require 'thor' require 'rubygems/config_file' module Daemonizer class CLI < Thor check_unknown_options! method_option :daemonfile, :type => :string, :aliases => "-D", :banner => "Path to Daemonfile" def initialize(*) super Daemonizer.daemonfile = options[:daemonfile] || "Daemonfile" end desc "start", "Start pool" def start(pool_name = nil) control_pools_loop(pool_name, "successfully started") do |pool| # Pid file check if Daemonize.check_pid(pool.pid_file) print_pool, "Can't start, another process exists!" exit(1) end print_pool, "Starting pool" app_name = "#{} monitor\0" Daemonize.daemonize(app_name) Dir.chdir(Daemonizer.root) # Make sure we're in the working directory # Pid file creation Daemonize.create_pid(pool.pid_file) # Workers processing engine = engine.start! # Workers exited, cleaning up File.delete(pool.pid_file) rescue nil end return true end desc "stop", "Stop pool" def stop(pool_name = nil) control_pools_loop(pool_name, "successfully stoped") do |pool| STDOUT.sync = true unless Daemonize.check_pid(pool.pid_file) print_pool, "No pid file or a stale pid file!" exit 1 end pid = Daemonize.read_pid(pool.pid_file) print_pool, "Killing the process: #{pid}: " loop do Process.kill('SIGTERM', pid) sleep(1) break unless Daemonize.check_pid(pool.pid_file) end print_pool, " Done!" exit(0) end return true end desc "list", "List of pools" def list puts "List of configured pools:" puts "" Daemonizer.find_pools(nil).each do |pool| puts " * #{}" end puts "" return true end desc "restart", "Restart pool" def restart(pool_name = nil) invoke :stop, pool_name invoke :start, pool_name end desc "debug", "Debug pool (do not demonize)" def debug(pool_name = nil) puts "You should supply pool_name to debug" if pool_name.nil? control_pools_loop(pool_name, "execution ended", true) do |pool| STDOUT.sync = true engine = engine.debug! print_pool, " Done!" exit(0) end return true end desc "stat", "Pools statistics" def stat(pool_name = nil) statistics = Daemonizer.find_pools(pool_name).each do |pool| statistics.print( end end private def control_pools_loop(pool_name, message = nil, debug = false, &block) Daemonizer.find_pools(pool_name).each do |pool| Process.fork do if debug Daemonizer.init_console_logger( else Daemonizer.init_logger(, pool.log_file) end yield(pool) end begin Process.wait if $?.exitstatus == 0 and message print_pool, message end rescue Interrupt => e puts "Interrupted from keyboard" end end end def print_pool(pool_name, message) puts "#{pool_name}: #{message}" end end end