#! /usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:file).attrclass(:mode) do include PuppetSpec::Files let(:path) { tmpfile('mode_spec') } let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:file).new :path => path, :mode => 0644 } let(:mode) { resource.property(:mode) } describe "#validate" do it "should accept values specified as integers" do expect { mode.value = 0755 }.not_to raise_error end it "should accept values specified as octal numbers in strings" do expect { mode.value = '0755' }.not_to raise_error end it "should not accept strings other than octal numbers" do expect do mode.value = 'readable please!' end.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /The file mode specification is invalid/) end end describe "#munge" do # This is sort of a redundant test, but its spec is important. it "should return the value as a string" do mode.munge('0644').should be_a(String) end it "should accept strings as arguments" do mode.munge('0644').should == '644' end it "should accept integers are arguments" do mode.munge(0644).should == '644' end end describe "#dirmask" do before :each do Dir.mkdir(path) end it "should add execute bits corresponding to read bits for directories" do mode.dirmask('0644').should == '755' end it "should not add an execute bit when there is no read bit" do mode.dirmask('0600').should == '700' end it "should not add execute bits for files that aren't directories" do resource[:path] = tmpfile('other_file') mode.dirmask('0644').should == '0644' end end describe "#insync?" do it "should return true if the mode is correct" do FileUtils.touch(path) mode.must be_insync('644') end it "should return false if the mode is incorrect" do FileUtils.touch(path) mode.must_not be_insync('755') end it "should return true if the file is a link and we are managing links", :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do File.symlink('anything', path) mode.must be_insync('644') end end describe "#retrieve" do it "should return absent if the resource doesn't exist" do resource[:path] = File.expand_path("/does/not/exist") mode.retrieve.should == :absent end it "should retrieve the directory mode from the provider" do Dir.mkdir(path) mode.expects(:dirmask).with('644').returns '755' resource.provider.expects(:mode).returns '755' mode.retrieve.should == '755' end it "should retrieve the file mode from the provider" do FileUtils.touch(path) mode.expects(:dirmask).with('644').returns '644' resource.provider.expects(:mode).returns '644' mode.retrieve.should == '644' end end describe '#should_to_s' do describe 'with a 3-digit mode' do it 'returns a 4-digit mode with a leading zero' do mode.should_to_s('755').should == '0755' end end describe 'with a 4-digit mode' do it 'returns the 4-digit mode when the first digit is a zero' do mode.should_to_s('0755').should == '0755' end it 'returns the 4-digit mode when the first digit is not a zero' do mode.should_to_s('1755').should == '1755' end end end describe '#is_to_s' do describe 'with a 3-digit mode' do it 'returns a 4-digit mode with a leading zero' do mode.is_to_s('755').should == '0755' end end describe 'with a 4-digit mode' do it 'returns the 4-digit mode when the first digit is a zero' do mode.is_to_s('0755').should == '0755' end it 'returns the 4-digit mode when the first digit is not a zero' do mode.is_to_s('1755').should == '1755' end end end end