// taken and adapted from http://scriptnode.com/article/javascript-print_r-or-var_dump-equivalent/ /** * Concatenates the values of a variable into an easily readable string * by Matt Hackett [scriptnode.com] * @param {Object} x The variable to debug * @param {Number} max The maximum number of recursions allowed (keep low, around 5 for HTML elements to prevent errors) [default: 10] * @param {String} sep The separator to use between [default: a single space ' '] * @param {Number} l The current level deep (amount of recursion). Do not use this parameter: it's for the function's own use */ function print_r(x, max, sep, l) { l = l || 0; max = max || 10; sep = sep || ' '; if (l > max) { throw("Too much recursion"); }; var r = ''; if (x === null) { r += "null"; } else if (is_array(x)) { r += '[' + x.map(function(i) { return print_r(i, max, sep, (l + 1)); }).join(', ') + ']'; } else if(is_object(x)) { r += '{' var pairs = []; for (i in x) { pairs.push('"' + i + '": ' + print_r(x[i], max, sep, (l + 1))); } r += pairs.join(', '); r += '}'; } else if(is_string(x)) { r += '"' + x + "\""; } else { r += x; }; return r; function is_string(a) { return typeof a === 'string'; }; function is_array(a) { return (a && typeof a === 'object' && a.constructor === Array); }; function is_object(a) { return a && typeof a == 'object' }; };