require 'pact_broker/repositories/helpers' require 'pact_broker/matrix/row' require 'pact_broker/matrix/latest_row' require 'pact_broker/error' module PactBroker module Matrix class Error < PactBroker::Error; end class Repository include PactBroker::Repositories::Helpers include PactBroker::Repositories # TODO move latest verification logic in to database GROUP_BY_PROVIDER_VERSION_NUMBER = [:consumer_name, :consumer_version_number, :provider_name, :provider_version_number] GROUP_BY_PROVIDER = [:consumer_name, :consumer_version_number, :provider_name] GROUP_BY_PACT = [:consumer_name, :provider_name] # Return the latest matrix row (pact/verification) for each consumer_version_number/provider_version_number def find selectors, options = {} # The group with the nil provider_version_numbers will be the results of the left outer join # that don't have verifications, so we need to include them all. lines = query_matrix(resolve_selectors(selectors, options), options) lines = apply_latestby(options, selectors, lines) if options.key?(:success) lines ={ |l| options[:success].include?(l.success) } end lines.sort.collect(&:values) end def apply_latestby options, selectors, lines return lines unless options[:latestby] == 'cvp' || options[:latestby] == 'cp' group_by_columns = case options[:latestby] when 'cvp' then GROUP_BY_PROVIDER when 'cp' then GROUP_BY_PACT end lines.group_by{|line| group_by_columns.collect{|key| line.send(key) }} .values .collect{ | lines | lines.first.provider_version_number.nil? ? lines : lines.first } .flatten end def find_for_consumer_and_provider pacticipant_1_name, pacticipant_2_name selectors = [{ pacticipant_name: pacticipant_1_name }, { pacticipant_name: pacticipant_2_name }] options = { latestby: 'cvpv' } query_matrix(resolve_selectors(selectors, options), options).sort.collect(&:values) end def find_compatible_pacticipant_versions selectors find(selectors, latestby: 'cvpv').select{|line| line[:success] } end def query_matrix selectors, options query = view_for(options).select_all.matching_selectors(selectors) query = query.limit(options[:limit]) if options[:limit] query.order_by_names_ascending_most_recent_first.all end def view_for(options) options[:latestby] ? LatestRow : Row end def resolve_selectors(selectors, options) selectors = look_up_versions_for_latest_and_tag(selectors, options) if options[:latest] apply_latest_and_tag_to_inferred_selectors(selectors, options) else selectors end end # Find the version number for selectors with the latest (tagged) version specified def look_up_versions_for_latest_and_tag(selectors, options) selectors.collect do | selector | # resource validation currently stops tag being specified without latest=true if selector[:tag] && selector[:latest] version = version_repository.find_by_pacticpant_name_and_latest_tag(selector[:pacticipant_name], selector[:tag]) raise"Could not find version with tag #{selector[:tag].inspect} for #{selector[:pacticipant_name]}") unless version # validation in resource should ensure we always have a version { pacticipant_name: selector[:pacticipant_name], pacticipant_version_number: version.number } elsif selector[:latest] version = version_repository.find_latest_by_pacticpant_name(selector[:pacticipant_name]) { pacticipant_name: selector[:pacticipant_name], pacticipant_version_number: version.number } else selector end end end # eg. when checking to see if Foo version 2 can be deployed to prod, # need to look up all the 'partner' pacticipants, and determine their latest prod versions def apply_latest_and_tag_to_inferred_selectors(selectors, options) all_pacticipant_names = all_pacticipant_names_in_specified_matrix(selectors, options) specified_names = selectors.collect{ |s| s[:pacticipant_name] } inferred_names = all_pacticipant_names - specified_names inferred_selectors = inferred_names.collect do | pacticipant_name | { pacticipant_name: pacticipant_name, latest: options[:latest] }.tap { |it| it[:tag] = options[:tag] if options[:tag] } end selectors + look_up_versions_for_latest_and_tag(inferred_selectors, options) end def all_pacticipant_names_in_specified_matrix(selectors, options) query = view_for(options).select(:consumer_name, :provider_name) query = query.matching_selectors(selectors) query .all .collect{ | row | [row.consumer_name, row.provider_name] } .flatten .uniq end end end end