en: attributes: attributes attribute: zero: attribute one: attribute all: all attributes other: attributes back: back to attributes not_exist: the requested attribute does not exist create: text: create a field choice: create a choice success: the attribute was successfully created failed: a problem occured during the attribute creation action: create an attribute access_method: attribute update: success: the attribute was successfully updated failed: a problem occured during the attribute update action: edit attribute destroy: success: the attribute was successfully deleted failed: a problem occured during the attribute deletion confirm: are you sure to delete this attribute ? action: delete attribute duplicate: action: duplicate attribute value: one: choice other: choices new: add choice access_method: access method text_attribute: one: text other: texts field: text field preview: preview longtext_attribute: one: longtext other: longtexts field: longtext field preview: preview picklist_attribute: one: picklist other: picklists field: picklist field preview: preview checkbox_attribute: one: checkbox other: checkboxes field: checkbox field preview: preview date_attribute: one: date other: dates field: date field preview: preview number_attribute: one: number other: numbers field: number field preview: preview url_attribute: one: url other: urls field: url field preview: preview radiobutton_attribute: one: choice other: choices field: radiobutton field preview: preview attribute_value: one: attribute value other: attribute values