STANDARD_URL = "http://#{WEBSERVER}:#{HTTP_PORT_NUMBER}/SampleService/RubyOData.svc" BASICAUTH_URL = "http://#{WEBSERVER}:#{HTTP_PORT_NUMBER}/SampleService/BasicAuth/RubyOData.svc" HTTPS_BASICAUTH_URL = "https://#{WEBSERVER}:#{HTTPS_PORT_NUMBER}/SampleService/BasicAuth/RubyOData.svc" When /^(.*) first (last query )?result(\'s)?(.*)$/ do |pre, last_query, apos, post| the_step = "#{pre} #{last_query}result#{apos}#{post}" first_result step the_step end When /^(.*) first (last )?save result(.*)$/ do |pre, last, post| the_step = "#{pre} #{last}save result#{post}" first_save step the_step end Given /^a HTTP ODataService exists$/ do VCR.use_cassette("unsecured_metadata") do @service = end end Given /^a HTTP BasicAuth ODataService exists using username "([^\"]*)" and password "([^\"]*)"$/ do |username, password| @service =, { :username => username, :password => password }) end Given /^a HTTP BasicAuth ODataService exists using username "([^\"]*)" and password "([^\"]*)" it should throw an exception with message "([^\"]*)"$/ do |username, password, msg| expect { @service =, { :username => username, :password => password }) }.to raise_error(msg) end Given /^a HTTP BasicAuth ODataService exists it should throw an exception with message "([^\"]*)"$/ do |msg| expect { @service = }.to raise_error(msg) end Given /^a HTTPS BasicAuth ODataService exists using self-signed certificate and username "([^\"]*)" and password "([^\"]*)"$/ do |username, password| @service =, { :username => username, :password => password, :verify_ssl => false }) end When /^I call "([^\"]*)" on the service$/ do |method| @service_query = @service.send(method) end Then /^the integer result should be ([^\"]*)$/ do |result| expect(@service_result).to eq result.to_i end Then /^I should be able to call "([^\"]*)" on the service$/ do |method| expect { @service.send(method) }.to_not raise_error end Then /^I should not be able to call "([^\"]*)" on the service$/ do |method| expect { @service.send(method) }.to raise_error end Then /^I should be able to call "([^\"]*)" on the service with args: "([^\"]*)"$/ do |method, args| expect { @service.send(method, args) }.to_not raise_error end When /^I call "([^\"]*)" on the service with args: "([^\"]*)"$/ do |method, args| @service_query = @service.send(method, args) end When /^I run the query$/ do @service_result = @service.execute end Then /^the result should be of type "([^\"]*)"$/ do |type| expect(@service_result.class.to_s).to eq type end Then /^the result should have a method: "([^\"]*)"$/ do |method| expect(@service_result.respond_to?(method.to_sym)).to eq true end Then /^the method "([^\"]*)" on the result should equal: "([^\"]*)"$/ do |method, value| expect(@service_result.send(method.to_sym).to_s).to eq value end Then /^the method "([^\"]*)" on the result should be nil$/ do |method| expect(@service_result.send(method.to_sym)).to eq nil end When /^I set "([^\"]*)" on the result to "([^\"]*)"$/ do |property_name, value| @service_result.send("#{property_name}=", value) end Given /^I expand the query to include "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expands| @service_query.expand(expands) end When /^I filter the query with: "([^\"]*)"$/ do |filter| @service_query.filter(filter) end When /^I order by: "([^\"]*)"$/ do |order| @service_query.order_by(order) end When /^I skip (\d+)$/ do |skip| @service_query.skip(skip) end When /^I ask for the top (\d+)$/ do |top| end When /^I ask for the count$/ do @service_query.count end When /^I ask for the links for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |nav_prop| @service_query.links(nav_prop) end Then /^the method "([^\"]*)" on the result should be of type "([^\"]*)"$/ do |method, type| result = @service_result.send(method.to_sym) expect(result.class.to_s).to eq type end Given /^I call "([^\"]*)" on the service with a new "([^\"]*)" object(?: with (.*))?$/ do |method, object, fields| fields_hash = parse_fields_string(fields) obj = object.constantize.send(:make, fields_hash) @service.send(method.to_sym, obj) end When /^I save changes$/ do @saved_result = @service.save_changes end Then /^the save result should be of type "([^\"]*)"$/ do |type| expect(@saved_result.class.to_s).to eq type end When /^I call "([^\"]*)" on the service with the last save result$/ do |method| @service.send(method.to_sym, @saved_result) end When /^I call "([^\"]*)" on the service with the last query result$/ do |method| @service.send(method.to_sym, @service_result) end Then /^the save result should equal: "([^\"]*)"$/ do |result| expect(@saved_result.to_s).to eq result end Then /^the method "([^\"]*)" on the save result should equal: "([^\"]*)"$/ do |method, value| result = @saved_result.send(method.to_sym) expect(result).to eq value end When /^blueprints exist for the service$/ do require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "../../../test/blueprints") end Given /^I call "([^\"]*)" on the service with a new "([^\"]*)" object it should throw an exception with message "([^\"]*)"$/ do |method, object, msg| obj = object.constantize.send :make expect { @service.send(method.to_sym, obj) }.to raise_error(msg) end When /^I save changes it should throw an exception with message containing "([^"]*)"$/ do |msg| expect { @service.save_changes }.to raise_error(/#{msg}.*/) end Then /^no "([^\"]*)" should exist$/ do |collection| @service.send(collection) results = @service.execute expect(results).to eq [] end Then /^the primitive results should be:$/ do |table| # table is a Cucumber::Ast::Table values = table.hashes result_table = values table.diff!(result_table) end Then /^the result should be:$/ do |table| # table is a Cucumber::Ast::Table fields = table.hashes[0].keys # Build an array of hashes so that we can compare tables results = [] @service_result.each do |result| obj_hash = fields.each do |field| obj_hash[field] = result.send(field) end results << obj_hash end result_table = results table.diff!(result_table) end Then /^a class named "([^\"]*)" should exist$/ do |klass_name| expect(Object.const_defined? klass_name).to eq true end # Operations against a method on the service result When /^I call "([^\"]*)" for "([^\"]*)" on the result$/ do |method2, method1| r1 = @service_result.send(method1) @operation_result = r1.send(method2) end Then /^the operation should not be null$/ do expect(@operation_result.nil?).to eq false end Then /^the method "([^\"]*)" on the result's method "([^\"]*)" should equal: "([^\"]*)"$/ do |method, result_method, value| obj = @service_result.send(result_method.to_sym) expect(obj.send(method.to_sym).to_s).to eq value end When /^I set "([^\"]*)" on the result's method "([^\"]*)" to "([^\"]*)"$/ do |property_name, result_method, value| @service_result.send(result_method).send("#{property_name}=", value) end # Type tests Then /^the "([^\"]*)" method on the object should return a (.*)/ do |method_name, type| methods = method_name.split '.' if methods.length == 1 expect(@service_result.first.send(method_name).class.to_s).to eq type else expect(@service_result.first.send(methods[0]).send(methods[1]).class.to_s).to eq type end end Then /^I store the last query result for comparison$/ do @stored_query_result = @service_result end Then /^the new query result's time "([^\"]*)" should equal the saved query result$/ do |method_name| methods = method_name.split '.' expect(@service_result.send(methods[0]).send(methods[1]).xmlschema(3)).to eq @stored_query_result.send(methods[0]).send(methods[1]).xmlschema(3) end Then /^the result count should be (\d+)$/ do |expected_count| expect(@service_result.count).to eq expected_count.to_i end When /^I add a link between #{capture_model} and #{capture_model} on "([^"]*)"$/ do |parent, child, property| @service.add_link(created_model(parent), property, created_model(child)) end Given /^I call the service method "([^"]*)"(?: with (.*))?$/ do |method, args| if args @service_result = @service.send(method, args) else @service_result = @service.send(method) end end When /^(.*) within a cassette named "([^"]*)"$/ do |the_step, cassette_name| VCR.use_cassette(cassette_name) { step the_step } end