require 'open3' HEAD = """#compdef _vagrant vagrant # ZSH completion for Vagrant # # To use this completion add this to ~/.zshrc # fpath=(/path/to/this/dir $fpath) # compinit # # For development reload the function after making changes # unfunction _vagrant && autoload -U _vagrant """ BOX_LIST_FUNCTION = """ __box_list () { _wanted application expl 'command' compadd $(command vagrant box list | awk '{print $1}' ) } """ PLUGIN_LIST_FUNCTION = """ __plugin_list () { _wanted application expl 'command' compadd $(command vagrant plugin list | awk '{print $1}') } """ ADD_FEATURE_FLAGS = ["remove", "repackage", "update", "repair", "uninstall"] VAGRANT_COMMAND = "vagrant" FLAG_REGEX = /--(\S)*/ CMDS_REGEX = /^(\s){1,}(\w)(\S)*/ def make_string_script_safe(s) s.gsub("[","(").gsub("]",")").gsub("-","_").gsub("'", "") end def remove_square_brakets(s) s.gsub("[","(").gsub("]",")") end def format_flags(group_name, flags) group_name = make_string_script_safe(group_name) opts_str = "local -a #{group_name} && #{group_name}=(\n" flags.each do |flag, desc| opts_str = opts_str + " '#{remove_square_brakets(flag)}=[#{make_string_script_safe(desc)}]'\n" end opts_str + ")" end def format_subcommand(group_name, cmds) opts_str = "local -a #{group_name} && #{group_name}=(\n" cmds.each do |cmd, desc| opts_str = opts_str + " '#{cmd}:#{desc}'\n" end opts_str + ")" end def format_case(group_name, cmds, cmd_list, feature_string) case_str = """case $state in (command) _describe -t commands 'command' #{group_name} return ;; (options) case $line[1] in """ cmds.each do |cmd, desc| if cmd_list.include?(cmd) case_append = """ #{cmd}) _arguments -s -S : $#{make_string_script_safe(cmd)}_arguments #{feature_string if ADD_FEATURE_FLAGS.include?(cmd)} ;; """ else case_append = """ #{cmd}) __vagrant-#{cmd} ;; """ end case_str = case_str + case_append end case_str = case_str + """esac ;; esac """ end def extract_flags(top_level_commands) flags = { |c| [c.match(FLAG_REGEX)[0], c.split(" ")[-1].strip] if c.strip.start_with?("--") }.compact end def extract_subcommand(top_level_commands) cmds = { |c| [c.match(CMDS_REGEX)[0].strip, c.split(" ")[-1].strip] if c.match(CMDS_REGEX) }.compact end def get_top_level_commands(root_command, cmd_list) stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3("vagrant #{root_command} -h") top_level_commands = stdout.split("\n") root_subcommand = extract_subcommand(top_level_commands) commands = format_subcommand("sub_commands", root_subcommand) if root_command == "box" feature_string = "':feature:__box_list'" elsif root_command == "plugin" feature_string = "':feature:__plugin_list'" else feature_string = "" end case_string = format_case("sub_commands", root_subcommand, cmd_list, feature_string) flags_def = "" root_subcommand.each do |cmd, desc| next if !cmd_list.include?(cmd) stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3("vagrant #{root_command} #{cmd} -h") cmd_help = stdout.split("\n") flags_def = flags_def + format_flags("#{cmd}_arguments", extract_flags(cmd_help)) + "\n\n" end return commands, flags_def, case_string end def format_script(root_command, subcommands, funciton_name) top_level_commands, top_level_args, state_case = get_top_level_commands(root_command, subcommands) script = """ function #{funciton_name} () { #{top_level_commands} #{top_level_args} _arguments -C ':command:->command' '*::options:->options' #{state_case} } """ end def generate_script subcommand_list = { "" => ["cloud", "destroy", "global-status", "halt", "help", "login", "init", "package", "port", "powershell", "provision", "push", "rdp", "reload", "resume", "ssh", "ssh-config", "status", "suspend", "up", "upload", "validate", "version", "winrm", "winrm-config"], "box" => ["add", "list", "outdated", "prune", "remove", "repackage", "update"], "snapshot" => ["delete", "list", "pop", "push", "restore", "save"], "plugin" => ["install", "expunge", "license", "list", "repair", "uninstall", "update"], } script = """#{HEAD} #{BOX_LIST_FUNCTION} #{PLUGIN_LIST_FUNCTION} """ subcommand_list.each do |cmd, opts| if cmd != "" function_name = "__vagrant-#{cmd}" else function_name = "_vagrant" end script = script + format_script(cmd, opts, function_name) end script end puts generate_script