## Problems ### JSON Format Tickets are represented as JSON objects which have the following keys: | Name | Type | Read-only | Mandatory | Comment | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | --------- | --------- | ------- | id | integer | yes | no | Automatically assigned when creating tickets | url | string | yes | no | The API url of this ticket | external_id | string | no | no | A unique external id, you can use this to link Zendesk tickets to local records | type | string | no | no | The type of this ticket, i.e. "problem", "incident", "question" or "task" | subject | string | no | no | The value of the subject field for this ticket | description | string | yes | no | The first comment on the ticket | priority | string | no | no | Priority, defines the urgency with which the ticket should be addressed: "urgent", "high", "normal", "low" | status | string | no | no | The state of the ticket, "new", "open", "pending", "hold", "solved", "closed" | recipient | string | yes | no | The original recipient e-mail address of the ticket | requester_id | integer | no | yes | The user who requested this ticket | submitter_id | integer | yes | no | The user who submitted the ticket; this is the currently authenticated API user | assignee_id | integer | no | no | What agent is currently assigned to the ticket | organization_id | integer | yes | no | The organization of the requester | group_id | integer | no | no | The group this ticket is assigned to | collaborator_ids | array | no | no | Who are currently CC'ed on the ticket | forum_topic_id | integer | no | no | The topic this ticket originated from, if any | problem_id | integer | no | no | The problem this incident is linked to, if any | has_incidents | boolean | yes | no | Is true of this ticket has been marked as a problem, false otherwise | due_at | date | no | no | If this is a ticket of type "task" it has a due date. Due date format uses [ISO 8601](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) format. | tags | array | no | no | The array of tags applied to this ticket | via | [Via](ticket_audits.html#the-via-object) | yes | no | This object explains how the ticket was created | custom_fields | array | no | no | The custom fields of the ticket | satisfaction_rating | object | yes | no | The satisfaction rating of the ticket, if it exists | sharing_agreement_ids | array | yes | no | The ids of the sharing agreements used for this ticket | created_at | date | yes | no | When this record was created | updated_at | date | yes | no | When this record last got updated #### Example ```js { "id": 35436, "url": "https://company.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/35436.json", "external_id": "ahg35h3jh", "created_at": "2009-07-20T22:55:29Z", "updated_at": "2011-05-05T10:38:52Z", "type": "incident", "subject": "Help, my printer is on fire!", "description": "The fire is very colorful.", "priority": "high", "status": "open", "recipient": "support@company.com", "requester_id": 20978392, "submitter_id": 76872, "assignee_id": 235323, "organization_id": 509974, "group_id": 98738, "collaborator_ids": [35334, 234], "forum_topic_id": 72648221, "problem_id": 9873764, "has_incidents": false, "due_at": null, "tags": ["enterprise", "other_tag"], "via": { "channel": "web" }, "custom_fields": [ { "id": 27642, "value": "745" }, { "id": 27648, "value": "yes" } ], "satisfaction_rating": { "score": "good", "comment": "Great support!" }, "sharing_agreement_ids": [84432] } ``` ### Listing Ticket Problems `GET /api/v2/problems.json` #### Allowed For * Agents #### Using curl ```bash curl https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/problems.json \ -v -u {email_address}:{password} ``` #### Example Response ```http Status: 200 OK { "tickets": [ { "id": 33, "subject": "My printer is on fire", "description": "The fire is very colorful.", "status": "open", ... }, { "id": 34, "subject": "The printer is on fire over here too", "description": "The fire is very colorful as well!", "status": "pending", ... }, ] } ```