require 'rake/clean' require "rubygems" require "lib/fsr" require "pathname" PROJECT_COPYRIGHT = Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.join("License.txt").read PROJECT_README = Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.join("README").expand_path.to_s PROJECT_FILES = %x{git ls-files}.split RELEASE_FILES = PROJECT_FILES.reject { |f| f.match(/^(?:contrib)(?:\/|$)/) } GEM_FILES = RELEASE_FILES.reject { |f| f.match(/^(?:spec)(?:\/|$)/) } PROJECT_SPECS = (RELEASE_FILES - GEM_FILES).reject { |d| d.match(/(?:helper.rb)$/) } GEM_FILES << "spec/helper.rb" if Pathname("spec/helper.rb").file? GEM_FILES << "spec/fsr_listener_helper.rb" if Pathname("spec/helper.rb").file? GEMSPEC = do |spec| = "freeswitcher" spec.version = ENV["FSR_VERSION"] || FSR::VERSION spec.summary = 'A library for interacting with the "FreeSWITCH": telephony platform' spec.authors = ["Jayson Vaughn", "Michael Fellinger", "Kevin Berry", "TJ Vanderpoel"] = "" spec.homepage = "" spec.add_dependency "eventmachine" spec.files = GEM_FILES spec.test_files = PROJECT_SPECS spec.require_path = "lib" description = Pathname(PROJECT_README).read spec.description = description spec.rubyforge_project = "freeswitcher" spec.post_install_message = description end import(*Dir['tasks/*rake']) task :default => :bacon