- table_options = {} unless defined? table_options and table_options - entity_options = table_options[:tsv_entity_options] unless defined? entity_options and entity_options - headers = table_options[:headers] - table_id = table_options[:table_id] unless defined? table_id and table_id - table_class = table_options[:table_class] unless defined? table_class and table_class - header = table_options[:header] unless defined? header and header - row_ids = table_options[:row_ids] unless defined? row_ids and row_ids - row_ids = consume if row_ids and row_ids.to_s == "false" - table_url = table_options[:url] unless defined? table_url and table_url - total_size = table_options[:total_size] unless defined? total_size and total_size - filters = table_options[:filters] unless defined? filters and filters - span = table_options[:span] unless defined? span and not span.nil? - list_links = table_options[:list_links] unless defined? list_links and list_links - footer = table_options[:footer] unless defined? footer and footer - footer = true if footer.nil? - page = @page unless defined? page and not page.nil? - unnamed = table_options[:unnamed] %table.ui.table(id="#{Misc.snake_case(table_id)}" class=table_class attr-url=table_url attr-total_size=total_size attr-page=page) - if table_id %caption %span.title= Misc.humanize table_id - if header %thead %tr - header.shift if row_ids == :consume - header.each do |header| %th= header %tbody< - rows.each do |row| - case row_ids - when :consume - row_id = row.shift - when :use - row_id = row.first - else - row_id = nil %tr(id=row_id) - row.each_with_index do |value, i| - list_id = "#{ Misc.humanize(table_id) }: #{header[i]} for #{row.first}" if list_links and table_id and header and AnnotatedArray === value - field = header ? header[i] : nil - val = table_value(value, field, :list_id => list_id, :unnamed => unnamed, :entity_options => entity_options, :span => span) %td= Float === val ? "%.5g" % val : val.to_s -#{{{ TFOOT - if footer %tfoot %tr %th(colspan="#{header ? header.length : 100}") - if page = partial_render('partials/table/page', :page => page, :total_size => total_size) - if table_url %ul.table_actions = partial_render('partials/table/filters', :table_url => table_url, :header => header, :id => "rbbt_reveal_" << Misc.digest(table_url)) = partial_render('partials/table/column', :table_url => table_url, :header => header) = partial_render('partials/table/files', :table_url => table_url)