<% base_table_config = { header: true, border: 2, attrib: { 'cellspacing' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 2 } } base_pie_config = { header: true, width: '650px', height: '650px', responsive: false, title: nil, config: { 'fontName' => 'Arial', 'showPieValues' => false, 'pieSegmentPrecision' => 3, 'maxPieSectors' => 30, 'legendBox' => false, 'legendScaleFontFactor' => 0.9 } } %>
Full-LengtherNEXT Summary
<%= table_title('General info') %> <%= table(base_table_config.merge({ id: :general_report, cell_align: ['left', 'right', 'right'] } )) %>
<%= table_title('Report guiding assembly quality') %> <%= table(base_table_config.merge({ id: :assembly_report, cell_align: ['left', 'right', 'right'] } )) %> 1 Percents for subclassifications of this category
were calculated using this line as 100% reference.
<%= table_title('Structural profile') %> <%= stacked( id: :structural_data, header: true, title: nil, x_label: '% sequences', width: '540px', config: { 'graphOrientation' => 'vertical', 'fontName' => 'Arial', 'setMaxX' => 80, 'setMinX' => 0, 'smpLabelScaleFontFactor' => 1.2, 'axisTitleScaleFontFactor' => 2, 'xAxis2Show' => false, 'xAxisExact' => true })%>
<%= table_title('Status report') %> <%= table(base_table_config.merge({ id: :status_report, cell_align: ['left', 'left', 'right', 'right'] } )) %>
<%= table_title('Taxonomy distribution on annotations') %> <%= barplot( id: :taxonomy, header: true, width: '600px', title: nil, x_label: 'Number of sequences', config: { 'fontName' => 'Arial', 'axisTitleScaleFontFactor' => 1.5, 'showLegend' => false, 'smpLabelScaleFontFactor' => 1 })%>
<%= table_title('Database usage') %> <%= table(base_table_config.merge({ id: :database_report, cell_align: ['left', 'right', 'right'] } )) %>
<%= table_title('GO: Molecular function') %> <%= pie(base_pie_config.merge({ id: :function_go, row_names: true, header: true } )) %>
<%= table_title('GO: Biological process') %> <%= pie(base_pie_config.merge({ id: :process_go, row_names: true, header: true } )) %>
<%= table_title('GO: Cellular component') %> <%= pie(base_pie_config.merge({ id: :component_go, row_names: true, header: true } )) %>