require "spec_helper" require_relative "../../lib/octopolo/github" module Octopolo describe GitHub do context ".client" do let(:octokit_client) { stub(:github_client) } let(:user_config) { stub(:user_config, github_user: "foo", github_token: "bar") } before do GitHub.stub(user_config: user_config) end it "logs in with the configured authentication values" do Octokit::Client.should_receive(:new).with(login: user_config.github_user, access_token: user_config.github_token) { octokit_client } GitHub.client.should == octokit_client end it "uses additional given parameters" do Octokit::Client.should_receive(:new).with(login: user_config.github_user, access_token: user_config.github_token, auto_traversal: true) { octokit_client } GitHub.client(auto_traversal: true).should == octokit_client end it "properly handles if the github authentication isn't configured" do user_config.should_receive(:github_user).and_raise(UserConfig::MissingGitHubAuth) Scripts::GithubAuth.should_not_receive(:invoke) expect { GitHub.client }.to raise_error(GitHub::TryAgain, "No GitHub API token stored. Please run `op github-auth` to generate your token.") end end context ".crawling_client" do let(:client) { stub } it "instantiates a client with auto_traversal" do GitHub.should_receive(:client).with(auto_traversal: true) { client } GitHub.crawling_client.should == client end end context "having convenience methods" do let(:client) { stub(:github_client) } let(:crawling_client) { stub(:github_crawling_client) } let(:data) { stub } before do GitHub.stub(client: client, crawling_client: crawling_client) end context ".pull_request *args" do it "sends onto the client wrapper" do client.should_receive(:pull_request).with("a", "b") { data } result = GitHub.pull_request("a", "b") result.should == data end end context ".pull_request_commits *args" do it "sends onto the client wrapper" do client.should_receive(:pull_request_commits).with("a", "b") { data } result = GitHub.pull_request_commits("a", "b") result.should == data end end context ".issue_comments *args" do it "sends onto the client wrapper" do client.should_receive(:issue_comments).with("a", "b") { data } result = GitHub.issue_comments("a", "b") result.should == data end end context ".pull_requests *args" do it "sends onto the crawling client wrapper" do crawling_client.should_receive(:pull_requests).with("a", "b") { data } GitHub.pull_requests("a", "b").should == data end end context ".tst_repos" do it "fetches the sportngin organization repos" do crawling_client.should_receive(:organization_repositories).with("sportngin") { data } GitHub.org_repos.should == data end it "fetches another organization's repos if requested" do crawling_client.should_receive(:organization_repositories).with("foo") { data } GitHub.org_repos("foo").should == data end end context ".create_pull_request" do it "sends the pull request to the API" do client.should_receive(:create_pull_request).with("repo", "destination_branch", "source_branch", "title", "body") { data } GitHub.create_pull_request("repo", "destination_branch", "source_branch", "title", "body").should == data end end context ".add_comment" do it "sends the comment to the API" do client.should_receive(:add_comment).with("repo", 123, "contents of comment") GitHub.add_comment "repo", 123, "contents of comment" end end context ".user username" do let(:username) { "foo" } let(:valid_user) { stub(login: "foo", name: "Joe Foo")} it "fetches the user data from GitHub" do client.should_receive(:user).with(username) { valid_user } GitHub.user(username).should == valid_user end it "returns a generic Unknown user if none is found" do client.should_receive(:user).with(username).and_raise(Octokit::NotFound) GitHub.user(username).should == GitHub::UNKNOWN_USER) end end context ".check_connection" do it "performs a request against the API which requires authentication" do client.should_receive(:user) GitHub.check_connection end it "raises BadCredentials if testing the connection raises Octokit::Unauthorized" do client.should_receive(:user).and_raise(Octokit::Unauthorized) expect { GitHub.check_connection }.to raise_error(GitHub::BadCredentials) end end context ".connect &block" do let(:thing) { stub } let(:try_again) {"try-again message") } let(:bad_credentials) {"bad-credentials message") } it "performs the block if GitHub.check_connection does not raise an exception" do GitHub.should_receive(:check_connection) thing.should_receive(:foo) GitHub.connect do end end it "does not perform the block if GitHub.check_connection raises TryAgain" do GitHub.should_receive(:check_connection).and_raise(try_again) thing.should_not_receive(:foo) CLI.should_receive(:say).with(try_again.message) GitHub.connect do end end it "does not perform the block if GitHub.check_connection raises BadCredentials" do GitHub.should_receive(:check_connection).and_raise(bad_credentials) thing.should_not_receive(:foo) CLI.should_receive(:say).with(bad_credentials.message) GitHub.connect do end end end end end end