#Sample file of what your params.yml file should include #ciinabox default config ciinabox_version: 0.1 ciinabox_name: example aws_profile: example aws_region: us-east-1 aws_account_id: 198712987398 #override S3 bucket location source_bucket: source.aws.example.com #add if you want ecs docker volume != 22GB - must be > 22 #ecs_docker_volume_size: 100 #use this to change volume snapshot for running ciinabox #ecs_data_volume_name: "ECSDataVolume2s" #set the size of the ecs data volume -- NOTE: would take a new volume - i.e. change volume name #ecs_data_volume_size: 250 #set the snapshot to restore from #ecs_data_volume_snapshot: snap-49e2b3b5 #optional ciinabox name if you need more than one or you want a different name #stack_name: ciinabox-tools #for internal elb for jenkins #internal_elb: false #ciinabox ECS cluster name cluster_name: ciinabox #log level - change to :debug to see the AWS commands being executed log_level: :info #change this to your own dns_domain #domain needs to be manage via route53 since the cloudformation adds additional records dns_domain: tools.aws.example.com #icinga2_image: AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.AWS_REGION/base2/icinga2:VERSION_TAG #AWS Availability Zones Idenifers availability_zones: - 'A' - 'B' azId: A: 0 B: 1 C: 2 D: 3 E: 4 #ciinabox environment config Mappings: EnvironmentType: ciinabox: KeyName: ciinabox SSLCertARN: "arn:aws:iam::198712987398:server-certificate/ciinabox" NetworkPrefix: 10 StackOctet: 150 StackMask: 16 SubnetMask: 26 NatInstanceType: t2.micro ECSInstanceType: t2.large #Subnet offsets 10.150.x.0/26 vpc: SubnetOctetA: "0" SubnetOctetB: "1" ecs: SubnetOctetA: "2" SubnetOctetB: "3" #Amazon Linux AMI 2015.03.1 (HVM), SSD Volume Type natAMI: us-east-1: ami: ami-60b6c60a us-west-2: ami: ami-f0091d91 ap-southeast-2: ami: ami-48d38c2b eu-west-1: ami: ami-bff32ccc ecs_ami: us-east-1: ami: ami-cb2305a1 us-west-2: ami: ami-ec75908c ap-southeast-2: ami: ami-83af8ae0 eu-west-1: ami: ami-13f84d60 #Environment Access #add list of public IP addresses you want to access the environment from #default to public access probably best to change this opsAccess: - #add list of public IP addresses for your developers to access the environment #default to public access probably best to change this devAccess: - #Example # Upload a default ssl cert to AWS to be used by default to ciinabox service ELBs default_ssl_cert_id: "arn:aws:iam::198712987398:server-certificate/ciinabox" #extra_stacks: # elk: # #define template name? - optional # file_name: elk # parameters: # RoleName: search # CertName: x # SubnetOctetA: 11 # SubnetOctetB: 12