# 3.0.0 * New "universe" resolver which communicates with an API server to resolve constraint graphs faster and more reliably # 2.0.7 * Fix crash when parsing a lockfile that contains path locations which no longer exist # 2.0.6 * Fix installation failures due to latest release of ActiveSupport * --except and --only will now work with a lockfile present # 2.0.5 * Improve speed of resolution when a lockfile is present * Gracefully fail when a lockfile is present but empty * Fix issue where locked version was not honored if the cookbook store was empty # 2.0.4 * Fix bug where community cookbooks compressed with bzip2 would not download and install * Fix bug regression in Git caching which was previously fixed in 1.4.4 * Fix validation bug where a cookbook would be considered invalid if any spaces were present in the path to the directory containing the cookbook * Fix issues with uploading cookbooks on Windows # 2.0.3 * Fix issue where groups defined in the Berksfile would not be evaluated # 2.0.2 * Fix issue with shellout on Windows. This would effect uploads and downloads of cookbooks using the Git location. * The Berksfile DSL now evaluates in a clean room to prevent end-users from calling restricted methods. * Fix issue with `berks upload -D` not properly skipping dependencies * Added friendly error message when an unknown license is chosen during cookbook generation # 2.0.1 * Improve performance of `berks upload`. It will now properly respect the Lockfile * Fix debug/verbose logging * You can now specify an alternate configuration with -c once again # 2.0.0 * Huge improvements to the Lockfile - They actually work! - Now in JSON format - Old lockfiles will automatically be converted to the new format * Add `berks shelf` command. Any operations on the already installed cookbooks now reside here - `berks shelf list` to list all cookbooks in the Berkshelf - `berks shelf show` to display information about a specific cookbook in the Berkshelf - `berks shelf uninstall` to remove an installed cookbook from the Berkshelf * Add `berks package` command. Will package any cookbooks and dependencies defined in your Berksfile into a tar. * Add `berks apply` command. Take the locked constraints of your lockfile and apply them directly to the an environment's locked cookbook versions. * Test-Kitchen integration (beta) - Add `berks test` command. This is a delegator to `bin/kitchen` - Berkshelf's Cookbook generators will by default generate Test-Kitchen files for you * Remove `berks open` command * Rename `berks info` command to `berks show` # 1.4.4 - Bump Ridley dependency to 0.12, bringing in many bugfixes. # 1.4.3 - Bump Ridley dependency to 0.11, bringing in many bugfixes. # 1.4.2 - Fix git caching bug for huge speedups in Berksfiles with lots of git paths. Thanks to @tylerflint and @jasondunsmore. # 1.4.1 - Berksfile#upload will now honor the given server_url option - Add validation to shortnames of 'site' in Berksfile - Fix init generator issue by locking to the appropriate version of Rubygems # 1.4.0 - Add ability to freeze cookbooks. Cookbooks are frozen on upload by default - Add ability to forcefully upload cookbooks even if they are frozen with the `--force` option - Add `berks info` command for displaying information about cookbooks in your Berkshelf - Add `berks contingent` command for displaying a list of cookbooks which are dependent upon one another - Cookbook generator now has the option of generating chef minispec files (false by default) - Fix bug in downloading cookbooks which were packaged as plain tars instead of tar.gzs - Path locations will now be relative to the Berksfile they are defined in # 1.3.1 - Support for Vagrant 1.1.x - Move Berkshelf Vagrant plugin into it's [own repository](https://github.com/RiotGames/vagrant-berkshelf) - Added -d flag to output debug information in berks command - Various bug fixes in uploading cookbooks # 1.2.0 - Remove Vagrant as a gem dependency - Remove Chef as a gem dependency - Add retries to downloads/uploads - Speed optimizations to resolver - Speed optimizations to downloading cookbooks - Speed optimizations to uploading cookbooks # 1.1.0 ## new/improved commands - `berks show` command: display the file path for the given cookbook's current version resolved by your Berksfile - `berks list` command: list all of the cookbooks and their versions that are installed by resolving your Berksfile - `berks outdated` command (beta): show any cookbooks which have newer versions that are installed by resolving your Berksfile - `berks open` command [alpha]: like `berks show` except used to open the cookbook in your configured editor alpha: use at your own risk - improved `berks upload` command: now takes an optional cookbook name, or names, which will upload the target cookbook(s) to the Chef Server - improved `berks update` command: now takes an optional cookbook name, or names, which will update the target cookbook(s) in the Berksfile.lock ## bug fixes - Improved error output in Vagrant plugin - Stack traces will now be replaced by friendly error messages where possible - Fix init generator on Ruby 1.9.2 - Honor 'chefignore' when vendoring cookbooks this will ensure that you aren't putting junk files into your cookbooks if your distributing them for use with Chef-Solo # 1.0.0 - Windows support - Easier installation by dropping Gecode requirement - Vagrant plugin for a seamless iteration process - Berkshelf has it's own configuration file - `berks configure` command - Github source location - Improved upload/download speed of cookbooks - Lots of bug fixes