- user = link_to(activity.user.full_name, user_path(activity.user)) if activity.user - subject = if (item = activity.related || activity.item) - if item.respond_to?(:full_name) - link_to item.full_name, polymorphic_url(item) - elsif [Account, Campaign, Contact, Lead, Opportunity].include?(item.class) - link_to item.name, polymorphic_url(item) - elsif item.respond_to?(:name) - content_tag :span, item.name, :style => "color:black;" # Individual tasks have no landing pages where we could link to. - known_event = t('action_' + activity.event, :default => 0) != 0 - if (user.present? && subject.present?) || !known_event %li[activity] .tools %small = l(activity.created_at, :format => :short) %tt - if known_event - action = t('action_' + activity.event) - type = t('subject_' + activity.item_type.downcase) = link_to avatar_for(activity.user, :size => :thumb), user_path(activity.user) = t("activity_text", :user => h(user), :action => h(action), :type => h(type), :subject => h(subject), :default => "#{h user} #{h action} #{h type} #{h subject}").html_safe # locales optionally can change the word order for activities using 'activity_text' - if ((item = activity.item).class == Comment) and Setting.comments_visible_on_dashboard = t('action_create_comment', :comment => truncate(h(item.comment), :length => 90)).html_safe - else - type = t(activity.item_type.downcase) - if item.respond_to? :email = avatar_for(item, :size => :thumb) = type = subject = ":" = auto_link(t(activity.event))