module OpenConferenceWare # == Schema Information # # Table name: users # # id :integer not null, primary key # email :string(255) # salt :string(40) # admin :boolean default(FALSE) # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # affiliation :string(128) # biography :text # website :string(1024) # complete_profile :boolean # photo_file_name :string(255) # photo_content_type :string(255) # photo_file_size :integer # first_name :string(255) # last_name :string(255) # blog_url :string(255) # identica :string(255) # twitter :string(255) # selector :boolean default(FALSE) # require 'digest/sha1' class User < OpenConferenceWare::Base #---[ Mixins ]---------------------------------------------------------- include NormalizeUrlMixin include SettingsCheckersMixin include PublicAttributesMixin set_public_attributes \ :id, :fullname, :created_at, :updated_at, :affiliation, :biography, :website, :complete_profile, :twitter, :identica, :blog_url, :label, :label_with_id #---[ Associations ]---------------------------------------------------- has_many :authentications has_and_belongs_to_many :proposals do def ids', ') end end has_many :user_favorites, dependent: :destroy has_many :favorites, through: :user_favorites, source: :proposal do def proposals self end end has_many :selector_votes #---[ Validations ]----------------------------------------------------- validates_presence_of :email, if: :email_required? validates_length_of :email, within: 3..100, if: :email_required? validates_presence_of :first_name, if: :complete_profile? validates_presence_of :last_name, if: :complete_profile? validates_presence_of :email, if: :complete_profile? validates_presence_of :biography, if: :complete_profile? validate :url_validator #---[ Scopes ]---------------------------------------------------------- cols_for_name_sort = 'lower(open_conference_ware_users.last_name), lower(open_conference_ware_users.first_name)' scope :by_name, lambda { order(cols_for_name_sort) } scope :default_order, lambda { by_name } scope :complete_profiles, lambda { where(complete_profile: true).default_order } scope :submitted_to, lambda {|event| select(", open_conference_ware_users.*, #{cols_for_name_sort}"). joins(:proposals). where('open_conference_ware_proposals.event_id = ?', default_order. uniq } scope :speaking_at, lambda {|event| select(", open_conference_ware_users.*, #{cols_for_name_sort}"). joins(:proposals). where("open_conference_ware_proposals.status = 'confirmed' AND open_conference_ware_proposals.event_id = ?", default_order. uniq } #---[ CSV export ]------------------------------------------------------ comma :brief do first_name last_name affiliation email end comma :full do email id first_name last_name affiliation biography website twitter identica blog_url created_at 'Created' updated_at 'Updated' proposals ids: 'Session ids' end comma :public do id first_name last_name affiliation biography website twitter identica blog_url created_at 'Created' updated_at 'Updated' proposals ids: 'Session ids' end #---[ PaperClip avatar images ]----------------------------------------- has_attached_file :photo, path: ":rails_root/public/system/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename", url: "/system/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename", styles: { profile: '200x400>', avatar: '48x48#' } validates_attachment_content_type :photo, :content_type => /\Aimage\/.*\Z/, :unless =>{|r| r.photo_content_type.blank? } #---[ Methods ]--------------------------------------------------------- def self.create_from_authentication(auth) create! do |user| = if auth.has_first_and_last_name? user.first_name =['first_name'] user.last_name =['last_name'] else user.fullname = end user.biography =['description'] = auth.first_url user.authentications << auth end end def role admin? ? :admin : :default end # Return a User instance for a value, which can either be a User, # or a String or Integer id for the User. def self.get(value) case value when User return value when Integer, String return User.find(value.to_i) else raise TypeError, "Unknown argument type #{value.class.to_s.inspect} with value #{value.inspect}" end end # Return a label for the user. def label name = self.fullname.blank? ? nil : self.fullname return name || "User ##{}" end # Return a label for the user with their user ID. def label_with_id return "#{self.label} (#{})" end # Return string with the user's full name, or as much of it as possible, or a nil. def fullname return [self.first_name, self.last_name].compact.join(" ") if ! self.first_name.blank? || ! self.last_name.blank? end # Set the user's first and last name by splitting a single string. def fullname=(value) if value.present? parts = value.split(" ") if parts.length > 1 self.first_name = parts[0..-2].join(' ') self.last_name = parts.last else self.first_name = parts.first end end end # Alias for #fullname for providing common profile methods. def presenter return self.fullname end # Return the user name and maybe their affiliation def fullname_and_affiliation return [self.fullname, self.affiliation].reject(&:blank?).join(' - ') end # Normalize the user's twitter username when reading it def normalized_twitter if self.twitter return self.twitter.sub(/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?\//i, '').sub(/^@/, '') end end # Return the user's twitter profile. def twitter_url if self.twitter return "{self.normalized_twitter}" end end # Return the user's identica profile. def identica_url if self.identica return "{self.identica}" end end def sessions return self.proposals.confirmed end protected # Does this user require an email to be defined? def email_required? user_profiles? && self.complete_profile? end # Ensure URLs are valid, else add validation errors. def url_validator return validate_url_attribute(:website, :blog_url) end end end