require 'spec_helper' describe Spree::Gateway::StripeAchGateway do let(:secret_key) { 'key' } let(:email) { '' } let(:source) { } let(:payment) { double('Spree::Payment', source: source, order: double('Spree::Order', email: email, bill_address: bill_address, user: double('Spree::User', email: email) ) ) } let(:provider) do double('provider').tap do |p| p.stub(:purchase) p.stub(:authorize) p.stub(:capture) p.stub(:verify) end end before do subject.preferences = { secret_key: secret_key } subject.stub(:options_for_purchase_or_auth).and_return(['money','check','opts']) subject.stub(:provider).and_return provider end describe '#create_profile' do before do payment.source.stub(:update!) end context 'with an order that has a bill address' do let(:bill_address) { double('Spree::Address', address1: '123 Happy Road', address2: 'Apt 303', city: 'Suzarac', zipcode: '95671', state: double('Spree::State', name: 'Oregon'), country: double('Spree::Country', name: 'United States') ) } it 'stores the bill address with the provider' do subject.provider.should_receive(:store).with(payment.source, { email: email, login: secret_key, address: { address1: '123 Happy Road', address2: 'Apt 303', city: 'Suzarac', zip: '95671', state: 'Oregon', country: 'United States' } }).and_return double.as_null_object subject.create_profile payment end end context 'with an order that does not have a bill address' do let(:bill_address) { nil } it 'does not store a bill address with the provider' do subject.provider.should_receive(:store).with(payment.source, { email: email, login: secret_key }).and_return double.as_null_object subject.create_profile payment end end context 'with a check represents payment_profile' do let(:source) { 'tok_profileid') } let(:bill_address) { nil } it 'stores the profile_id as a check' do subject.provider.should_receive(:store).with(source.gateway_payment_profile_id, anything).and_return double.as_null_object subject.create_profile payment end end end context 'purchasing' do after do subject.purchase(19.99, 'check', {}) end it 'send the payment to the provider' do provider.should_receive(:purchase).with('money', 'check', 'opts') end end context 'authorizing' do after do subject.authorize(19.99, 'check', {}) end it 'send the authorization to the provider' do provider.should_receive(:authorize).with('money', 'check', 'opts') end end context 'verifying' do after do subject.verify(source, {}) end it 'send the verify to the provider' do provider.should_receive(:verify).with(source, anything) end end context 'capturing' do after do subject.capture(1234, 'response_code', {}) end it 'convert the amount to cents' do provider.should_receive(:capture).with(1234, anything, anything) end it 'use the response code as the authorization' do provider.should_receive(:capture).with(anything, 'response_code', anything) end end context 'capture with payment class' do let(:gateway) do gateway = true) gateway.set_preference :secret_key, secret_key gateway.stub(:options_for_purchase_or_auth).and_return(['money', 'check', 'opts']) gateway.stub(:provider).and_return provider gateway.stub source_required: true gateway end let(:order) { Spree::Order.create } let(:check) do # mock_model(Spree::Check, :gateway_customer_profile_id => 'cus_abcde', # :imported => false) create :check, gateway_customer_profile_id: 'cus_abcde', imported: false end let(:payment) do payment = payment.source = check payment.order = order payment.payment_method = gateway payment.amount = 98.55 payment.state = 'pending' payment.response_code = '12345' payment end after do payment.capture! end let!(:success_response) do double('success_response', success?: true, authorization: '123', avs_result: { 'code' => 'avs-code' }, cvv_result: { 'code' => 'cvv-code', 'message' => 'CVV Result' }, params: {}) end it 'gets correct amount' do provider.should_receive(:capture).with(9855, '12345', anything).and_return(success_response) end end end