--- gem: omniauth cve: 2015-9284 url: https://github.com/omniauth/omniauth/pull/809 title: CSRF vulnerability in OmniAuth's request phase date: 2015-05-25 description: | The request phase of the OmniAuth Ruby gem is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) when used as part of the Ruby on Rails framework, allowing accounts to be connected without user intent, user interaction, or feedback to the user. This permits a secondary account to be able to sign into the web application as the primary account. In order to mitigate this vulnerability, Rails users should consider using the `omniauth-rails_csrf_protection` gem. More info is available here: https://github.com/omniauth/omniauth/pull/809#issuecomment-502079405 cvss_v2: 6.8 cvss_v3: 8.8 related: url: - https://github.com/cookpad/omniauth-rails_csrf_protection