# encoding: utf-8
# text.rb : Implements PDF text primitives
# Copyright May 2008, Gregory Brown. All Rights Reserved.
# This is free software. Please see the LICENSE and COPYING files for details.
require "prawn/core/text"
require "prawn/text/box"
require "zlib"
module Prawn
module Text
include Prawn::Core::Text
# Gets height of text in PDF points.
# Same options as text(), except as noted.
# Not compatible with :indent_paragraphs option
# Raises Prawn::Errors::UnknownOption if
# :indent_paragraphs option included and debug flag is set
def height_of(string, options={})
box = Text::Box.new(string,
options.merge(:height => 100000000,
:document => self))
box.render(:dry_run => true)
height = box.height - box.descender
height += box.line_height + box.leading - box.ascender if @final_gap
# If you want text to flow onto a new page or between columns, this is the
# method to use. If, instead, if you want to place bounded text outside of
# the flow of a document (for captions, labels, charts, etc.), use Text::Box
# or its convenience method text_box.
# Draws text on the page. Prawn attempts to wrap the text to fit within your
# current bounding box (or margin_box if no bounding box is being used).
# Text will flow onto the next page when it reaches the bottom of the
# bounding box. Text wrap in Prawn does not re-flow linebreaks, so if you
# want fully automated text wrapping, be sure to remove newlines before
# attempting to draw your string.
# pdf.text "Will be wrapped when it hits the edge of your bounding box"
# pdf.text "This will be centered", :align => :center
# pdf.text "This will be right aligned", :align => :right
# If your font contains kerning pairs data that Prawn can parse, the
# text will be kerned by default. You can disable this feature by passing
# :kerning => false.
# === Text Positioning Details:
# The text is positioned at font.ascender below the baseline,
# making it easy to use this method within bounding boxes and spans.
# == Encoding
# Note that strings passed to this function should be encoded as UTF-8.
# If you get unexpected characters appearing in your rendered document,
# check this.
# If the current font is a built-in one, although the string must be
# encoded as UTF-8, only characters that are available in WinAnsi
# are allowed.
# If an empty box is rendered to your PDF instead of the character you
# wanted it usually means the current font doesn't include that character.
# == Options (default values marked in [])
# :kerning:: boolean. Whether or not to use kerning (if it
# is available with the current font) [true]
# :size:: number. The font size to use. [current font
# size]
# :style:: The style to use. The requested style must be part of
# the current font familly. [current style]
# :indent_paragraphs:: number. The amount to indent the
# first line of each paragraph. Omit this
# option if you do not want indenting
# :align:: :left, :center, or :right.
# Alignment within the bounding box [:left]
# :valign:: :top, :center, or :bottom.
# Vertical alignment within the bounding box [:top]
# :leading:: number. Additional space between lines [0]
# :final_gap:: boolean. If true, then the space between
# each line is included below the last line;
# otherwise, document.y is placed just below the
# descender of the last line printed [true]
# :wrap_block:: proc. A proc used for custom line
# wrapping. The proc must accept a single
# line of text and an options hash
# and return the string from that single line that
# can fit on the line under the conditions defined by
# options. If omitted, the default wrapping
# proc is used. The options hash passed into the
# wrap_block proc includes the following options:
# :width:: the width available for the
# current line of text
# :document:: the pdf object
# :kerning:: boolean
# :size:: the font size
# Raises ArgumentError if :at option included
def text(string, options={})
# we modify the options. don't change the user's hash
options = options.dup
if @indent_paragraphs
string.split("\n").each do |paragraph|
options[:skip_encoding] = false
remaining_text = draw_indented_line(paragraph, options)
options[:skip_encoding] = true
if remaining_text == paragraph
# we were too close to the bottom of the page to print even one line
remaining_text = draw_indented_line(paragraph, options)
remaining_text = fill_text_box(remaining_text, options)
draw_remaining_text_on_new_pages(remaining_text, options)
remaining_text = fill_text_box(string, options)
options[:skip_encoding] = true
draw_remaining_text_on_new_pages(remaining_text, options)
# Draws text on the page, beginning at the point specified by the :at option
# the string is assumed to be pre-formatted to properly fit the page.
# pdf.draw_text "Hello World", :at => [100,100]
# pdf.draw_text "Goodbye World", :at => [50,50], :size => 16
# If your font contains kerning pairs data that Prawn can parse, the
# text will be kerned by default. You can disable this feature by passing
# :kerning => false.
# === Text Positioning Details:
# Prawn will position your text by the left-most edge of its baseline, and
# flow along a single line. (This means that :align will not work)
# == Rotation
# Text can be rotated before it is placed on the canvas by specifying the
# :rotate option with a given angle. Rotation occurs counter-clockwise.
# == Encoding
# Note that strings passed to this function should be encoded as UTF-8.
# If you get unexpected characters appearing in your rendered document,
# check this.
# If the current font is a built-in one, although the string must be
# encoded as UTF-8, only characters that are available in WinAnsi
# are allowed.
# If an empty box is rendered to your PDF instead of the character you
# wanted it usually means the current font doesn't include that character.
# == Options (default values marked in [])
# :at:: [x, y](required). The position at which to start the text
# :kerning:: boolean. Whether or not to use kerning (if it
# is available with the current font) [true]
# :size:: number. The font size to use. [current font
# size]
# :style:: The style to use. The requested style must be part of
# the current font familly. [current style]
# :rotate:: number. The angle to which to rotate text
# Raises ArgumentError if :at option omitted
# Raises ArgumentError if :align option included
def draw_text(text, options)
# we modify the options. don't change the user's hash
options = options.dup
# dup because normalize_encoding changes the string
text = text.to_s.dup
options = @text_options.merge(options)
save_font do
font.normalize_encoding!(text) unless @skip_encoding
font_size(options[:size]) { draw_text!(text, options) }
def draw_remaining_text_on_new_pages(remaining_text, options)
while remaining_text.length > 0
previous_remaining_text = remaining_text
remaining_text = fill_text_box(remaining_text, options)
break if remaining_text == previous_remaining_text
def draw_indented_line(string, options)
indent(@indent_paragraphs) do
fill_text_box(string, options.dup.merge(:single_line => true))
def fill_text_box(text, options)
bottom = @bounding_box.stretchy? ? @margin_box.absolute_bottom :
options[:height] = y - bottom
options[:width] = bounds.width
options[:at] = [@bounding_box.left_side - @bounding_box.absolute_left,
y - @bounding_box.absolute_bottom]
box = Text::Box.new(text, options)
remaining_text = box.render
self.y -= box.height - box.descender
if @final_gap
self.y -= box.line_height + box.leading - box.ascender
def inspect_options_for_draw_text(options)
if options[:at].nil?
raise ArgumentError, "The :at option is required for draw_text"
elsif options[:align]
raise ArgumentError, "The :align option does not work with draw_text"
valid_options = VALID_TEXT_OPTIONS.dup.concat([:at, :rotate])
Prawn.verify_options(valid_options, options)
def inspect_options_for_text(options)
if options[:at]
raise ArgumentError, ":at is no longer a valid option with text." +
"use draw_text or text_box instead"
options[:document] = self
def process_final_gap_option(options)
@final_gap = options[:final_gap].nil? || options[:final_gap]
def process_indent_paragraphs_option(options)
@indent_paragraphs = options[:indent_paragraphs]
def move_text_position(dy)
bottom = @bounding_box.stretchy? ? @margin_box.absolute_bottom :
@bounding_box.move_past_bottom if (y - dy) < bottom
self.y -= dy