# Configliere.use :define module Configliere # # Command line tool to manage param info # module Commandline attr_accessor :rest # Processing to reconcile all options # # Configliere::Commandline's resolve!: # * processes all commandline params # * if the --help param was given, prints out a usage statement (using # any +:description+ set with #define) and then exits # * lastly, calls the next method in the resolve! chain. # def resolve! process_argv! dump_help_if_requested super() end # # Parse the command-line args into the params hash. # # '--happy_flag' produces :happy_flag => true in the params hash # '--foo=foo_val' produces :foo => 'foo_val' in the params hash. # '--' Stop parsing; all remaining args are piled into :rest # # self.rest contains all arguments that don't start with a '--' # and all args following the '--' sentinel if any. # def process_argv! args = ARGV.dup self.rest = [] until args.empty? do arg = args.shift case when arg == '--' self.rest += args break when arg =~ /\A--([\w\-\.]+)(?:=(.*))?\z/ param, val = [$1, $2] param.gsub!(/\-/, '.') # translate --scoped-flag to --scoped.flag param = param.to_sym unless (param =~ /\./) # symbolize non-scoped keys if val == nil then val = true # --flag option on its own means 'set that option' elsif val == '' then val = nil end # --flag='' the explicit empty string means nil self[param] = val when arg =~ /\A-(\w+)\z/ $1.each_char do |flag| param = param_with_flag(flag) self[param] = true if param end else self.rest << arg end end end # Configliere internal params def define_special_params Settings.define :encrypt_pass, :description => "Passphrase to extract encrypted config params.", :internal => true end # All commandline name-value params that aren't internal to configliere def normal_params reject{|param, val| param_definitions[param][:internal] } end # die with a warning # # @param str [String] the string to dump out before exiting # @param exit_code [Integer] UNIX exit code to set, default -1 def die str, exit_code=-1 dump_help "****\n#{str}\n****" exit exit_code end # Retrieve the given param, or prompt for it def param_or_ask attr, hint=nil return self[attr] if include?(attr) require 'highline/import' self[attr] = ask("#{attr}"+(hint ? " for #{hint}?" : '?')) end # Retreive the first param defined with the given flag. def param_with_flag flag params_with(:flag).each do |param| return param if param_definitions[param][:flag].to_s == flag.to_s end raise Configliere::Error.new("Unknown option: -#{flag}") if complain_about_bad_flags? end # Returns a flag in dashed form, suitable for recycling into the commandline # of an external program. # Can specify a specific flag name, otherwise the given setting key is used # # @example # Settings.dashed_flag_for(:flux_capacitance) # #=> --flux-capacitance=0.7 # Settings.dashed_flag_for(:screw_you, :hello_friend) # #=> --hello-friend=true # def dashed_flag_for setting_name, flag_name=nil return unless Settings[setting_name] flag_name ||= setting_name (Settings[setting_name] == true ? "--#{flag_name.to_s.gsub(/_/,"-")}" : "--#{flag_name.to_s.gsub(/_/,"-")}=#{Settings[setting_name]}" ) end def dashed_flags *settings_and_names settings_and_names.map{|args| dashed_flag_for(*args) } end # Complain about bad flags? def complain_about_bad_flags? @complain_about_bad_flags end # Force this params object to complain about bad (single-letter) # flags on the command-line. def complain_about_bad_flags! @complain_about_bad_flags = true end # The contents of the help message. # Lists the usage as well as any defined parameters and environment variables def help help_str = [ usage ] if respond_to?(:descriptions) help_str += ["\nParams"] ordered_params_and_descs = descriptions.sort_by{|p,d| p.to_s } param_help_strings = ordered_params_and_descs.map do |param, desc| if flag = param_definitions[param][:flag] " -%s, --%-21s %s" % [flag.to_s.first, param.to_s + ':', desc] else " --%-25s %s" % [param.to_s + ':', desc] end end help_str += param_help_strings end help_str += [ "\nEnvironment Variables can be used to set:", params_from_env_vars.map{|param, env| " %-27s %s"%[env.to_s+':', param]}.join("\n"), ] if respond_to?(:params_from_env_vars) help_str.join("\n") end # Output the help message to $stderr, along with an optional extra message appended. def dump_help extra_msg=nil $stderr.puts help $stderr.puts "\n\n"+extra_msg unless extra_msg.blank? $stderr.puts '' end def raw_script_name File.basename($0) end # Usage line def usage %Q{usage: #{raw_script_name} [...--param=val...]} end protected # Ouput the help string if requested def dump_help_if_requested return unless self[:help] dump_help exit end end Param.class_eval do # include read / save operations include Commandline end end