require 'spec' # so we can call .should $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../src') # so the jar is found require 'cucumber_demo' # puts the jar on the classpath include_class 'cucumber.demo.Hello' Given /my name is (\w+)/ do |name| @hello = # A java object @name = name end When /I greet (.*)/ do |someone| @greeting = @hello.greet(someone, @name) end Then /he should hear (.*)\./ do |message| @greeting.should == message end Then /I should remember (\w+) as a friend/ do |name| @hello.friend?(name).should == true end Then /I should get (\w+)'s phone number/ do |name| #' @hello.getPhoneNumber(name).should_not == nil end