(* Test/exercise version: "1.0.0" *) open Core_kernel open OUnit2 open React let ae exp got = assert_equal ~printer:(Int.to_string) exp got;; let assert_list_eq exp got = assert_equal ~printer:(List.to_string ~f:Int.to_string) exp got;; let create_int_input_cell = create_input_cell ~eq:Int.equal let create_compute_cell_1 = create_compute_cell_1 ~eq:Int.equal let create_compute_cell_2 = create_compute_cell_2 ~eq:Int.equal let tests = [ "creating an input cell with value then asking for its value returns the same value" >:: (fun _ctx -> let cell = create_int_input_cell ~value:10 in ae 10 (value_of cell) ); "setting an input cell with a new value then asking for its value returns the new value" >:: (fun _ctx -> let cell = create_int_input_cell ~value:10 in set_value cell 20; ae 20 (value_of cell) ); "compute cells calculate from an initial value" >:: (fun _ctx -> let cell = create_int_input_cell ~value:1 in let computed = create_compute_cell_1 cell ~f:succ in ae 2 (value_of computed) ); "compute cells take inputs in the right order" >:: (fun _ctx -> let one = create_int_input_cell ~value:1 in let two = create_int_input_cell ~value:2 in let computed = create_compute_cell_2 one two ~f:(fun x y -> x + 10 * y) in ae 21 (value_of computed) ); "compute cells update value when dependencies are changed" >:: (fun _ctx -> let input = create_int_input_cell ~value:1 in let computed = create_compute_cell_1 input ~f:succ in set_value input 3; ae 4 (value_of computed) ); "compute cells can depend on other compute cells" >:: (fun _ctx -> let input = create_int_input_cell ~value:1 in let times_two = create_compute_cell_1 input ~f:(fun x -> x * 2) in let times_thirty = create_compute_cell_1 input ~f:(fun x -> x * 30) in let computed = create_compute_cell_2 times_two times_thirty ~f:(+) in ae 32 (value_of computed); set_value input 3; ae 96 (value_of computed) ); "compute cells fire callbacks" >:: (fun _ctx -> let input = create_int_input_cell ~value:1 in let output = create_compute_cell_1 input ~f:succ in let record = ref [] in ignore @@ add_callback output ~k:(fun x -> record := x :: !record); set_value input 3; assert_list_eq [4] !record ); "input cells do not fire if no change" >:: (fun _ctx -> let input = create_int_input_cell ~value:2 in let record = ref [] in ignore @@ add_callback input ~k:(fun x -> record := x :: !record); set_value input 2; assert_list_eq [] !record; ); "compute cells do not fire if no change" >:: (fun _ctx -> let input = create_int_input_cell ~value:2 in let output = create_compute_cell_1 input ~f:(fun x -> if x < 3 then 111 else 222) in let record = ref [] in ignore @@ add_callback output ~k:(fun x -> record := x :: !record); set_value input 1; assert_list_eq [] !record; set_value input 1; assert_list_eq [] !record; ); "callback cells do not fire if no change on two calls to set_value" >:: (fun _ctx -> let input = create_int_input_cell ~value:2 in let output = create_compute_cell_1 input ~f:(fun x -> if x < 3 then 111 else 222) in let record = ref [] in ignore @@ add_callback output ~k:(fun x -> record := x :: !record); set_value input 2; set_value input 2; assert_list_eq [] !record; ); "uses the provided eq function to determine if a cell value has changed" >:: (fun _ctx -> let called_eq = ref false in let input = create_input_cell ~value:2 ~eq:(fun _ _ -> called_eq := true; false) in set_value input 2; assert_bool "should call eq" !called_eq; ); "callbacks can be added and removed" >:: (fun _ctx -> let input = create_int_input_cell ~value:2 in let output = create_compute_cell_1 input ~f:Fn.id in let called_callback = ref false in let cb = add_callback output ~k:(fun _ -> called_callback := true) in remove_callback output cb; set_value input 3; assert_bool "should not call callback" (not !called_callback); ); "removing a callback multiple times doesn't interfere with other callbacks" >:: (fun _ctx -> let input = create_int_input_cell ~value:1 in let output = create_compute_cell_1 input ~f:succ in let callback1_calls = ref [] in let callback2_calls = ref [] in let cb1 = add_callback output ~k:(fun x -> callback1_calls := x :: !callback1_calls) in ignore @@ add_callback output ~k:(fun x -> callback2_calls := x :: !callback1_calls); remove_callback output cb1; remove_callback output cb1; set_value input 2; assert_list_eq [] !callback1_calls; assert_list_eq [3] !callback2_calls; ); "callbacks should only be called once even if multiple dependencies change" >:: (fun _ctx -> let input = create_int_input_cell ~value:1 in let plus_one = create_compute_cell_1 input ~f:succ in let minus_one1 = create_compute_cell_1 input ~f:pred in let minus_one2 = create_compute_cell_1 minus_one1 ~f:pred in let output = create_compute_cell_2 plus_one minus_one2 ~f:((fun x y -> x * y)) in let callback1_calls = ref [] in ignore @@ add_callback output ~k:(fun x -> callback1_calls := x :: !callback1_calls); set_value input 4; assert_list_eq [10] !callback1_calls; ); "callbacks should not be called if dependencies change but output value doesn't change" >:: (fun _ctx -> let input = create_int_input_cell ~value:1 in let plus_one = create_compute_cell_1 input ~f:succ in let minus_one1 = create_compute_cell_1 input ~f:pred in let always_two = create_compute_cell_2 plus_one minus_one1 ~f:(fun x y -> x - y) in let callback1_calls = ref [] in ignore @@ add_callback always_two ~k:(fun x -> callback1_calls := x :: !callback1_calls); set_value input 2; set_value input 3; set_value input 5; assert_list_eq [] !callback1_calls; ); ] let () = run_test_tt_main ("react tests" >::: tests)