module Mongoid module History module Trackable extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def track_history(options = {}) scope_name = collection_name.to_s.singularize.to_sym default_options = { on: :all, except: [:created_at, :updated_at], modifier_field: :modifier, version_field: :version, changes_method: :changes, scope: scope_name, track_create: false, track_update: true, track_destroy: false } options = default_options.merge(options) # normalize :except fields to an array of database field strings options[:except] = [options[:except]] unless options[:except].is_a? Array options[:except] = options[:except].map { |field| database_field_name(field) }.compact.uniq # normalize :on fields to either :all or an array of database field strings if options[:on] != :all options[:on] = [options[:on]] unless options[:on].is_a? Array options[:on] = options[:on].map { |field| database_field_name(field) }.compact.uniq end field options[:version_field].to_sym, type: Integer belongs_to_modifier_options = { class_name: Mongoid::History.modifier_class_name } belongs_to_modifier_options[:inverse_of] = options[:modifier_field_inverse_of] if options.key?(:modifier_field_inverse_of) belongs_to options[:modifier_field].to_sym, belongs_to_modifier_options include MyInstanceMethods extend SingletonMethods delegate :history_trackable_options, to: 'self.class' delegate :track_history?, to: 'self.class' before_update :track_update if options[:track_update] before_create :track_create if options[:track_create] before_destroy :track_destroy if options[:track_destroy] Mongoid::History.trackable_class_options ||= {} Mongoid::History.trackable_class_options[scope_name] = options end def track_history? Mongoid::History.enabled? && Thread.current[track_history_flag] != false end def disable_tracking(&_block) Thread.current[track_history_flag] = false yield ensure Thread.current[track_history_flag] = true end def track_history_flag "mongoid_history_#{name.underscore}_trackable_enabled".to_sym end end module MyInstanceMethods def history_tracks @history_tracks ||= Mongoid::History.tracker_class.where(scope: related_scope, association_chain: association_hash) end # undo :from => 1, :to => 5 # undo 4 # undo :last => 10 def undo!(modifier = nil, options_or_version = nil) versions = get_versions_criteria(options_or_version).to_a versions.sort! { |v1, v2| v2.version <=> v1.version } versions.each do |v| undo_attr = v.undo_attr(modifier) if Mongoid::History.mongoid3? # update_attributes! not bypassing rails 3 protected attributes assign_attributes(undo_attr, without_protection: true) save! else # assign_attributes with 'without_protection' option does not work with rails 4/mongoid 4 update_attributes!(undo_attr) end end end def redo!(modifier = nil, options_or_version = nil) versions = get_versions_criteria(options_or_version).to_a versions.sort! { |v1, v2| v1.version <=> v2.version } versions.each do |v| redo_attr = v.redo_attr(modifier) if Mongoid::History.mongoid3? assign_attributes(redo_attr, without_protection: true) save! else update_attributes!(redo_attr) end end end def get_embedded(name) send(self.class.embedded_alias(name)) end def create_embedded(name, value) send("create_#{self.class.embedded_alias(name)}!", value) end private def get_versions_criteria(options_or_version) if options_or_version.is_a? Hash options = options_or_version if options[:from] && options[:to] lower = options[:from] >= options[:to] ? options[:to] : options[:from] upper = options[:from] < options[:to] ? options[:to] : options[:from] versions = history_tracks.where( => (lower .. upper).to_a) elsif options[:last] versions = history_tracks.limit(options[:last]) else raise "Invalid options, please specify (:from / :to) keys or :last key." end else options_or_version = options_or_version.to_a if options_or_version.is_a?(Range) version_field_name = history_trackable_options[:version_field] version = options_or_version || attributes[version_field_name] || attributes[version_field_name.to_s] version = [version].flatten versions = history_tracks.where( => version) end versions.desc(:version) end def related_scope scope = history_trackable_options[:scope] scope = _parent.collection_name.to_s.singularize.to_sym if scope.is_a?(Array) if Mongoid::History.mongoid3? scope = metadata.inverse_class_name.tableize.singularize.to_sym if metadata.present? && scope == else scope = relation_metadata.inverse_class_name.tableize.singularize.to_sym if relation_metadata.present? && scope == end scope end def traverse_association_chain(node = self) list = node._parent ? traverse_association_chain(node._parent) : [] list << association_hash(node) list end def association_hash(node = self) # We prefer to look up associations through the parent record because # we're assured, through the object creation, it'll exist. Whereas we're not guarenteed # the child to parent (embedded_in, belongs_to) relation will be defined if node._parent meta = do |relation| if Mongoid::History.mongoid3? relation.class_name == node.metadata.class_name.to_s && == else relation.class_name == node.relation_metadata.class_name.to_s && == end end.first end # if root node has no meta, and should use class name instead name = meta ? meta.key.to_s : ActiveSupport::OrderedHash['name', name, 'id',] end # Returns a Hash of field name to pairs of original and modified values # for each tracked field for a given action. # # @param [ String | Symbol ] action The modification action (:create, :update, :destroy) # # @return [ Hash> ] the pairs of original and modified # values for each field def modified_attributes_for_action(action) case action.to_sym when :destroy then modified_attributes_for_destroy when :create then modified_attributes_for_create else modified_attributes_for_update end end def modified_attributes_for_update @modified_attributes_for_update ||= send(history_trackable_options[:changes_method]).select { |k, _| self.class.tracked_field?(k, :update) } end def modified_attributes_for_create @modified_attributes_for_create ||= attributes.inject({}) do |h, (k, v)| h[k] = [nil, v] h { |k, _| self.class.tracked_field?(k, :create) } end def modified_attributes_for_destroy @modified_attributes_for_destroy ||= attributes.inject({}) do |h, (k, v)| h[k] = [v, nil] h { |k, _| self.class.tracked_field?(k, :destroy) } end def history_tracker_attributes(action) return @history_tracker_attributes if @history_tracker_attributes @history_tracker_attributes = { association_chain: traverse_association_chain, scope: related_scope, modifier: send(history_trackable_options[:modifier_field]) } original, modified = transform_changes(modified_attributes_for_action(action)) @history_tracker_attributes[:original] = original @history_tracker_attributes[:modified] = modified @history_tracker_attributes end def track_create track_history_for_action(:create) end def track_update track_history_for_action(:update) end def track_destroy track_history_for_action(:destroy) end def clear_trackable_memoization @history_tracker_attributes = nil @modified_attributes_for_create = nil @modified_attributes_for_update = nil @history_tracks = nil end def transform_changes(changes) original = {} modified = {} changes.each_pair do |k, v| o, m = v original[k] = o unless o.nil? modified[k] = m unless m.nil? end [original, modified] end protected def track_history_for_action?(action) track_history? && !(action.to_sym == :update && modified_attributes_for_update.blank?) end def track_history_for_action(action) if track_history_for_action?(action) current_version = (send(history_trackable_options[:version_field]) || 0) + 1 send("#{history_trackable_options[:version_field]}=", current_version) Mongoid::History.tracker_class.create!(history_tracker_attributes(action.to_sym).merge(version: current_version, action: action.to_s, trackable: self)) end clear_trackable_memoization end end module SingletonMethods # Whether or not the field should be tracked. # # @param [ String | Symbol ] field The name or alias of the field # @param [ String | Symbol ] action The optional action name (:create, :update, or :destroy) # # @return [ Boolean ] whether or not the field is tracked for the given action def tracked_field?(field, action = :update) tracked_fields_for_action(action).include? database_field_name(field) end # Retrieves the list of tracked fields for a given action. # # @param [ String | Symbol ] action The action name (:create, :update, or :destroy) # # @return [ Array < String > ] the list of tracked fields for the given action def tracked_fields_for_action(action) case action.to_sym when :destroy then tracked_fields + reserved_tracked_fields else tracked_fields end end # Retrieves the memoized base list of tracked fields, excluding reserved fields. # # @return [ Array < String > ] the base list of tracked database field names def tracked_fields @tracked_fields ||= do |field| h = history_trackable_options (h[:on] == :all || h[:on].include?(field)) && !h[:except].include?(field) end - reserved_tracked_fields end # Retrieves the memoized list of reserved tracked fields, which are only included for certain actions. # # @return [ Array < String > ] the list of reserved database field names def reserved_tracked_fields @reserved_tracked_fields ||= ["_id", history_trackable_options[:version_field].to_s, "#{history_trackable_options[:modifier_field]}_id"] end def history_trackable_options @history_trackable_options ||= Mongoid::History.trackable_class_options[collection_name.to_s.singularize.to_sym] end # Indicates whether there is an Embedded::One relation for the given embedded field. # # @param [ String | Symbol ] embed The name of the embedded field # # @return [ Boolean ] true if there is an Embedded::One relation for the given embedded field def embeds_one?(embed) relation_of(embed) == Mongoid::Relations::Embedded::One end # Indicates whether there is an Embedded::Many relation for the given embedded field. # # @param [ String | Symbol ] embed The name of the embedded field # # @return [ Boolean ] true if there is an Embedded::Many relation for the given embedded field def embeds_many?(embed) relation_of(embed) == Mongoid::Relations::Embedded::Many end # Retrieves the database representation of an embedded field name, in case the :store_as option is used. # # @param [ String | Symbol ] embed The name or alias of the embedded field # # @return [ String ] the database name of the embedded field def embedded_alias(embed) embedded_aliases[embed] end protected # Retrieves the memoized hash of embedded aliases and their associated database representations. # # @return [ Hash < String, String > ] hash of embedded aliases (keys) to database representations (values) def embedded_aliases @embedded_aliases ||= relations.inject( do |h, (k, v)| h[v[:store_as] || k] = k h end end def relation_of(embed) meta = reflect_on_association(embedded_alias(embed)) meta ? meta.relation : nil end end end end end