class SlackSmartBot module Commands module General module AI module OpenAI def open_ai_whisper(message, files) save_stats(__method__) get_personal_settings() @ai_open_ai, message_connect = SlackSmartBot::AI::OpenAI.connect(@ai_open_ai, config, @personal_settings, service: :whisper) respond message_connect if message_connect user = Thread.current[:user].dup team_id = user.team_id team_id_user = Thread.current[:team_id_user] if !@ai_open_ai[team_id_user].nil? and !@ai_open_ai[team_id_user][:whisper][:client].nil? react :speech_balloon begin if files.nil? or files.size != 1 respond "*OpenAI Whisper*: Sorry, I need an audio file to transcribe. Please upload an audio file and try again." else require "nice_http" audio = "#{config.path}/tmp/#{team_id_user}_audio.wav" http = "", headers: { "Authorization" => "Bearer #{config.token}" }) #todo: in case using a channel with external people from other organizations files are treated differently. We need to take in consideration that # #This is for all files in all commands res = http.get(files[0].url_private_download, save_data: audio) success, res = SlackSmartBot::AI::OpenAI.whisper_transcribe(@ai_open_ai[team_id_user][:whisper][:client], @ai_open_ai[team_id_user].whisper.model, audio) if success if message.to_s != '' success, res = SlackSmartBot::AI::OpenAI.send_gpt_chat(@ai_open_ai[team_id_user][:whisper][:client], @ai_open_ai[team_id_user].chat_gpt.model, "#{message}:\n#{res}", @ai_open_ai[team_id_user].chat_gpt) type_whisper = message else type_whisper = "Transcribe" end if res.size > 3000 send_file(Thread.current[:dest], "*OpenAI Whisper*", '', type_whisper, "text/plain", "text", content: res) else respond "*OpenAI Whisper* \n#{res.strip}" end else respond "*OpenAI Whisper* \n#{res.strip}" end File.delete(audio) if File.exist?(audio) end rescue => exception respond "*OpenAI Whisper*: Sorry, I'm having some problems. OpenAI probably is not available. Please try again later." @logger.warn exception end unreact :speech_balloon end end end end end end end