{ "id": "distributor.json#", "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "type": "object", "example": "../../examples/full_example.json#/metadata/distributionInfo", "description": "Information about the distributor of and options for obtaining the resource.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_Distribution"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo"] }, "required": ["distributorContact"], "additionalProperties": true, "properties": { "distributorContact": { "description": "Party from whom the resource may be obtained. Note: This list need not be exhaustive.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_Distribution > distributor > MD_Distributor > distributorContact > CI_ResponsibleParty"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > distrib > cntinfo"] }, "$ref": "contact.json#/definitions/contactRef" }, "distributionOrderProcess": { "type": "array", "description": "Provides information about how the resource may be obtained and related instructions and fee information.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_Distribution > distributor > MD_Distributor > distributionOrderProcess > MD_StandardOrderProcess"] }, "items": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": true, "properties": { "fees": { "type": "string", "description": "Fees and terms for retrieving the resource, including monetary units.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_StandardOrderProcess > fees"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > stdorder > fees"] } }, "plannedAvailabilityDateTime": { "description": "Date and time when the resource will be available.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_StandardOrderProcess > plannedAvailabilityDateTime"] }, "$ref": "../schema.json#/definitions/date" }, "orderingInstructions": { "type": "string", "description": "General instructions, terms and services provided by the distributor.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_StandardOrderProcess > orderingInstructions"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > stdorder > digform > digtopt > onlinopt > accinstr"] } }, "turnaround": { "type": "string", "description": "Typical turnaround time for the filling of an order.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_StandardOrderProcess > turnaround"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > stdorder > turnarnd"] } } } } }, "distributorFormat": { "type": "array", "deprecated": true, "description": "Provides information about the format used by the distributor. Deprecated: moved to distributorTransferOptions.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_Distribution > distributor > MD_Distributor > distributorFormat > MD_Format"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > stdorder > digform"] }, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/format" } }, "distributorTransferOptions": { "type": "array", "example": "../../examples/full_example.json#/metadata/distributionInfo", "description": "Describes method and media by which a resource is obtained from the distributor.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_Distributor > distributorTransferOptions > MD_DigitalTransferOptions"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > stdorder > digform > digtopt"] }, "items": { "type": "object", "example": "../../examples/full_example.json#/metadata/distributionInfo", "additionalProperties": true, "properties": { "distributorFormat": { "type": "array", "description": "Provides information about the format used by the distributor.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_Distribution > distributor > MD_Distributor > distributorFormat > MD_Format"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > stdorder > digform"] }, "items": { "type": "object", "example": "../../examples/full_example.json#/metadata/distributionInfo", "additionalProperties": true, "properties": { "compressionMethod": { "type": "string", "description": "Method used to compress the format." } }, "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/format" } ] } }, "transferSize": { "type": "number", "description": "Total size of the transfer." }, "transferSizeUnits": { "enum": ["kB", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"], "description": "Units of transfer size." }, "online": { "type": "array", "example": "../../examples/full_example.json#/metadata/distributionInfo", "description": "Information about obtaining the resource on-line.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_DigitalTransferOptions > online > CI_OnlineResource"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > stdorder > digform > digtopt > onlinopt"] }, "items": { "$ref": "onlineResource.json#" }, "uniqueItems": true }, "offline": { "type": "object", "example": "../../examples/full_example.json#/metadata/distributionInfo", "description": "Information about obtaining the resource through off-line procedure.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_DigitalTransferOptions > offline > MD_Medium"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > stdorder > digform > digtopt > offoptn"] }, "additionalProperties": true, "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "description": "Name of the format the data is distributed in, such as: dvd, hardcopy, etc.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_Medium > name [MD_MediumNameCode]"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > stdorder > digform > digtopt > offoptn > offmedia"] } }, "mediumCapacity": { "type": "number", "description": "Total capacity of the storage format." }, "mediumCapacityUnits": { "enum": ["kB", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"], "description": "Units of medium capacity." }, "mediumFormat": { "type": "string", "description": "Method used by the resource provider to write to the medium, such as: tar, iso9660, etc.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_Medium > mediumFormat [MD_MediumFormatCode]"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > stdorder > digform > digtopt > offoptn > recfmt"] } }, "mediumNote": { "type": "string", "description": "Description of other limitations or requirements for using the medium.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_Medium > mediumNote"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > stdorder > digform > digtopt > offoptn > compat"] } } } } } } } }, "definitions": { "format": { "type": "object", "title": "format", "description": "Provides information about the format used by the distributor.", "example": "../../examples/full_example.json#/metadata/resourceInfo/resourceNativeFormat", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_Format"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > stdorder > digform"] }, "required": ["formatName"], "additionalProperties": true, "properties": { "formatName": { "type": "string", "description": "Name of the data transfer format.", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_Format > name"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["distinfo > stdorder > digform > digtinfo > formname"] } }, "version": { "type": "string", "description": "Version of the format (date, number, etc.)", "translation": { "ISO 19115-2": ["MD_Format > version"], "FGDC CSDGM": ["idinfo > citation > citeinfo > edition"] } } } } } }