class User < Usman::ApplicationRecord # including Password Methods has_secure_password # Constants PENDING = "pending" APPROVED = "approved" SUSPENDED = "suspended" STATUS = { PENDING => "Pending", APPROVED => "Approved", SUSPENDED => "Suspended" } STATUS_REVERSE = { "Pending" => PENDING, "Approved" => APPROVED, "Suspended" => SUSPENDED } MALE = "male" FEMALE = "female" NOGENDER = "nogender" GENDER = { MALE => "Male", FEMALE => "Female", NOGENDER => "No Gender" } GENDER_REVERSE = { "Male" => MALE, "Female" => FEMALE, "No Gender" => NOGENDER } EXCLUDED_JSON_ATTRIBUTES = [:confirmation_token, :password_digest, :reset_password_token, :auth_token, :unlock_token, :status, :reset_password_sent_at, :remember_created_at, :sign_in_count, :current_sign_in_at, :last_sign_in_at, :current_sign_in_ip, :last_sign_in_ip, :confirmed_at, :confirmation_sent_at, :unconfirmed_email, :failed_attempts, :locked_at, :created_at, :updated_at] DEFAULT_PASSWORD = "Password@1" SESSION_TIME_OUT = 120.minutes # Validations validates :name, presence: true, length: {minimum: 3, maximum: 250} validate_username :username validate_email :email validate_password :password, condition_method: :should_validate_password? validates :status, :presence => true, :inclusion => {:in => STATUS.keys, :presence_of => :status, :message => "%{value} is not a valid status" } validates :gender, :inclusion => {:in => GENDER.keys, :presence_of => :status, :message => "%{value} is not a valid gender" }, :allow_nil => true # Callbacks before_validation :generate_auth_token # Delegates delegate :mobile_number, :to => :registration, :prefix => true, :allow_nil => true delegate :dialing_prefix, :to => :registration, :prefix => true, :allow_nil => true # Associations has_one :profile_picture, :as => :imageable, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name => "Image::ProfilePicture" has_many :permissions has_many :features, through: :permissions has_many :devices has_one :registration has_and_belongs_to_many :roles belongs_to :country, optional: true belongs_to :city, optional: true # ------------------ # Class Methods # ------------------ # Exclude some attributes info from json output. def as_json(options={}) options[:except] ||= EXCLUDED_JSON_ATTRIBUTES #options[:include] ||= [] #options[:methods] = [] #options[:methods] << :profile_image json = super(options) Hash[*{|k, v| [k, v || ""]}.flatten] end # Scopes Methods # return an active record relation object with the search query in its where clause # Return the ActiveRecord::Relation object # == Examples # >>> # => ActiveRecord::Relation object scope :search, lambda {|query| where("LOWER( LIKE LOWER('%#{query}%') OR\ LOWER(users.username) LIKE LOWER('%#{query}%') OR\ LOWER( LIKE LOWER('%#{query}%') OR\ LOWER(users.designation) LIKE LOWER('%#{query}%')") } scope :status, lambda { |status| where("LOWER(status)='#{status}'") } scope :pending, -> { where(status: PENDING) } scope :approved, -> { where(status: APPROVED) } scope :suspended, -> { where(status: SUSPENDED) } scope :super_admins, -> { where(super_admin: TRUE) } scope :normal_users, -> { where(super_admin: FALSE) } # Need to write a scope so that we have one for showing only site admins # Also need to restrict the removal of site admin to super admin # scope :site_admins, -> { joins().where(super_admin: FALSE) } # Import Methods def self.save_row_data(hsh) return if hsh[:name].blank? user = User.find_by_username(hsh[:username]) || = hsh[:name] user.username = hsh[:username] user.designation = hsh[:designation] = hsh[:email] = hsh[:phone] user.super_admin = ["true", "t","1","yes","y"].include?(hsh[:super_admin].to_s.downcase.strip) user.status = hsh[:status] user.assign_default_password # Initializing error hash for displaying all errors altogether error_object = if user.valid? begin! rescue Exception => e summary = "uncaught #{e} exception while handling connection: #{e.message}" details = "Stack trace: #{ {|l| " #{l}\n"}.join}" error_object.errors << { summary: summary, details: details } end else summary = "Error while saving user: #{}" details = "Error! #{user.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}" error_object.errors << { summary: summary, details: details } end return error_object end # ------------------ # Instance Methods # ------------------ # Status Methods # -------------- # * Return true if the user is not approved, else false. # == Examples # >>> user.approved? # => true def approved? (status == APPROVED) end # * Return true if the user is pending, else false. # == Examples # >>> user.pending? # => true def pending? (status == PENDING) end # * Return true if the user is suspended, else false. # == Examples # >>> user.suspended? # => true def suspended? (status == SUSPENDED) end # change the status to :pending # Return the status # == Examples # >>> user.pending! # => "pending" def pending! self.update_attribute(:status, PENDING) self.registration.update_attribute(:status, PENDING) if self.registration end # change the status to :approved # Return the status # == Examples # >>> user.approve! # => "approved" def approve! self.update_attribute(:status, APPROVED) self.registration.update_attribute(:status, Registration::VERIFIED) if self.registration end # change the status to :suspended # Return the status # == Examples # >>> user.suspend! # => "suspended" def suspend! self.update_attribute(:status, SUSPENDED) self.registration.update_attribute(:status, SUSPENDED) if self.registration end # Gender Methods # -------------- # * Return true if the user is male, else false. # == Examples # >>> user.male? # => true def male? (gender == MALE) end # * Return true if the user is female, else false. # == Examples # >>> user.female? # => true def female? (gender == FEMALE) end # * Return true if the user is nogender, else false. # == Examples # >>> user.nogender? # => true def nogender? (gender == NOGENDER) end # Authentication Methods # ---------------------- def start_session(remote_ip) self.current_sign_in_at = self.current_sign_in_ip = remote_ip self.sign_in_count = self.sign_in_count ? self.sign_in_count + 1 : 1 end def end_session self.last_sign_in_at = self.current_sign_in_at self.last_sign_in_ip = self.current_sign_in_ip self.current_sign_in_at = nil self.current_sign_in_ip = nil end def assign_default_password self.password = DEFAULT_PASSWORD self.password_confirmation = DEFAULT_PASSWORD end def generate_reset_password_token self.reset_password_token = SecureRandom.hex unless self.reset_password_token self.reset_password_sent_at = unless self.reset_password_sent_at end # Permission Methods # ------------------ def set_permission(feature_name, **options) options.reverse_merge!( can_create: false, can_read: true, can_update: false, can_delete: false ) feature = get_feature(feature_name) permission = Permission.where("user_id = ? AND feature_id = ?",, || self, feature: feature) permission.assign_attributes(options) end def can_create?(feature_name) feature = get_feature(feature_name) permission = Permission.where("feature_id = ? AND user_id = ?",, permission && permission.can_create? end def can_read?(feature_name) feature = get_feature(feature_name) permission = Permission.where("feature_id = ? AND user_id = ?",, permission && permission.can_read? end def can_update?(feature_name) feature = get_feature(feature_name) permission = Permission.where("feature_id = ? AND user_id = ?",, permission && permission.can_update? end def can_delete?(feature_name) feature = get_feature(feature_name) permission = Permission.where("feature_id = ? AND user_id = ?",, permission && permission.can_delete? end def can_be_approved? pending? or suspended? end def can_be_marked_as_pending? approved? or suspended? end def can_be_suspended? approved? or pending? end def can_be_deleted? suspended? end def can_be_edited? !suspended? end # Role Methods # ------------ def add_role(role) return false unless self.approved? role = Role.find_by_name(role) if role.is_a?(String) if role self.roles << role unless self.has_role?(role) return true else return false end end def remove_role(role) role = Role.find_by_name(role) if role.is_a?(String) self.roles.delete(role) if role end def has_role?(role) role = Role.find_by_name(role) if role.is_a?(String) if role && role.persisted? return true if self.super_admin self.roles.exists?(:id => []) else return false end end # Permission Methods # ------------------ def add_permission(feature_name, **options) options.reverse_merge!( can_create: false, can_read: true, can_update: false, can_delete: false ) feature = Feature.find_by_name(feature_name) permission = self.permissions.where("feature_id = ?", || permission.feature = feature permission.can_create = options[:can_create] permission.can_read = options[:can_read] permission.can_update = options[:can_update] permission.can_delete = options[:can_delete] permission end def has_read_permission?(class_name) return true if self.super_admin feature = Feature.published.find_by_name(class_name.to_s) if feature permission = self.permissions.where("feature_id =?", return permission && permission.can_read? else return false end end def has_create_permission?(class_name) return true if self.super_admin feature = Feature.published.find_by_name(class_name.to_s) if feature permission = self.permissions.where("feature_id =?", return permission && permission.can_create? else return false end end def has_update_permission?(class_name) return true if self.super_admin feature = Feature.published.find_by_name(class_name.to_s) if feature permission = self.permissions.where("feature_id =?", return permission && permission.can_update? else return false end end def has_delete_permission?(class_name) return true if self.super_admin feature = Feature.published.find_by_name(class_name.to_s) if feature permission = self.permissions.where("feature_id =?", return permission && permission.can_delete? else return false end end # Other Methods # ------------- # * Return full name # == Examples # >>> user.display_name # => "Joe Black" def display_name "#{name}" end def default_image_url(size="small") "/assets/kuppayam/defaults/user-#{size}.png" end def generate_username_and_password self.username = SecureRandom.hex(4) unless self.username # Password should contain at least one special character, integer and one upper case character passwd = SecureRandom.hex(8) + "A@1" unless self.password self.password = passwd self.password_confirmation = passwd end def generate_dummy_data(registration) generate_username_and_password = "#{self.username}" = "User #{registration.try(:id)}" self.country_id = registration.country_id self.city_id = registration.city_id self.dummy = true end # Image Configuration # ------------------- def image_configuration { "Image::ProfilePicture" => { max_upload_limit: 10485760, min_upload_limit: 1024, resolutions: [400, 400], form_upload_image_label: "Upload a new Image", form_title: "Upload an Image (Profile)", form_sub_title: "Please read the instructions below:", form_instructions: [ "the filename should be in .jpg / .jpeg or .png format", "the image resolutions should be 400 x 400 Pixels", "the file size should be greater than 100 Kb and or lesser than 10 MB" ] } } end private def should_validate_password? self.new_record? || (self.new_record? == false and self.password_digest_changed?) end def generate_auth_token self.auth_token = SecureRandom.hex unless self.auth_token end # FIXME - this should be either removed or moved to feature model def get_feature(feature_name) case feature_name when Feature feature = feature_name when String feature = Feature.find_by_name(feature_name) when Integer feature = Feature.find_by_id(feature_name) else raise "Feature with name '#{}' doesn't exist" unless feature end return feature end def self.find_by_email_or_username(query) self.where("LOWER(email) = LOWER('#{query}') OR LOWER(username) = LOWER('#{query}')").first end end