#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'pwn' require 'optparse' require 'waveform' opts = {} OptionParser.new do |options| options.banner = "USAGE: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} [opts] " options.on('-fFROM', '--from=FROM', '') do |f| opts[:from_num] = f end options.on('-tTO', '--to=TO', '') do |t| opts[:to_num] = t end options.on('-sSEC', '--seconds-to-record=SEC', '') do |s| opts[:seconds_to_record] = s end options.on('-aADB', '--adb-path=ADB', '') do |adb| opts[:adb_bin] = adb end options.on('-SSOX', '--sox-path=SOX', '') do |sox| opts[:sox_bin] = sox end options.on('-wWAV', '--wav-archive-dir=WAV', '') do |wav| opts[:wav_archive] = wav end options.on('-r', '--[no-]randomize', '') do |r| opts[:randomize] = r end options.on('-dSEC', '--delay-between-calls=SEC', '') do |d| opts[:seconds_to_delay_between_calls] = d end end.parse! if opts.empty? puts `#{$PROGRAM_NAME} --help` exit 1 end # Required Flag Variables from_num = opts[:from_num].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp.delete('(').delete(')').delete('-').delete('.').delete('+').to_i to_num = opts[:to_num].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp.delete('(').delete(')').delete('-').delete('.').delete('+').to_i seconds_to_record = opts[:seconds_to_record].to_i adb_bin = opts[:adb_bin] if File.exist?(opts[:adb_bin].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp) sox_bin = opts[:sox_bin] if File.exist?(opts[:sox_bin].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp) wav_archive = opts[:wav_archive].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp if Dir.exist?(opts[:wav_archive].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp) waveform_bin = 'waveform' # Optional Flag Variables randomize = opts[:randomize] seconds_to_delay_between_calls = opts[:seconds_to_delay_between_calls].to_i # Colors! red = "\e[31m" green = "\e[32m" yellow = "\e[33m" cayan = "\e[36m" end_of_color = "\e[0m" raise 'ERROR: --from value must be <= --to value' if from_num > to_num begin $stdout.sync = true range = [] # Prepare the targets for assessment (from_num..to_num).each { |number| range.push(number) } # Randomize targets if applicable range.shuffle! if randomize range.each do |target_num| start_timestamp = Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d.%H.%M.%S') puts "#{green}#{start_timestamp} >>>#{end_of_color} #{yellow}dialing #{target_num}#{end_of_color}" PWN::Plugins::Android.adb_sh( adb_path: adb_bin, command: "am start -a android.intent.action.CALL -d tel:'#{target_num}'" ) # Record Call pid_to_kill = 0 wav_file = "#{wav_archive}/#{target_num}-#{start_timestamp}.wav" puts red puts "Recording Duration: #{seconds_to_record}s" system( sox_bin, '-d', wav_file, 'trim', '0', seconds_to_record.to_s ) puts 'Complete.' puts end_of_color ending_timestamp = Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d.%H.%M.%S') print "#{yellow}#{ending_timestamp} >>> #{end_of_color}" PWN::Plugins::Android.adb_sh( adb_path: adb_bin, command: 'input keyevent KEYCODE_ENDCALL' ) puts "#{green}hung up #{target_num}#{end_of_color}" puts cayan puts 'Generating Audio Spectrogram...' system( sox_bin, wav_file, '-n', 'spectrogram', '-o', "#{wav_file}-spectrogram.png", '-d', seconds_to_record.to_s ) puts 'Generating Audio Waveform...' system( waveform_bin, '-c', '#FF0000', '-b', '#000000', '-F', wav_file, "#{wav_file}-waveform.png" ) puts 'Complete.' puts end_of_color if seconds_to_delay_between_calls.positive? # Greater than 0 (1..seconds_to_delay_between_calls).reverse_each do |countdown| print "#{red}delay #{seconds_to_delay_between_calls}s until next call: #{format('%-9.9s', countdown)}#{end_of_color}" print "\r" sleep 1 end puts "\n#{green}waking up \\o/#{end_of_color}" end puts "\n\n\n" end rescue StandardError => e raise e.message ensure PWN::Plugins::Android.adb_sh( adb_path: adb_bin, command: 'input keyevent KEYCODE_ENDCALL' ) end