# # Author:: Hedgehog () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2011 Hedgehog. # Portions of this work are derived from the Chef project # The original license header follows: # # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Christopher Walters () # Author:: Tim Hinderliter () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008, 2010 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # World(::Cuken::Api::Chef::Cookbook) When /^I load the Cookbooks:$/ do |table| cookbooks_load(table) end Then /^these remote Cookbooks exist:$/ do |table| check_remote_cookbook_table_presence(table) end Then /^these remote Cookbooks do not exist:$/ do |table| check_remote_cookbook_table_presence(table, false) end Given /^the remote Cookbook repository "([^"]*)"$/ do |ckbk_repo| in_current_dir do repo = Dir.exist?(ckbk_repo) ? Pathname(ckbk_repo).expand_path.realdirpath : ckbk_repo chef.remote_cookbook_repo = repo end end Given /^the remote Cookbooks URI "([^"]*)"$/ do |ckbk_uri| in_current_dir do repo = Dir.exist?(ckbk_uri) ? Pathname(ckbk_uri).expand_path.realdirpath : ckbk_uri chef.cookbooks_uri = repo end end Given /^the local Cookbook repository "([^"]*)"$/ do |ckbk_repo| in_current_dir do repo = Dir.exist?(ckbk_repo) ? Pathname(ckbk_repo).expand_path.realdirpath : ckbk_repo chef.local_cookbook_repo = repo end end Then /^the local Cookbook repository exists$/ do chef.local_cookbook_repo.exist?.should be_true #TODO: check_file_presence([file], true), etc. end Then /^the local Site\-Cookbook repository exists$/ do chef.local_site_cookbook_repo.exist?.should be_true #TODO: check_file_presence([file], true), etc. end Given /^a Cookbook path "([^"]*)"$/ do |dir_name| create_dir(dir_name) in_current_dir do update_cookbook_paths(dir_name, true) end end Given /^a Cookbooks path "([^"]*)"$/ do |dir_name| create_dir(dir_name) in_current_dir do update_cookbook_paths(dir_name, false) end end Then /^the local Cookbook "([^"]*)" exists$/ do |ckbk| chef.cookbook_paths.each do |pn| curr_ckbk = pn.basename.to_s if curr_ckbk == ckbk break true if curr_ckbk.should == ckbk end end #TODO: check_file_presence([file], true), etc. end Then /^the local Site\-Cookbook "([^"]*)" exists$/ do |ckbk| ckbk_path = 'site-cookbook' chef.cookbook_paths.each do |pn| curr_ckbk = pn.basename.to_s if pn.to_s[/#{ckbk_path}}/] && curr_ckbk == ckbk break true if curr_ckbk.should == ckbk end end #TODO: check_file_presence([file], true), etc. end And /^these local Cookbooks exist:$/ do |table| check_cookbook_table_presence(table) end And /^these local Cookbooks do not exist:$/ do |table| check_cookbook_table_presence(table, false) end And /^these local Site\-Cookbooks exist:$/ do |table| # table is a Cucumber::Ast::Table ckbk_path = 'site-cookbook' table.hashes.each do |hsh| chef.cookbook_paths.each do |pn| curr_ckbk = pn.basename.to_s if pn.to_s[/#{ckbk_path}}/] && curr_ckbk == hsh['cookbook'] break true if curr_ckbk.should == hsh['cookbook'] end end end end Given /^I clone the remote Cookbook repository branch "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)"$/ do |brnch, ckbk_path| if ckbk_path[/\/cookbooks\//] chef.local_cookbook_repo = chef_clone_repo(ckbk_path, true, chef.remote_cookbook_repo, {'branch' => brnch}) elsif ckbk_path[/\/site-cookbooks\//] chef.local_site_cookbook_repo = chef_clone_repo(ckbk_path, true, chef.remote_cookbook_repo, {'branch' => brnch}) end end Given /^I clone the Cookbook "([^"]*)" branch "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)"$/ do |ckbk, brnch, ckbk_path| if ckbk_path[/\/cookbooks\//] chef.local_cookbook_repo = chef_clone_repo(ckbk_path, true, chef.cookbooks_uri + ckbk + '.git', {'branch' => brnch}) elsif ckbk_path[/\/site-cookbooks\//] chef.local_site_cookbook_repo = chef_clone_repo(ckbk_path, true, chef.cookbooks_uri + ckbk + '.git', {'branch' => brnch}) end end When /^I clone the Cookbooks:$/ do |table| table.hashes.each do |hsh| src = {} src['branch'] = hsh['branch'] if hsh['branch'] src['tag'] = hsh['tag'] if hsh['tag'] src['ref'] = hsh['ref'] if hsh['ref'] ckbk = hsh['cookbook'] if hsh['cookbook'] ckbk = hsh['site-cookbook'] if hsh['site-cookbook'] local_repo = chef_clone_repo(hsh['destination'], true, chef.cookbooks_uri + ckbk + '.git', src ) Pathname(local_repo).exist?.should be_true end end When /^I successfully generate all Cookbook metadata$/ do chef.cookbook_paths.each do |pn| curr_ckbk = pn.basename.to_s run_knife_command("cookbook metadata #{curr_ckbk}") end end When /^I successfully generate Cookbook "([^"]*)" metadata$/ do |ckbk| chef.cookbook_paths.each do |pn| curr_ckbk = pn.basename.to_s if curr_ckbk == ckbk run_knife_command("cookbook metadata #{curr_ckbk}") end end end