source '' ENV['TEST_VAGRANT_VERSION'] ||= 'v1.8.1' # Wrapping gemspec in the :plugins group causes Vagrant 1.5 and newer to # automagically load this plugin during acceptance tests. group :plugins do gemspec end group :development do gem 'yard', '~> 0.8.7' gem 'redcarpet' end group :test do if ENV['TEST_VAGRANT_VERSION'] == 'HEAD' gem 'vagrant', :github => 'mitchellh/vagrant', :branch => 'master' else gem 'vagrant', :github => 'mitchellh/vagrant', :tag => ENV['TEST_VAGRANT_VERSION'] end # Pinned on 2/21/2016. Compatible with Vagrant 1.6.x?, 1.7.x? and 1.8.x. gem 'vagrant-spec', :github => 'mitchellh/vagrant-spec', :ref => '9bba7e1' end eval_gemfile "#{__FILE__}.local" if File.exists? "#{__FILE__}.local"