module Livefyre module Model extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Public: Ping Livefyre to refresh this user's record def refresh_livefyre if _livefyre_callback self, self.send(:_livefyre_id) ) else Livefyre::User.refresh( self.send(:_livefyre_id) ) end end protected def update_livefyre_if_fields_changed if updates = _livefyre_options[:update_on] updates.each do |field| if send("#{field}_changed?") refresh_livefyre break end end end end def _livefyre_options self.class.instance_variable_get("@livefyre_options") end def _livefyre_callback self.class.instance_variable_get("@livefyre_update_block") end def _livefyre_id livefyre_id = if _livefyre_options[:id] livefyre_id = self.send(_livefyre_options[:id]) end livefyre_id end public module ClassMethods # Public: Adds callback handlers and additional methods for treating this record as a user record. # # options - [Hash] of options to initialize behavior with # :update_on - [Array] List of fields which should trigger a Livefyre update when they're updated. # :id - [Symbol] Name of the method to use for determining this record's livefyre ID. If not given, #id is used. # # Examples # # livefyre_user :update_on => [:email, :first_name, :last_name, :username, :picture_url], :id => :custom_livefyre_id # # Returns [nil] def livefyre_user(options = {}, &block) @livefyre_options = options @livefyre_update_block = block after_save :update_livefyre_if_fields_changed end end end end