module AIXM class Factory class << self # Base def xy AIXM.xy(lat: 10, long: 20) end def z AIXM.z(1000, :qnh) end def d AIXM.d(123, :m) end def f AIXM.f(123.35, :mhz) end def a AIXM.a('34L') end def w AIXM.w(1.5, :t) end def p AIXM.p(0.5, :mpa) end # Components def address AIXM.address( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', type: :radio_frequency, address: "123.35" ).tap do |address| address.remarks = "A/A (callsign PUJAUT)" end end def lighting position: :aiming_point ).tap do |lighting| lighting.description = "omnidirectional" lighting.intensity = :medium lighting.color = :green lighting.remarks = "lighting remarks" end end def timetable AIXM.timetable( code: :sunrise_to_sunset ).tap do |timetable| timetable.remarks = "timetable remarks" end end def vertical_limits AIXM.vertical_limits( upper_z: AIXM.z(65, :qne), max_z: AIXM.z(6000, :qnh), lower_z: AIXM.z(45, :qne), min_z: AIXM.z(3000, :qfe) ) end def layer AIXM.layer( class: :C, location_indicator: 'XXXX', vertical_limits: vertical_limits ).tap do |layer| layer.activity = :aerodrome_traffic layer.timetable = AIXM::H24 layer.selective = true layer.remarks = 'airspace layer' end end def polygon_geometry AIXM.geometry.tap do |geometry| geometry << AIXM.arc( xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(47°51'33"N), long: %q(007°33'36"E)), center_xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(47°54'15"N), long: %q(007°33'48"E)), clockwise: true ) geometry << AIXM.border( xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(47°56'37"N), long: %q(007°35'45"E)), name: 'FRANCE_GERMANY' ) geometry << AIXM.point( xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(47°51'33"N), long: %q(007°33'36"E)) ) end end def circle_geometry AIXM.geometry.tap do |geometry| geometry << center_xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(47°35'00"N), long: %q(004°53'00"E)), radius: AIXM.d(10, :km) ) end end # Airspaces def polygon_airspace AIXM.airspace( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', id: 'PA', type: :danger_area, local_type: 'POLYGON', name: 'POLYGON AIRSPACE' ).tap do |airspace| airspace.layers << layer airspace.geometry = polygon_geometry end end def circle_airspace AIXM.airspace( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', id: 'CA', type: :danger_area, local_type: 'CIRCLE', name: 'CIRCLE AIRSPACE' ).tap do |airspace| airspace.layers << layer airspace.geometry = circle_geometry end end # Navigational aids def designated_point AIXM.designated_point( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', id: 'DDD', name: 'DESIGNATED POINT NAVAID', xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(47°51'33"N), long: %q(007°33'36"E)), z: AIXM.z(500, :qnh), type: :vfr_reporting_point ).tap do |designated_point| designated_point.airport = airport designated_point.timetable = AIXM::H24 designated_point.remarks = 'designated point navaid' end end def dme AIXM.dme( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', organisation: organisation, id: 'MMM', name: 'DME NAVAID', xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(47°51'33"N), long: %q(007°33'36"E)), z: AIXM.z(500, :qnh), channel: '95X' ).tap do |dme| dme.timetable = AIXM::H24 dme.remarks = 'dme navaid' end end def marker AIXM.marker( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', organisation: organisation, id: '---', name: 'MARKER NAVAID', xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(47°51'33"N), long: %q(007°33'36"E)), z: AIXM.z(500, :qnh), type: :outer ).tap do |marker| marker.timetable = AIXM::H24 marker.remarks = 'marker navaid' end end def ndb AIXM.ndb( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', organisation: organisation, id: 'NNN', name: 'NDB NAVAID', xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(47°51'33"N), long: %q(007°33'36"E)), z: AIXM.z(500, :qnh), type: :en_route, f: AIXM.f(555, :khz) ).tap do |ndb| ndb.timetable = AIXM::H24 ndb.remarks = 'ndb navaid' end end def tacan AIXM.tacan( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', organisation: organisation, id: 'TTT', name: 'TACAN NAVAID', xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(47°51'33"N), long: %q(007°33'36"E)), z: AIXM.z(500, :qnh), channel: '29X' ).tap do |tacan| tacan.timetable = AIXM::H24 tacan.remarks = 'tacan navaid' end end def vor AIXM.vor( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', organisation: organisation, id: 'VVV', name: 'VOR NAVAID', xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(47°51'33"N), long: %q(007°33'36"E)), z: AIXM.z(500, :qnh), type: :conventional, f: AIXM.f(111, :mhz), north: :geographic ).tap do |vor| vor.timetable = AIXM::H24 vor.remarks = 'vor navaid' end end def vordme AIXM.vor( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', organisation: organisation, id: 'VDD', name: 'VOR/DME NAVAID', xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(47°51'33"N), long: %q(007°33'36"E)), z: AIXM.z(500, :qnh), type: :conventional, f: AIXM.f(111, :mhz), north: :geographic ).tap do |vordme| vordme.timetable = AIXM::H24 vordme.remarks = 'vor/dme navaid' vordme.associate_dme(channel: '95X') end end def vortac AIXM.vor( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', organisation: organisation, id: 'VTT', name: 'VORTAC NAVAID', xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(47°51'33"N), long: %q(007°33'36"E)), z: AIXM.z(500, :qnh), type: :conventional, f: AIXM.f(111, :mhz), north: :geographic ).tap do |vortac| vortac.timetable = AIXM::H24 vortac.remarks = 'vortac navaid' vortac.associate_tacan(channel: '29X') end end # Organisation def organisation AIXM.organisation( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', name: 'FRANCE', type: 'S' ).tap do |organisation| = 'LF' organisation.remarks = 'Oversea departments not included' end end # Unit def unit AIXM.unit( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', organisation: organisation, name: 'PUJAUT TWR', type: :aerodrome_control_tower, class: :icao ).tap do |unit| unit.airport = airport unit.remarks = 'FR only' unit.add_service(service) end end def service AIXM.service( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', type: :approach_control_service ).tap do |service| service.timetable = AIXM::H24 service.remarks = "service remarks" service.add_frequency(frequency) end end def frequency AIXM.frequency( transmission_f: AIXM.f(123.35, :mhz), callsigns: { en: "PUJAUT CONTROL", fr: "PUJAUT CONTROLE" } ).tap do |frequency| frequency.type = :standard frequency.reception_f = AIXM.f(124.1, :mhz) frequency.timetable = AIXM::H24 frequency.remarks = "frequency remarks" end end # Airport def airport AIXM.airport( source: 'LF|GEN|0.0 FACTORY|0|0', organisation: organisation, id: 'LFNT', name: 'Avignon-Pujaut', xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(43°59'46"N), long: %q(004°45'16"E)) ).tap do |airport| airport.gps = "LFPUJAUT" airport.z = AIXM.z(146, :qnh) airport.declination = 1.08 airport.transition_z = AIXM.z(10_000, :qnh) airport.operator = "Municipality of Pujaut" airport.remarks = "Restricted access" airport.add_runway(runway) airport.add_fato(fato) airport.add_helipad(helipad) airport.helipads.first.fato = airport.fatos.first # necessary when using factories only airport.add_usage_limitation :permitted airport.add_usage_limitation(:reservation_required) do |reservation_required| reservation_required.add_condition { |c| c.aircraft = :glider } reservation_required.add_condition { |c| c.origin = :international } reservation_required.timetable = AIXM::H24 reservation_required.remarks = "reservation remarks" end airport.add_address(address) end end def runway AIXM.runway(name: '16L/34R').tap do |runway| runway.length = AIXM.d(650, :m) runway.width = AIXM.d(80, :m) runway.surface.composition = :asphalt runway.surface.preparation = :paved runway.surface.condition = :good runway.surface.pcn = "59/F/A/W/T" runway.surface.siwl_weight = AIXM.w(1500, :kg) runway.surface.siwl_tire_pressure = AIXM.p(0.5, :mpa) runway.surface.auw_weight = AIXM.w(30, :t) runway.surface.remarks = "Paved shoulder on 2.5m on each side of the RWY." runway.status = :closed runway.remarks = "Markings eroded" runway.forth.xy = AIXM.xy(lat: %q(44°00'07.63"N), long: %q(004°45'07.81"E)) runway.forth.z = AIXM.z(145, :qnh) runway.forth.displaced_threshold = AIXM.xy(lat: %q(44°00'03.54"N), long: %q(004°45'09.30"E)) runway.forth.geographic_orientation = AIXM.a(165) runway.forth.vfr_pattern = :left_or_right runway.forth.remarks = "forth remarks" runway.forth.add_lighting(lighting) runway.back.xy = AIXM.xy(lat: %q(43°59'25.31"N), long: %q(004°45'23.24"E)) runway.back.z = AIXM.z(147, :qnh) runway.back.displaced_threshold = AIXM.xy(lat: %q(43°59'31.84"N), long: %q(004°45'20.85"E)) runway.back.geographic_orientation = AIXM.a(345) runway.back.vfr_pattern = :left runway.back.remarks = "back remarks" runway.back.add_lighting(lighting) end end def fato AIXM.fato(name: 'H1').tap do |fato| fato.length = AIXM.d(35, :m) fato.width = AIXM.d(35, :m) fato.surface.composition = :concrete fato.surface.preparation = :paved fato.surface.condition = :fair fato.surface.pcn = "30/F/A/W/U" fato.surface.siwl_weight = AIXM.w(1500, :kg) fato.surface.siwl_tire_pressure = AIXM.p(0.5, :mpa) fato.surface.auw_weight = AIXM.w(8, :t) fato.surface.remarks = "Cracks near the center" fato.profile = "Northwest from RWY 12/30" fato.marking = "Dashed white lines" fato.status = :other fato.remarks = "Authorizaton by AD operator required" fato.add_direction(name: '35') do |direction| direction.geographic_orientation = AIXM.a(355) direction.remarks = "Avoid flight over residental area" direction.add_lighting(lighting) end end end def helipad AIXM.helipad( name: 'H1', xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(43°59'56.94"N), long: %q(004°45'05.56"E)) ).tap do |helipad| helipad.z = AIXM.z(141, :qnh) helipad.length = AIXM.d(20, :m) helipad.width = AIXM.d(20, :m) helipad.surface.composition = :concrete helipad.surface.preparation = :paved helipad.surface.condition = :fair helipad.surface.pcn = "30/F/A/W/U" helipad.surface.siwl_weight = AIXM.w(1500, :kg) helipad.surface.siwl_tire_pressure = AIXM.p(0.5, :mpa) helipad.surface.auw_weight = AIXM.w(8, :t) helipad.surface.remarks = "Cracks near the center" helipad.marking = "Continuous white lines" helipad.helicopter_class = 1 helipad.status = :other helipad.remarks = "Authorizaton by AD operator required" helipad.add_lighting(lighting) end end # Obstacle def obstacle AIXM.obstacle( name: "Eiffel Tower", type: :tower, xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(48°51'29.7"N), long: %q(002°17'40.52"E)), radius: AIXM.d(88, :m), z: AIXM.z(1187 , :qnh) ).tap do |obstacle| = true obstacle.lighting_remarks = "red strobes" obstacle.marking = nil obstacle.marking_remarks = nil obstacle.height = AIXM.d(324, :m) obstacle.xy_accuracy = AIXM.d(2, :m) obstacle.z_accuracy = AIXM.d(1, :m) obstacle.height_accurate = true obstacle.valid_from = Time.parse('2018-01-01 12:00:00 +0100') obstacle.valid_until = Time.parse('2019-01-01 12:00:00 +0100') obstacle.remarks = "Temporary light installations (white strobes, gyro light etc)" end end def unlinked_obstacle_group AIXM.obstacle_group( name: "Mirmande éoliennes" ).tap do |obstacle_group| obstacle_group.xy_accuracy = AIXM.d(50, :m) obstacle_group.z_accuracy = AIXM.d(10, :m) obstacle_group.remarks = "Extension planned" obstacle_group.add_obstacle( AIXM.obstacle( name: "La Teissonière 1", type: :wind_turbine, xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(44°40'30.05"N), long: %q(004°52'21.24"E)), radius: AIXM.d(80, :m), z: AIXM.z(1764, :qnh) ).tap do |obstacle| obstacle.height = AIXM.d(80, :m) obstacle.height_accurate = false end ) obstacle_group.add_obstacle( AIXM.obstacle( name: "La Teissonière 2", type: :wind_turbine, xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(44°40'46.08"N), long: %q(004°52'25.72"E)), radius: AIXM.d(80, :m), z: AIXM.z(1738 , :qnh) ).tap do |obstacle| obstacle.height = AIXM.d(80, :m) obstacle.height_accurate = false end ) end end def linked_obstacle_group AIXM.obstacle_group( name: "Droitwich longwave antenna" ).tap do |obstacle_group| obstacle_group.xy_accuracy = AIXM.d(0, :m) obstacle_group.z_accuracy = AIXM.d(0, :ft) obstacle_group.remarks = "Destruction planned" obstacle_group.add_obstacle( AIXM.obstacle( name: "Droitwich LW north", type: :mast, xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(52°17'47.03"N), long: %q(002°06'24.31"W)), radius: AIXM.d(200, :m), z: AIXM.z(848 , :qnh) ).tap do |obstacle| obstacle.height = AIXM.d(700, :ft) obstacle.height_accurate = true end ) obstacle_group.add_obstacle( AIXM.obstacle( name: "Droitwich LW north", type: :mast, xy: AIXM.xy(lat: %q(52°17'40.48"N), long: %q(002°06'20.47"W)), radius: AIXM.d(200, :m), z: AIXM.z(848 , :qnh) ).tap do |obstacle| obstacle.height = AIXM.d(700, :ft) obstacle.height_accurate = true end, linked_to: :previous, link_type: :cable ) end end # Document def document AIXM.document( region: 'LF', namespace: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', created_at: (time = Time.parse('2018-01-01 12:00:00 +0100')), effective_at: time ).tap do |document| document.features << organisation document.features << unit document.features << airport document.features << polygon_airspace document.features << circle_airspace document.features << designated_point document.features << dme document.features << marker document.features << ndb document.features << tacan document.features << vor document.features << vordme document.features << vortac document.features << obstacle document.features << unlinked_obstacle_group document.features << linked_obstacle_group end end end end end