module Locomotive::Steam module Middlewares # Retrieve a page from the path and the locale previously # fetched from the request. # class Page < ThreadSafe include Concerns::Helpers def _call return env[''] if env[''] if page = fetch_page if !page.not_found? log "Found page \"#{page.title}\" [#{page.fullpath}]" else ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument('steam.render.page_not_found', path: path, locale: locale, default_locale: default_locale) log "Page not found (#{path.inspect}), rendering the 404 page.".magenta end end env[''] = page end protected def fetch_page page = site.routes.present? ? fetch_page_from_routes : nil # if we don't find it from the site routes, try with the paths page ||= fetch_page_from_paths # make sure the page can be displayed, otherwise, display a nice 404 error page if page && (page.published? || page.not_found? || live_editing?) page else page_finder.find('404') end end def fetch_page_from_routes site.routes.each do |definition| route, handle = definition['route'], definition['page_handle'] _route = route.gsub(/:([a-z][a-z0-9_]+)/, '(?<\1>[^\/]+)').gsub(/^\//, '') regexp =^#{_route}$/i) if (matches = path.match(regexp)) log "Route found! #{route} (#{handle})" # we want the named route parameters in the request params object # because they will be needed in the liquid template. self.merge_with_params(matches.named_captures) return page_finder.by_handle(handle, false) end end nil # out of luck, find another way to get the page end def fetch_page_from_paths page_finder.match(path).tap do |pages| if pages.size > 1 self.log "Found multiple pages: #{', ')}" end end.first end def page_finder services.page_finder end end end end