['.'], '.'); }, time: function(val){ return val; }, month: function(val, opts){ var p = (!opts.splitInput) ? val.trim().split(/[\.\s-\/\\]+/) : val; if(p.length == 2){ p[0] = curCfg.date.monthkeys[p[0]] || p[0]; p[1] = curCfg.date.monthkeys[p[1]] || p[1]; if(p[1].length == 2){ val = p[0]+'-'+p[1]; } else if(p[0].length == 2){ val = p[1]+'-'+p[0]; } else { val = ''; } } else if(opts.splitInput) { val = ''; } return val; }, date: function(val, opts){ createFormat('d'); var i; var obj; if(opts.splitInput){ obj = {yy: 0, mm: 1, dd: 2}; } else { obj = curCfg.patterns.dObj; val = val.split(curCfg.dFormat); } return (val.length == 3 && val[0] && val[1] && val[2]) ? ([addZero(val[obj.yy]), addZero(val[obj.mm]), addZero(val[obj.dd])]).join('-') : '' ; } }; var steps = { number: { step: 1 }, time: { step: 60 }, month: { step: 1, start: new Date() }, date: { step: 1, start: new Date() } }; var placeholderFormat = { date: function(val, opts){ var hintValue = (val || '').split('-'); if(hintValue.length == 3){ hintValue = opts.splitInput ? hintValue : curCfg.patterns.d.replace('yy', hintValue[0]).replace('mm', hintValue[1]).replace('dd', hintValue[2]); } else { hintValue = opts.splitInput ? [val, val, val] : val; } return hintValue; }, month: function(val, opts){ var hintValue = (val || '').split('-'); if(hintValue.length == 2){ hintValue = opts.splitInput ? hintValue : curCfg.patterns.d.replace('yy', hintValue[0]).replace('mm', hintValue[1]); } else { hintValue = opts.splitInput ? [val, val] : val; } return hintValue; } }; var createHelper = (function(){ var types = {}; return function(type){ var input; if(!types[type]){ input = $(''); types[type] = { asNumber: function(val){ var type = (typeof val == 'object') ? 'valueAsDate' : 'value'; return input.prop(type, val).prop('valueAsNumber'); }, asValue: function(val){ var type = (typeof val == 'object') ? 'valueAsDate' : 'valueAsNumber'; return input.prop(type, val).prop('value'); } }; } return types[type]; }; })(); steps.range = steps.number; var spinBtnProto = { _create: function(){ var i; var o = this.options; var helper = createHelper(o.type); this.type = o.type; this.orig = o.orig; this.elemHelper = $(''); this.asNumber = helper.asNumber; this.asValue = helper.asValue; this.buttonWrapper = $(' ') .insertAfter(this.element) ; if(o.splitInput){ this._addSplitInputs(); } else { this.inputElements = this.element; } this.options.containerElements.push(this.buttonWrapper[0]); if(typeof steps[this.type].start == 'object'){ steps[this.type].start = this.asNumber(steps[this.type].start); } for(i = 0; i < createOpts.length; i++){ this[createOpts[i]](o[createOpts[i]]); } this.element.data('wsspinner', this); this.addBindings(); if(!o.min && typeof o.relMin == 'number'){ o.min = this.asValue(this.getRelNumber(o.relMin)); $.prop(this.orig, 'min', o.min); } if(!o.max && typeof o.relMax == 'number'){ o.max = this.asValue(this.getRelNumber(o.relMax)); $.prop(this.orig, 'max', o.max); } this._init = true; }, _addSplitInputs: function(){ if(!this.inputElements){ var create = splitInputs[this.type]._create(); this.splits = create.splits; this.inputElements = $(create.elements).prependTo(this.element).filter('input'); } }, parseValue: function(){ var value = this.inputElements.map(function(){ return $.prop(this, 'value'); }).get(); if(!this.options.splitInput){ value = value[0]; } return parseVal[this.type](value, this.options); }, formatValue: function(val, noSplit){ return formatVal[this.type](val, noSplit === false ? false : this.options); }, placeholder: function(val){ var options = this.options; options.placeholder = val; var placeholder = val; if(placeholderFormat[this.type]){ placeholder = placeholderFormat[this.type](val, this.options); } if(options.splitInput && typeof placeholder == 'object'){ $.each(this.splits, function(i, elem){ $.prop(elem, 'placeholder', placeholder[i]); }); } else { this.element.prop('placeholder', placeholder); } }, getRelNumber: function(rel){ var start = steps[this.type].start || 0; if(rel){ start += rel; } return start; }, addZero: addZero, _setStartInRange: function(){ var start = this.getRelNumber(this.options.relDefaultValue); if(!isNaN(this.minAsNumber) && start < this.minAsNumber){ start = this.minAsNumber; } else if(!isNaN(this.maxAsNumber) && start > this.maxAsNumber){ start = this.maxAsNumber; } this.elemHelper.prop('valueAsNumber', start); this.options.defValue = this.elemHelper.prop('value'); }, reorderInputs: function(){ if(splitInputs[this.type]){ var element = this.element; splitInputs[this.type].sort(element); setTimeout(function(){ var data = webshims.data(element); if(data && data.shadowData){ data.shadowData.shadowFocusElement = element.find('input')[0] || element[0]; } }, 9); } }, value: function(val){ this.valueAsNumber = this.asNumber(val); this.options.value = val; if(isNaN(this.valueAsNumber) || (!isNaN(this.minAsNumber) && this.valueAsNumber < this.minAsNumber) || (!isNaN(this.maxAsNumber) && this.valueAsNumber > this.maxAsNumber)){ this._setStartInRange(); } else { this.elemHelper.prop('value', val); this.options.defValue = ""; } val = formatVal[this.type](val, this.options); if(this.options.splitInput){ $.each(this.splits, function(i, elem){ $.prop(elem, 'value', val[i]); }); } else { this.element.prop('value', val); } this._propertyChange('value'); }, initDataList: function(){ var listTimer; var that = this; var updateList = function(){ $(that.orig) .jProp('list') .off('updateDatalist', updateList) .on('updateDatalist', updateList) ; clearTimeout(listTimer); listTimer = setTimeout(function(){ if(that.list){ that.list(); } }, 9); }; $(this.orig).onTrigger('listdatalistchange', updateList); }, getOptions: function(){ var options = {}; var datalist = $(this.orig).jProp('list'); datalist.find('option').each(function(){ options[$.prop(this, 'value')] = $.prop(this, 'label'); }); return [options, datalist.data('label')]; }, list: function(val){ if(this.type == 'number' || this.type == 'time'){ this.element.attr('list', $.attr(this.orig, 'list')); } this.options.list = val; this._propertyChange('list'); }, _propertyChange: $.noop, tabindex: function(val){ this.options.tabindex = val; this.inputElements.prop('tabindex', this.options.tabindex); }, title: function(val){ this.options.title = val; this.element.prop('title', this.options.title); }, min: function(val){ this.elemHelper.prop('min', val); this.minAsNumber = this.asNumber(val); if(this.valueAsNumber != null && isNaN(this.valueAsNumber)){ this._setStartInRange(); } this.options.min = val; this._propertyChange('min'); }, max: function(val){ this.elemHelper.prop('max', val); this.maxAsNumber = this.asNumber(val); if(this.valueAsNumber != null && isNaN(this.valueAsNumber)){ this._setStartInRange(); } this.options.max = val; this._propertyChange('max'); }, step: function(val){ var defStep = steps[this.type]; this.options.step = val; this.elemHelper.prop('step', retDefault(val, defStep.step)); }, addBindings: function(){ var isFocused; var that = this; var o = this.options; var eventTimer = (function(){ var events = {}; return { init: function(name, curVal, fn){ if(!events[name]){ events[name] = {fn: fn}; $(that.orig).on(name, function(){ events[name].val = $.prop(that.orig, 'value'); }); } events[name].val = curVal; }, call: function(name, val){ if(events[name] && events[name].val != val){ clearTimeout(events[name].timer); events[name].val = val; events[name].timer = setTimeout(function(){ events[name].fn(val, that); }, 9); } } }; })(); var initChangeEvents = function(){ eventTimer.init('input', $.prop(that.orig, 'value'), that.options.input); eventTimer.init('change', $.prop(that.orig, 'value'), that.options.change); }; var step = {}; var preventBlur = function(e){ if(preventBlur.prevent){ e.preventDefault(); (isFocused || that.element.getShadowFocusElement()).focus(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return true; } }; var callSplitChange = (function(){ var timer; var call = function(e){ var val; clearTimeout(timer); val = that.parseValue(); $.prop(that.orig, 'value', val); eventTimer.call('input', val); if(!e || e.type != 'wsupdatevalue'){ eventTimer.call('change', val); } }; var onFocus = function(){ clearTimeout(timer); }; var onBlur = function(e){ clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(call, 0); if(e.type == 'change'){ stopPropagation(e); if(!o.splitInput){ call(); } } }; that.element.on('wsupdatevalue', call); that.inputElements .add(that.buttonWrapper) .add(that.element) .on( { 'focus focusin': onFocus, 'blur focusout change': onBlur } ) ; setTimeout(function(){ if(that.popover){ $('> *', that.popover.element) .on({ 'focusin': onFocus, 'focusout': onBlur }) ; } }, 0); })(); var spinEvents = {}; var spinElement = o.splitInput ? this.inputElements.filter('.ws-spin') : this.inputElements.eq(0); var elementEvts = { blur: function(e){ if(!preventBlur(e) && !o.disabled && !o.readonly){ if(!preventBlur.prevent){ isFocused = false; } } stopPropagation(e); }, focus: function(e){ if(!isFocused){ initChangeEvents(); isFocused = this; } }, keypress: function(e){ if(e.isDefaultPrevented()){return;} var chr; var stepped = true; var code = e.keyCode; if(!e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && curCfg[that.type+'Signs']){ chr = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode == null ? code : e.charCode); stepped = !(chr < " " || (curCfg[that.type+'Signs']+'0123456789').indexOf(chr) > -1); } else { stepped = false; } if(stepped){ e.preventDefault(); } }, 'input keydown keypress': (function(){ var timer; var isStopped = false; var releaseTab = function(){ if(isStopped === true){ isStopped = 'semi'; timer = setTimeout(releaseTab, 250); } else { isStopped = false; } }; var stopTab = function(){ isStopped = true; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(releaseTab, 300); }; var select = function(){ this.focus(); this.select(); stopTab(); }; return function(e){ if(o.splitInput && o.jumpInputs){ if(e.type == 'input'){ if($.prop(this, 'value').length === $.prop(this, 'maxLength')){ try { $(this) .next() .next('input') .each(select) ; } catch(er){} } } else if(!e.shiftKey && !e.crtlKey && e.keyCode == 9 && (isStopped === true || (isStopped && !$.prop(this, 'value')))){ e.preventDefault(); } } } })() }; var mouseDownInit = function(){ if(!o.disabled && !isFocused){ that.element.getShadowFocusElement().focus(); } preventBlur.set(); return false; }; preventBlur.set = (function(){ var timer; var reset = function(){ preventBlur.prevent = false; }; return function(){ clearTimeout(timer); preventBlur.prevent = true; setTimeout(reset, 9); }; })(); ['stepUp', 'stepDown'].forEach(function(name){ step[name] = function(factor){ if(!o.disabled && !o.readonly){ if(!isFocused){ mouseDownInit(); } var ret = false; if (!factor) { factor = 1; } try { that.elemHelper[name](factor); ret = that.elemHelper.prop('value'); that.value(ret); eventTimer.call('input', ret); } catch (er) {} return ret; } }; }); this.buttonWrapper.on('mousedown', mouseDownInit); this.setInput = function(value){ that.value(value); eventTimer.call('input', value); }; this.setChange = function(value){ that.setInput(value); eventTimer.call('change', value); }; this.inputElements.on(elementEvts); if(!o.noSpinbtn){ spinEvents[$.fn.mwheelIntent ? 'mwheelIntent' : 'mousewheel'] = function(e, delta){ if(delta && isFocused && !o.disabled){ step[delta > 0 ? 'stepUp' : 'stepDown'](); e.preventDefault(); } }; spinEvents.keydown = function(e){ if(o.list || e.isDefaultPrevented() || $.attr(this, 'list')){return;} var stepped = true; var code = e.keyCode; if (code == 38) { step.stepUp(); } else if (code == 40) { step.stepDown(); } else { stepped = false; } if(stepped){ e.preventDefault(); } }; spinElement.attr({'autocomplete': 'off', role: 'spinbutton'}).on(spinEvents); } if(!o.splitInput){ $(document).on('wslocalechange',function(){ if(o.value){ that.value(o.value); } if(placeholderFormat[that.type] && o.placeholder){ that.placeholder(o.placeholder); } }); } else { $(document).onTrigger('wslocalechange',function(){ that.reorderInputs(); }); } $('.step-up', this.buttonWrapper) .on({ 'mousepressstart mousepressend': mousePress, 'mousedown mousepress': function(e){ step.stepUp(); } }) ; $('.step-down', this.buttonWrapper) .on({ 'mousepressstart mousepressend': mousePress, 'mousedown mousepress': function(e){ step.stepDown(); } }) ; initChangeEvents(); } }; ['readonly', 'disabled'].forEach(function(name){ spinBtnProto[name] = function(val){ if(this.options[name] != val || !this._init){ this.options[name] = !!val; if(name == 'readonly' && this.options.noInput){ this.element .prop(name, true) .attr({'aria-readonly': this.options[name]}) ; } else { this.element.prop(name, this.options[name]); } this.buttonWrapper[this.options[name] ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ws-'+name); } }; }); $.fn.spinbtnUI = function(opts){ opts = $.extend({ monthNames: 'monthNames', size: 1, startView: 0 }, opts); return this.each(function(){ $.webshims.objectCreate(spinBtnProto, { element: { value: $(this) } }, opts); }); }; })(); (function(){ var picker = {}; var disable = { }; var getDateArray = function(date){ var ret = [date.getFullYear(), addZero(date.getMonth() + 1), addZero(date.getDate())]; ret.month = ret[0]+'-'+ret[1]; ret.date = ret[0]+'-'+ret[1]+'-'+ret[2]; return ret; }; var today = getDateArray(new Date()); var _setFocus = function(element, _noFocus){ var setFocus, that; element = $(element || this.activeButton); this.activeButton.attr({tabindex: '-1', 'aria-selected': 'false'}); this.activeButton = element.attr({tabindex: '0', 'aria-selected': 'true'}); this.index = this.buttons.index(this.activeButton[0]); clearTimeout(this.timer); if(!this.popover.openedByFocus && !_noFocus){ that = this; setFocus = function(noTrigger){ clearTimeout(that.timer); that.timer = setTimeout(function(){ if(element[0]){ element[0].focus(); if(noTrigger !== true && !element.is(':focus')){ setFocus(true); } } }, that.popover.isVisible ? 99 : 360); }; this.popover.activateElement(element); setFocus(); } }; var _initialFocus = function(){ var sel; if(this.popover.navedInitFocus){ sel = this.popover.navedInitFocus.sel || this.popover.navedInitFocus; if((!this.activeButton || !this.activeButton[0]) && this.buttons[sel]){ this.activeButton = this.buttons[sel](); } else if(sel){ this.activeButton = $(sel, this.element); } if(!this.activeButton[0] && this.popover.navedInitFocus.alt){ this.activeButton = this.buttons[this.popover.navedInitFocus.alt](); } } if(!this.activeButton || !this.activeButton[0]){ this.activeButton = this.buttons.filter('.checked-value'); } if(!this.activeButton[0]){ this.activeButton = this.buttons.filter('.this-value'); } if(!this.activeButton[0]){ this.activeButton = this.buttons.eq(0); } this.setFocus(this.activeButton, this.opts.noFocus); }; webshims.ListBox = function (element, popover, opts){ this.element = $('ul', element); this.popover = popover; this.opts = opts || {}; this.buttons = $('button:not(:disabled)', this.element); this.ons(this); this._initialFocus(); }; webshims.ListBox.prototype = { setFocus: _setFocus, _initialFocus: _initialFocus, prev: function(){ var index = this.index - 1; if(index < 0){ if(this.opts.prev){ this.popover.navedInitFocus = 'last'; this.popover.actionFn(this.opts.prev); this.popover.navedInitFocus = false; } } else { this.setFocus(this.buttons.eq(index)); } }, next: function(){ var index = this.index + 1; if(index >= this.buttons.length){ if(this.opts.next){ this.popover.navedInitFocus = 'first'; this.popover.actionFn(this.opts.next); this.popover.navedInitFocus = false; } } else { this.setFocus(this.buttons.eq(index)); } }, ons: function(that){ this.element .on({ 'keydown': function(e){ var handled; var key = e.keyCode; if(e.ctrlKey){return;} if(key == 36 || key == 33){ that.setFocus(that.buttons.eq(0)); handled = true; } else if(key == 34 || key == 35){ that.setFocus(that.buttons.eq(that.buttons.length - 1)); handled = true; } else if(key == 38 || key == 37){ that.prev(); handled = true; } else if(key == 40 || key == 39){ that.next(); handled = true; } if(handled){ return false; } } }) ; } }; webshims.Grid = function (element, popover, opts){ this.element = $('tbody', element); this.popover = popover; this.opts = opts || {}; this.buttons = $('button:not(:disabled,.othermonth)', this.element); this.ons(this); this._initialFocus(); if(this.popover.openedByFocus){ this.popover.activeElement = this.activeButton; } }; webshims.Grid.prototype = { setFocus: _setFocus, _initialFocus: _initialFocus, first: function(){ this.setFocus(this.buttons.eq(0)); }, last: function(){ this.setFocus(this.buttons.eq(this.buttons.length - 1)); }, upPage: function(){ $('.ws-picker-header > button:not(:disabled)', this.popover.element).trigger('click'); }, downPage: function(){ this.activeButton.filter(':not([data-action="changeInput"])').trigger('click'); }, ons: function(that){ this.element .on({ 'keydown': function(e){ var handled; var key = e.keyCode; if(e.shiftKey){return;} if((e.ctrlKey && key == 40)){ handled = 'downPage'; } else if((e.ctrlKey && key == 38)){ handled = 'upPage'; } else if(key == 33 || (e.ctrlKey && key == 37)){ handled = 'prevPage'; } else if(key == 34 || (e.ctrlKey && key == 39)){ handled = 'nextPage'; } else if(e.keyCode == 36 || e.keyCode == 33){ handled = 'first'; } else if(e.keyCode == 35){ handled = 'last'; } else if(e.keyCode == 38){ handled = 'up'; } else if(e.keyCode == 37){ handled = 'prev'; } else if(e.keyCode == 40){ handled = 'down'; } else if(e.keyCode == 39){ handled = 'next'; } if(handled){ that[handled](); return false; } } }) ; } }; $.each({ prevPage: {get: 'last', action: 'prev'}, nextPage: {get: 'first', action: 'next'} }, function(name, val){ webshims.Grid.prototype[name] = function(){ if(this.opts[val.action]){ this.popover.navedInitFocus = { sel: 'button[data-id="'+ this.activeButton.attr('data-id') +'"]:not(:disabled,.othermonth)', alt: val.get }; this.popover.actionFn(this.opts[val.action]); this.popover.navedInitFocus = false; } }; }); $.each({ up: {traverse: 'prevAll', get: 'last', action: 'prev', reverse: true}, down: {traverse: 'nextAll', get: 'first', action: 'next'} }, function(name, val){ webshims.Grid.prototype[name] = function(){ var cellIndex = this.activeButton.closest('td').prop('cellIndex'); var sel = 'td:nth-child('+(cellIndex + 1)+') button:not(:disabled,.othermonth)'; var button = this.activeButton.closest('tr')[val.traverse](); if(val.reverse){ button = $(button.get().reverse()); } button = button.find(sel)[val.get](); if(!button[0]){ if(this.opts[val.action]){ this.popover.navedInitFocus = sel+':'+val.get; this.popover.actionFn(this.opts[val.action]); this.popover.navedInitFocus = false; } } else { this.setFocus(button.eq(0)); } }; }); $.each({ prev: {traverse: 'prevAll',get: 'last', reverse: true}, next: {traverse: 'nextAll', get: 'first'} }, function(name, val){ webshims.Grid.prototype[name] = function(){ var sel = 'button:not(:disabled,.othermonth)'; var button = this.activeButton.closest('td')[val.traverse]('td'); if(val.reverse){ button = $(button.get().reverse()); } button = button.find(sel)[val.get](); if(!button[0]){ button = this.activeButton.closest('tr')[val.traverse]('tr'); if(val.reverse){ button = $(button.get().reverse()); } button = button.find(sel)[val.get](); } if(!button[0]){ if(this.opts[name]){ this.popover.navedInitFocus = val.get; this.popover.actionFn(this.opts[name]); this.popover.navedInitFocus = false; } } else { this.setFocus(button.eq(0)); } }; }); picker.getWeek = function(date){ var onejan = new Date(date.getFullYear(),0,1); return Math.ceil((((date - onejan) / 86400000) + onejan.getDay()+1)/7); }; picker.getYearList = function(value, data){ var j, i, val, disabled, lis, prevDisabled, nextDisabled, classStr, classArray, start; var size = data.options.size; var max = data.options.max.split('-'); var min = data.options.min.split('-'); var currentValue = data.options.value.split('-'); var xthCorrect = 0; var enabled = 0; var str = ''; var rowNum = 0; if(data.options.useDecadeBase == 'max' && max[0]){ xthCorrect = 11 - (max[0] % 12); } else if(data.options.useDecadeBase == 'min' && min[0]){ xthCorrect = 11 - (min[0] % 12); } value = value[0] * 1; start = value - ((value + xthCorrect) % (12 * size)); for(j = 0; j < size; j++){ if(j){ start += 12; } else { prevDisabled = picker.isInRange([start-1], max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setYearList','value': start-1} : false; } str += '
'+ curCfg.date.weekHeader +' | '); } for(k = curCfg.date.firstDay; k < curCfg.date.dayNamesShort.length; k++){ str.push(''+ curCfg.date.dayNamesShort[k] +' | '); } k = curCfg.date.firstDay; while(k--){ str.push(''+ curCfg.date.dayNamesShort[k] +' | '); } str.push('
'+ week +' | '); } for (i = 0; i < 99; i++) { addTr = (i && !(i % 7)); curMonth = date.getMonth(); otherMonth = lastMotnh != curMonth; day = date.getDay(); classArray = []; if(addTr && otherMonth ){ str.push('||
'+ week +' | '); } } if(!i){ if(day != curCfg.date.firstDay){ nDay = day - curCfg.date.firstDay; if(nDay < 0){ nDay += 7; } date.setDate(date.getDate() - nDay); day = date.getDay(); curMonth = date.getMonth(); otherMonth = lastMotnh != curMonth; } } dateArray = getDateArray(date); buttonStr = ''); date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); } str.push(' |