class RouteValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator def initialize(options) # options[:get_all_conflicts] = true super scrub_options options end def validate_each(record, attribute, value) # Get all Routes inspector = routes = inspector.format( routes = scrub_routes routes conflicts = check_conflicts routes, record unless conflicts.empty? record.errors[attribute] << (@options[:message] || "route is taken") end end private def check_conflicts(routes, record) # Get the Class of the record we want to validate endpoint = conflicts = [] # Get the list of routes we want to create which may conflict with other routes based off of the controller routes_to_create = [] routes.each { |result| routes_to_create.push result if result[:reqs].include?(endpoint) } # Get all possibly conflicting paths (routes to the same path, unless it's a path for the current controller) possible_conflicts = [] routes_to_create.each {|route_to_create| routes.each {|route| unless route == route_to_create parameter = route_to_create[:path].split(/.*?(:[^\/]*)/).last || "" substituted_route = route_to_create[:path].sub(parameter, record.to_param) if (route[:path] == route_to_create[:path]) or (route[:path] == substituted_route) possible_conflicts.push route end end } } # if there is an already existing route for a non-show and non-edit action, add it to the list of conflicting paths possible_conflicts.each {|route| routes_to_create.each {|route_to_create| unless (route[:reqs].include?("#show") or route[:reqs].include?("#edit")) parameter = route_to_create[:path].split(/.*?(:[^\/]*)/).last || "" substituted_route = route_to_create[:path].sub(parameter, record.to_param) if (route[:path] == route_to_create[:path]) or (route[:path] == substituted_route) conflicts.push route break unless @options[:get_all_conflicts] end end } break if !conflicts.empty? unless @options[:get_all_conflicts] } # Check for existing records of other Classes' Show actions, add it to the conflicting paths if the record at that path already exists possible_conflicts.each {|route| routes_to_create.each {|route_to_create| if route[:reqs].include?("#show") or route[:reqs].include?("#edit") if route[:reqs].include?("/") # is this a namespaced route or anything? route_controller_segments = route[:reqs].slice(/(.*)(#)(.*)/, 1).split(/^(.*\/)(.*)$/) last_segment = route_controller_segments.pop.singularize klass_underscored = route_controller_segments.join("") + last_segment # TODO: THIS has no coverage else klass_underscored = route[:reqs].slice(/(.*)(#)(.*)/, 1).singularize end klass = klass_underscored.classify.constantize if klass.exists?(record.to_param) conflicts.push route unless klass.find(record.to_param).eql? record break unless @options[:get_all_conflicts] end if record.class.exists?(record.to_param) conflicts.push route unless record.class.find(record.to_param).eql? record break unless @options[:get_all_conflicts] end end } break if !conflicts.empty? unless @options[:get_all_conflicts] } conflicts end def scrub_options(options) unless options[:reserved_routes].nil? options[:reserved_routes].map! { |route_path| route_path = "/" + route_path if route_path[0] != "/" } end unless options[:unreserved_routes].nil? options[:unreserved_routes].map! { |route_path| route_path = "/" + route_path if route_path[0] != "/" } end end def scrub_routes(routes) # Add the additional routes unless @options[:reserved_routes].nil? @options[:reserved_routes].each { |route_path| routes << {path: route_path, verb: 'GET', reqs: ''} } end # Remove unreserved routes unless @options[:unreserved_routes].nil? routes.delete_if { |route| route_included = false @options[:unreserved_routes].each { |route_path| route_included = route_included || (route[:path] == route_path) } route_included } end # Filter for matching GET requests only routes.delete_if { |route| delete = false delete = route[:verb] != "GET" || delete # delete = route[:reqs].include?("redirect") || delete # delete } # Allow redirect paths routes.each {|route| if route[:reqs].include?("redirect") redirected_path = route[:reqs].slice(/.*redirect\(\d*,\s([^\)]*)\)/, 1) delete_original = false routes.each {|route_to_match| if route_to_match[:path] == redirected_path redirected_route = route.clone redirected_route[:reqs] = route_to_match[:reqs] routes << redirected_route delete_original = true end } routes.delete route if delete_original end } routes.compact.flatten.uniq end end