require "tty-screen"
require "unicode/display_width"
module Tabulo
# Represents a table primarily intended for "pretty-printing" in a fixed-width font.
# A Table is also an Enumerable, of which each element is a {Row}.
class Table
include Enumerable
# @!visibility public
# @!visibility public
# @!visibility public
# @!visibility public
# @!visibility private
# @!visibility private
attr_reader :column_registry
# @return [Enumerable] the underlying enumerable from which the table derives its data
attr_accessor :sources
# @param [Enumerable] sources the underlying Enumerable from which the table will derive its data
# @param [Array[Symbol]] columns Specifies the initial columns. The Symbols provided must
# be unique. Each element of the Array will be used to create a column whose content is
# created by calling the corresponding method on each element of sources. Note
# the {#add_column} method is a much more flexible way to set up columns on the table.
# @param [:left, :right, :center, :auto] align_body (:auto) Determines the alignment of body cell
# (i.e. non-header) content within columns in this Table. Can be overridden for individual columns
# using the align_body option passed to {#add_column}. If passed :auto,
# alignment is determined by cell content, with numbers aligned right, booleans
# center-aligned, and other values left-aligned.
# @param [:left, :right, :center] align_header (:center) Determines the alignment of header text
# for columns in this Table. Can be overridden for individual columns using the
# align_header option passed to {#add_column}
# @param [:ascii, :markdown, :modern, :blank, nil] border (nil) Determines the characters used
# for the Table border, including both the characters around the outside of table, and the lines drawn
# within the table to separate columns from each other and the header row from the Table body.
# If nil, then the value of {DEFAULT_BORDER} will be used.
# Possible values are:
# - `:ascii` Uses ASCII characters only
# - `:markdown` Produces a GitHub-flavoured Markdown table
# - `:modern` Uses non-ASCII Unicode characters to render a border with smooth continuous lines
# - `:blank` No border characters are rendered
# - `:reduced_ascii` Like `:ascii`, but without left or right borders, and with internal vertical
# borders and intersection characters consisting of whitespace only
# - `:reduced_modern` Like `:modern`, but without left or right borders, and with internal vertical
# borders and intersection characters consisting of whitespace only
# - `:classic` Like `:ascii`, but does not have a horizontal line at the bottom of the
# table. This reproduces the default behaviour in `tabulo` v1.
# @param [nil, #to_proc] border_styler (nil) A lambda or other callable object taking
# a single parameter, representing a section of the table's borders (which for this purpose
# include any horizontal and vertical lines inside the table), and returning a string.
# If passed nil, then no additional styling will be applied to borders. If passed a
# callable, then that callable will be called for each border section, with the
# resulting string rendered in place of that border. The extra width of the string returned by the
# {border_styler} is not taken into consideration by the internal table rendering calculations
# Thus it can be used to apply ANSI escape codes to border characters, to colour the borders
# for example, without breaking the table formatting.
# @param [nil, Integer, Array] column_padding (1) Determines the amount of blank space with which to pad
# either side of each column. If passed an Integer, then the given amount of padding is
# applied to each side of each column. If passed a two-element Array, then the first element of the
# Array indicates the amount of padding to apply to the left of each column, and the second
# element indicates the amount to apply to the right.
# @param [Integer, nil] column_width The default column width for columns in this
# table, not excluding padding. If nil, then {DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH} will be used.
# @param [nil, #to_proc] formatter (:to_s.to_proc) The default formatter for columns in this
# table. See `formatter` option of {#add_column} for details.
# @param [:start, nil, Integer] header_frequency (:start) Controls the display of column headers.
# If passed :start, headers will be shown at the top of the table only. If passed nil,
# headers will not be shown. If passed an Integer N (> 0), headers will be shown at the top of the table,
# then repeated every N rows.
# @param [nil, #to_proc] header_styler (nil) The default header styler for columns in this
# table. See `header_styler` option of {#add_column} for details.
# @param [nil, Integer] row_divider_frequency (nil) Controls the display of horizontal row dividers within
# the table body. If passed nil, dividers will not be shown. If passed an Integer N (> 0),
# dividers will be shown after every N rows. The characters used to form the dividers are
# determined by the `border` option, and are the same as those used to form the bottom edge of the
# header row.
# @param [nil, #to_proc] styler (nil) The default styler for columns in this table. See `styler`
# option of {#add_column} for details.
# @param [nil, String] truncation_indicator Determines the character used to indicate that a
# cell's content has been truncated. If omitted or passed nil,
# defaults to {DEFAULT_TRUNCATION_INDICATOR}. If passed something other than nil or
# a single-character String, raises {InvalidTruncationIndicatorError}.
# @param [nil, Integer] wrap_body_cells_to Controls wrapping behaviour for table cells (excluding
# headers), if their content is longer than the column's fixed width. If passed nil, content will
# be wrapped for as many rows as required to accommodate it. If passed an Integer N (> 0), content will be
# wrapped up to N rows and then truncated thereafter.
# headers), if their content is longer than the column's fixed width. If passed nil, content will
# be wrapped for as many rows as required to accommodate it. If passed an Integer N (> 0), content will be
# wrapped up to N rows and then truncated thereafter.
# @param [nil, Integer] wrap_header_cells_to Controls wrapping behaviour for header
# cells if the content thereof is longer than the column's fixed width. If passed nil (default),
# content will be wrapped for as many rows as required to accommodate it. If passed an Integer N (> 0),
# content will be wrapped up to N rows and then truncated thereafter.
# @return [Table] a new {Table}
# @raise [InvalidColumnLabelError] if non-unique Symbols are provided to columns.
# @raise [InvalidBorderError] if invalid option passed to `border` parameter.
def initialize(
align_body: :auto,
align_header: :center,
border: nil,
border_styler: nil,
column_padding: nil,
column_width: nil,
formatter: :to_s.to_proc,
header_frequency: :start,
header_styler: nil,
row_divider_frequency: nil,
styler: nil,
truncation_indicator: nil,
wrap_body_cells_to: nil,
wrap_header_cells_to: nil)
@sources = sources
@align_body = align_body
@align_header = align_header
@border = (border || DEFAULT_BORDER)
@border_styler = border_styler
@border_instance = Border.from(@border, @border_styler)
@column_padding = (column_padding || DEFAULT_COLUMN_PADDING)
@left_column_padding, @right_column_padding =
case @column_padding
when Array
[@column_padding, @column_padding]
@column_width = (column_width || DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH)
@formatter = formatter
@header_frequency = header_frequency
@header_styler = header_styler
@row_divider_frequency = row_divider_frequency
@truncation_indicator = validate_character(truncation_indicator,
DEFAULT_TRUNCATION_INDICATOR, InvalidTruncationIndicatorError, "truncation indicator")
@wrap_body_cells_to = wrap_body_cells_to
@wrap_header_cells_to = wrap_header_cells_to
@column_registry = { }
columns.each { |item| add_column(item) }
yield self if block_given?
# Adds a column to the Table.
# @param [Symbol, String, Integer] label A unique identifier for this column, which by
# default will also be used as the column header text (see also the header param). If the
# extractor argument is not also provided, then the label argument should correspond to
# a method to be called on each item in the table sources to provide the content
# for this column. If a String is passed as the label, then it will be converted to
# a Symbol for the purpose of serving as this label.
# @param [:left, :center, :right, :auto, nil] align_body (nil) Specifies how the cell body contents
# should be aligned. If nil is passed, then the alignment is determined
# by the Table-level setting passed to the align_body option on Table initialization
# (which itself defaults to :auto). Otherwise this option determines the alignment of
# this column. If :auto is passed, the alignment is determined by the type of the cell
# value, with numbers aligned right, booleans center-aligned, and other values left-aligned.
# Note header text alignment is configured separately using the :align_header param.
# @param [:left, :center, :right, nil] align_header (nil) Specifies how the header text
# should be aligned. If nil is passed, then the alignment is determined
# by the Table-level setting passed to the align_header (which itself defaults
# to :center). Otherwise, this option determines the alignment of the header
# content for this column.
# @param [Symbol, String, Integer, nil] before (nil) The label of the column before (i.e. to
# the left of) which the new column should inserted. If nil is passed, it will be
# inserted after all other columns. If there is no column with the given label, then an
# {InvalidColumnLabelError} will be raised. A non-Integer labelled column can be identified
# in either String or Symbol form for this purpose.
# @param [#to_proc] formatter (nil) A lambda or other callable object that
# will be passed the calculated value of each cell to determine how it should be displayed. This
# is distinct from the extractor (see below). For example, if the extractor for this column
# generates a Date, then the formatter might format that Date in a particular way.
# If no formatter is provided, then the callable that was passed to the `formatter` option
# of the table itself on its creation (see {#initialize}) (which itself defaults to
# `:to_s.to_proc`), will be used as the formatter for the column.
# @param [nil, #to_s] header (nil) Text to be displayed in the column header. If passed nil,
# the column's label will also be used as its header text.
# @param [nil, #to_proc] header_styler (nil) A lambda or other callable object taking
# a single parameter, representing a single line of within the header content for
# this column. For example, if the header cell content is wrapped over three lines, then
# the {header_styler} will be called once for each line. If passed nil, then
# no additional styling will be applied to the header cell content. If passed a callable,
# then that callable will be called for each line of content within the header cell, and the
# resulting string rendered in place of that line. The extra width of the string returned by the
# {header_styler} is not taken into consideration by the internal table and
# cell width calculations involved in rendering the table. Thus it can be used to apply
# ANSI escape codes to header cell content, to colour the cell content for example, without
# breaking the table formatting.
# Note that if the header content is truncated, then any {header_styler} will be applied to the
# truncation indicator character as well as to the truncated content.
# @param [nil, #to_proc] styler (nil) A lambda or other callable object that will be passed
# two arguments: the calculated value of the cell (prior to the {formatter} being applied);
# and a string representing a single formatted line within the cell. For example, if the
# cell content is wrapped over three lines, then for that cell, the {styler} will be called
# three times, once for each line of content within the cell. If passed nil, then
# no additional styling will be applied to the cell content (other than what was already
# applied by the {formatter}). If passed a callable, then that callable will be called for
# each line of content within the cell, and the resulting string rendered in place of that
# line. The {styler} option differs from the {formatter} option in that the extra width of the
# string returned by {styler} is not taken into consideration by the internal table and
# cell width calculations involved in rendering the table. Thus it can be used to apply
# ANSI escape codes to cell content, to colour the cell content for example, without
# breaking the table formatting.
# Note that if the content of a cell is truncated, then the whatever styling is applied by the
# {styler} to the cell content will also be applied to the truncation indicator character.
# @param [Integer] width (nil) Specifies the width of the column, excluding padding. If
# nil, then the column will take the width provided by the `column_width` param
# with which the Table was initialized.
# @param [#to_proc] extractor A block or other callable
# that will be passed each of the Table sources to determine the value in each cell of this
# column. If this is not provided, then the column label will be treated as a method to be
# called on each source item to determine each cell's value.
# @raise [InvalidColumnLabelError] if label has already been used for another column in this
# Table. (This is case-sensitive, but is insensitive to whether a String or Symbol is passed
# to the label parameter.)
def add_column(
align_body: nil,
align_header: nil,
before: nil,
formatter: nil,
header: nil,
header_styler: nil,
styler: nil,
width: nil,
column_label =
case label
when Integer, Symbol
when String
if column_registry.include?(column_label)
raise InvalidColumnLabelError, "Column label already used in this table."
column =
align_body: align_body || @align_body,
align_header: align_header || @align_header,
extractor: extractor || label.to_proc,
formatter: formatter || @formatter,
header: (header || label).to_s,
header_styler: header_styler || @header_styler,
padding_character: PADDING_CHARACTER,
styler: styler || @styler,
truncation_indicator: @truncation_indicator,
width: width || @column_width,
add_column_before(column, column_label, before)
# Removes the column identifed by the passed label.
# @example
# table =, :itself, :even?, :odd?)
# table.add_column(:even2, header: "even?") { |n| n.even? }
# table.remove_column(:even2)
# table.remove_column(:odd?)
# @param [Symbol, String, Integer] label The unique identifier for the column to be removed,
# corresponding to the label that was passed as the first parameter to {#add_column} (or was
# used in the table initializer) when the column was originally added. For columns that were
# originally added with a String or Symbol label, either a String or Symbol form of that label
# can be passed to {#remove_column}, indifferently. For example, if the label passed to
# {#add_column} had been `"height"`, then that column could be removed by passing either
# `"height"` or `:height` to {#remove_column}. (However, if an Integer was originally passed
# as the label to {#add_column}, then only that same Integer, as an Integer, can be passed to
# {#remove_column} to remove that column.)
# @return [true, false] If the label identifies a column in the table, then the column will be
# removed and true will be returned; otherwise no column will be removed, and false will be returned.
def remove_column(label)
!!column_registry.delete(Integer === label ? label : label.to_sym)
# @return [String] a graphical "ASCII" representation of the Table, suitable for
# display in a fixed-width font.
def to_s
if column_registry.any?
bottom_edge = horizontal_rule(:bottom)
rows = map(&:to_s)
bottom_edge.empty? ? join_lines(rows) : join_lines(rows + [bottom_edge])
# Calls the given block once for each {Row} in the Table, passing that {Row} as parameter.
# @example
# table.each do |row|
# puts row
# end
# Note that when printed, the first row will visually include the headers (assuming these
# were not disabled when the Table was initialized).
def each
@sources.each_with_index do |source, index|
header =
case @header_frequency
when :start
:top if index == 0
when Integer
if index == 0
elsif index % @header_frequency == 0
show_divider = @row_divider_frequency && (index != 0) && (index % @row_divider_frequency == 0)
yield, source, header: header, divider: show_divider)
# @return [String] an "ASCII" graphical representation of the Table column headers.
def formatted_header
cells = { |_, column| column.header_cell }
format_row(cells, @wrap_header_cells_to)
# @param [:top, :middle, :bottom] align_body (:bottom) Specifies the position
# for which the resulting horizontal dividing line is intended to be printed.
# This determines the border characters that are used to construct the line.
# @return [String] an "ASCII" graphical representation of a horizontal
# dividing line suitable for printing at the top, bottom or middle of the
# table.
# @example Print a horizontal divider between each pair of rows, and again
# at the bottom:
# table.each_with_index do |row, i|
# puts table.horizontal_rule(:middle) unless i == 0
# puts row
# end
# puts table.horizontal_rule(:bottom)
# It may be that `:top`, `:middle` and `:bottom` all look the same. Whether
# this is the case depends on the characters used for the table border.
def horizontal_rule(position = :bottom)
column_widths = { |_, column| column.width + total_column_padding }
@border_instance.horizontal_rule(column_widths, position)
# Reset all the column widths so that each column is *just* wide enough to accommodate
# its header text as well as the formatted content of each its cells for the entire
# collection, together with a single character of padding on either side of the column,
# without any wrapping.
# Note that calling this method will cause the entire source Enumerable to
# be traversed and all the column extractors and formatters to be applied in order
# to calculate the required widths.
# Note also that this method causes column widths to be fixed as appropriate to the
# formatted cell contents given the state of the source Enumerable at the point it
# is called. If the source Enumerable changes between that point, and the point when
# the Table is printed, then columns will *not* be resized yet again on printing.
# @param [nil, Numeric] max_table_width (:auto) With no args, or if passed :auto,
# stops the total table width (including padding and borders) from expanding beyond the
# bounds of the terminal screen.
# If passed nil, the table width will not be capped.
# Width is deducted from columns if required to achieve this, with one character progressively
# deducted from the width of the widest column until the target is reached. When the
# table is printed, wrapping or truncation will then occur in these columns as required
# (depending on how they were configured).
# Note that regardless of the value passed to max_table_width, the table will always be left wide
# enough to accommodate at least 1 character's width of content, 1 character of left padding and
# 1 character of right padding in each column, together with border characters (1 on each side
# of the table and 1 between adjacent columns). I.e. there is a certain width below width the
# Table will refuse to shrink itself.
# @return [Table] the Table itself
def pack(max_table_width: :auto)
return self if column_registry.none?
columns = column_registry.values
columns.each { |column| column.width = wrapped_width(column.header) }
@sources.each do |source|
columns.each do |column|
width = wrapped_width(column.body_cell(source).formatted_content)
column.width = width if width > column.width
if max_table_width
max_table_width = TTY::Screen.width if max_table_width == :auto
# Creates a new {Table} from the current Table, transposed, that is rotated 90 degrees,
# relative to the current Table, so that the header names of the current Table form the
# content of left-most column of the new Table, and each column thereafter corresponds to one of the
# elements of the current Table's sources, with the header of that column being the String
# value of that element.
# @example
# puts, :even?, :odd?, :abs).transpose
# # => +-------+--------------+--------------+--------------+
# # | | -1 | 0 | 1 |
# # +-------+--------------+--------------+--------------+
# # | even? | false | true | false |
# # | odd? | true | false | true |
# # | abs | 1 | 0 | 1 |
# @param [Hash] opts Options for configuring the new, transposed {Table}.
# The following options are the same as the keyword params for the {#initialize} method for
# {Table}: column_width, column_padding, formatter,
# header_frequency, row_divider_frequency, wrap_header_cells_to,
# wrap_body_cells_to, border, border_styler, truncation_indicator,
# align_header, align_body.
# These are applied in the same way as documented for {#initialize}, when
# creating the new, transposed Table. Any options not specified explicitly in the call to {#transpose}
# will inherit their values from the original {Table} (with the exception of settings
# for the left-most column, containing the field names, which are determined as described
# below). In addition, the following options also apply to {#transpose}:
# @option opts [nil, Integer] :field_names_width Determines the width of the left-most column of the
# new Table, which contains the names of "fields" (corresponding to the original Table's
# column headings). If this is not provided, then by default this column will be made just
# wide enough to accommodate its contents.
# @option opts [String] :field_names_header ("") By default the left-most column will have a
# blank header; but this can be overridden by passing a String to this option.
# @option opts [:left, :center, :right] :field_names_header_alignment (:right) Specifies how the
# header text of the left-most column (if it has header text) should be aligned.
# @option opts [:left, :center, :right] :field_names_body_alignment (:right) Specifies how the
# body text of the left-most column should be aligned.
# @option opts [#to_proc] :headers (:to_s.to_proc) A lambda or other callable object that
# will be passed in turn each of the elements of the current Table's sources
# Enumerable, to determine the text to be displayed in the header of each column of the
# new Table (other than the left-most column's header, which is determined as described
# above).
# @return [Table] a new {Table}
# @raise [InvalidBorderError] if invalid argument passed to `border` parameter.
def transpose(opts = {})
default_opts = [:align_body, :align_header, :border, :border_styler, :column_padding, :column_width,
:formatter, :header_frequency, :row_divider_frequency, :truncation_indicator, :wrap_body_cells_to,
:wrap_header_cells_to].map do |sym|
[sym, instance_variable_get("@#{sym}")]
initializer_opts = default_opts.merge(Util.slice_hash(opts, *default_opts.keys))
default_extra_opts = { field_names_body_alignment: :right, field_names_header: "",
field_names_header_alignment: :right, field_names_width: nil, headers: :to_s.to_proc }
extra_opts = default_extra_opts.merge(Util.slice_hash(opts, *default_extra_opts.keys))
# The underlying enumerable for the new table, is the columns of the original table.
fields = column_registry.values, **initializer_opts) do |t|
# Left hand column of new table, containing field names
width_opt = extra_opts[:field_names_width]
field_names_width = (width_opt.nil? ? { |f| f.header.length }.max : width_opt)
t.add_column(:dummy, align_body: extra_opts[:field_names_body_alignment],
align_header: extra_opts[:field_names_header_alignment], header: extra_opts[:field_names_header],
width: field_names_width, &:header)
# Add a column to the new table for each of the original table's sources
sources.each_with_index do |source, i|
t.add_column(i, header: extra_opts[:headers].call(source)) do |original_column|
# @!visibility private
def formatted_body_row(source, header:, divider:)
cells = { |_, column| column.body_cell(source) }
inner = format_row(cells, @wrap_body_cells_to)
if header
horizontal_rule(header == :top ? :top : :middle),
elsif divider
# @!visibility private
def add_column_before(column, label, before)
if before == nil
@column_registry[label] = column
old_column_entries = @column_registry.to_a
new_column_entries = []
found = false
old_column_entries.each do |entry|
if entry[0] == before
found = true
new_column_entries << [label, column]
new_column_entries << entry
unless found
raise InvalidColumnLabelError, "There is no column with label #{before}"
@column_registry = new_column_entries.to_h
# @!visibility private
def total_column_padding
@left_column_padding + @right_column_padding
# @!visibility private
def shrink_to(max_table_width)
columns = column_registry.values
total_columns_width = columns.inject(0) { |sum, column| sum + column.width }
total_padding = column_registry.count * total_column_padding
total_borders = column_registry.count + 1
unadjusted_table_width = total_columns_width + total_padding + total_borders
# Ensure max table width is at least wide enough to accommodate table borders and padding
# and one character of content.
min_table_width = total_padding + total_borders + column_registry.count
max_table_width = min_table_width if min_table_width > max_table_width
required_reduction = [unadjusted_table_width - max_table_width, 0].max
required_reduction.times do
widest_column = columns.inject(columns.first) do |widest, column|
column.width >= widest.width ? column : widest
widest_column.width -= 1
# @!visibility private
# Formats a single header row or body row as a String.
# @param [String[][]] cells an Array of Array-of-Strings, each of which represents a
# "stack" of "subcells". Each such stack represents the wrapped content of a given
# "cell" in this row, from the top down, one String for each "line".
# Each String includes the spaces, if any, on either side required for the
# "internal padding" of the cell to carry out the cell content alignment -- but
# does not include the single character of padding around each column.
# @param [Integer] wrap_cells_to the number of "lines" of wrapped content to allow
# before truncating.
# @return [String] the entire formatted row including all padding and borders.
def format_row(cells, wrap_cells_to)
max_cell_height =
row_height = ([wrap_cells_to, max_cell_height].compact.min || 1)
subcell_stacks = do |cell|
cell.padded_truncated_subcells(row_height, @left_column_padding, @right_column_padding)
subrows = do |subrow_components|
# @!visibility private
def join_lines(lines)
lines.join($/) # join strings with cross-platform newline
# @!visibility private
def validate_character(character, default, exception_class, message_fragment)
case (c = (character || default))
when nil
; # do nothing
when String
if Unicode::DisplayWidth.of(c) != 1
raise exception_class, "#{message_fragment} is neither nil nor a single-character String"
raise exception_class, "#{message_fragment} is neither nil nor a single-character String"
# @!visibility private
# @return [Integer] the length of the longest segment of str when split by newlines
def wrapped_width(str)
segments = str.split($/)
segments.inject(1) do |longest_length_so_far, segment|
length = Unicode::DisplayWidth.of(segment)
longest_length_so_far > length ? longest_length_so_far : length