#ifndef BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_TDAPCAPI_H #define BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_TDAPCAPI_H /* ================================================================= Copyright (C) 2012 2013-2016 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ================================================================= */ #include <bzs/env/compiler.h> #include <tchar.h> /** data types */ typedef unsigned int uint_td; typedef unsigned short ushort_td; typedef void void_td; typedef short short_td; typedef unsigned char uchar_td; typedef char char_td; typedef int percentage_td; typedef ushort_td keylen_td; /* Wnen change MAX_BOOKMARK_SIZE, database.h REF_SIZE_MAX too */ #define MAX_BOOKMARK_SIZE 112 // innodb unique key max 767 byte struct BOOKMARK { uchar_td val[MAX_BOOKMARK_SIZE]; bool empty; BOOKMARK():empty(true){} bool isEmpty() { return empty; } }; typedef BOOKMARK bookmark_td; /** tdap c interface */ #if (defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__clang__)) typedef short __stdcall (*dllUnloadCallback)(); #else /** @cond INTERNAL */ /** Callback function on a record was deleted. */ typedef short(__STDCALL* dllUnloadCallback)(); /** @endcond */ #endif #ifdef LIB_TDCLCPP extern __declspec(dllimport) short_td __stdcall BTRCALLID(ushort_td op, void* posb, void* data, uint_td* datalen, void* keybuf, keylen_td keylen, char_td keyNum, uchar_td* clientID); extern __declspec(dllimport) short_td __stdcall CallbackRegist(dllUnloadCallback func); #endif typedef short_td(__STDCALL* BTRCALLID_PTR)(ushort_td, void*, void*, uint_td*, void*, keylen_td, char_td, uchar_td*); typedef void(__STDCALL* WIN_TPOOL_SHUTDOWN_PTR)(); /** buffer size */ #define POS_BLOCK_SIZE 128 #define BTRV_BOOKMARK_SIZE 4 #ifndef MAX_KEYLEN #define MAX_KEYLEN 0X3FF // 1023 #endif #define BTRV_MAX_DATA_SIZE 57000 #define TDAP_MAX_DATA_SIZE 6291456 // 6Mbyte #define BOOKMARK_ALLOC_SIZE 40960 /** operation type * */ #define TD_OPENTABLE 0 #define TD_CLOSETABLE 1 #define TD_REC_INSERT 2 #define TD_REC_UPDATE 3 #define TD_REC_DELETE 4 #define TD_KEY_SEEK 5 #define TD_KEY_NEXT 6 #define TD_KEY_PREV 7 #define TD_KEY_AFTER 8 #define TD_KEY_OR_AFTER 9 #define TD_KEY_BEFORE 10 #define TD_KEY_OR_BEFORE 11 #define TD_KEY_FIRST 12 #define TD_KEY_LAST 13 #define TD_CREATETABLE 14 #define TD_TABLE_INFO 15 #define TD_SETDIRECTORY 17 #define TD_GETDIRECTORY 18 #define TD_BEGIN_TRANSACTION 19 #define TD_END_TRANSACTION 20 #define TD_ABORT_TRANSACTION 21 #define TD_BOOKMARK 22 #define TD_MOVE_BOOKMARK 23 #define TD_POS_NEXT 24 #define TD_STOP_ENGINE 25 #define TD_VERSION 26 #define TD_UNLOCK 27 #define TD_RESET_CLIENT 28 #define TD_SET_OWNERNAME 29 #define TD_CLEAR_OWNERNAME 30 #define TD_BUILD_INDEX 31 #define TD_DROP_INDEX 32 #define TD_POS_FIRST 33 #define TD_POS_LAST 34 #define TD_POS_PREV 35 #define TD_KEY_NEXT_MULTI 36 #define TD_KEY_PREV_MULTI 37 #define TD_POS_NEXT_MULTI 38 #define TD_POS_PREV_MULTI 39 #define TD_INSERT_BULK 40 #define TD_BACKUPMODE 42 #define TD_MOVE_PER 44 #define TD_GET_PER 45 #define TD_UPDATE_PART 53 #define TD_KEY_EQUAL_KO 55 #define TD_KEY_NEXT_KO 56 #define TD_KEY_PREV_KO 57 #define TD_KEY_GT_KO 58 #define TD_KEY_GE_KO 59 #define TD_KEY_LT_KO 60 #define TD_KEY_LE_KO 61 #define TD_KEY_FIRST_KO 62 #define TD_KEY_LAST_KO 63 #define TD_CREATE_TEMP 64 #define TD_TABLE_INFO_EX 65 #define TD_REC_UPDATEATKEY 70 #define TD_REC_DELLETEATKEY 71 #define TD_KEY_GE_NEXT_MULTI 72 #define TD_KEY_LE_PREV_MULTI 73 #define TD_FILTER_PREPARE 74 #define TD_CONNECT 78 #define TD_STORE_TEST 79 // For test only #define TD_SET_TIMESTAMP_MODE 80 #define TD_BEGIN_SHAPSHOT 88 #define TD_END_SNAPSHOT 89 #define TD_AUTOMEKE_SCHEMA 90 #define TD_GETSERVER_CHARSET 91 #define TD_ADD_SENDBLOB 92 #define TD_GET_BLOB_BUF 93 #define TD_STASTISTICS 94 #define TD_KEY_SEEK_MULTI 95 #define TD_ACL_RELOAD 96 #define TD_RECONNECT 97 #define TD_GET_SCHEMA 98 /** create sub operations */ #define CR_SUBOP_DROP -128 #define CR_SUBOP_RENAME -127 #define CR_SUBOP_SWAPNAME -126 #define CR_SUBOP_CREATE_DBONLY -125 #define CR_SUBOP_BY_FILESPEC -1 #define CR_SUBOP_BY_FILESPEC_NOCKECK 0 #define CR_SUBOP_BY_TABLEDEF 1 #define CR_SUBOP_BY_TABLEDEF_NOCKECK 2 #define CR_SUBOP_BY_SQL 3 #define CR_SUBOP_BY_SQL_NOCKECK 4 #define CR_SUB_FLAG_EXISTCHECK -1 /** TD_TABLE_INFO sub operations */ #define ST_SUB_GETSQL_BY_TABLEDEF -1 /** TD_ADD_SENDBLOB sub operations */ #define TD_ASBLOB_ENDROW -125 /** TD_GET_SCHEMA sub operations */ #define SC_SUBOP_BY_SQL -1 #define SC_SUBOP_VIEW_BY_SQL -2 /** TD_GET_STASTISTICS sub operations */ #define TD_STSTCS_READ 0 #define TD_STSTCS_DISCONNECT_ONE 1 #define TD_STSTCS_DISCONNECT_ALL 2 #define TD_STSTCS_DATABASE_LIST 3 #define TD_STSTCS_SYSTEM_VARIABLES 4 #define TD_STSTCS_SCHEMA_TABLE_LIST 5 #define TD_STSTCS_TABLE_LIST 6 #define TD_STSTCS_VIEW_LIST 7 #define TD_STSTCS_SLAVE_STATUS 8 #define TD_STSTCS_STATUS_VARIABLES 9 /** connect sub operation */ #define LG_SUBOP_CONNECT 0 #define LG_SUBOP_DISCONNECT 1 #define LG_SUBOP_NEWCONNECT 3 #define LG_SUBOP_RECONNECT 4 #define LG_SUBOP_DISCONNECT_EX 5 //for reconnect test #define LG_SUBOP_ASSOCIATE 6 /** TD_STSTCS_TABLE_LIST type list */ #define TABLE_TYPE_NORMAL_TABLE 1 #define TABLE_TYPE_VIEW 2 #define TABLE_TYPE_TD_SCHEMA 4 /** TIMESTAMP_MODE */ #define TIMESTAMP_VALUE_CONTROL 0 #define TIMESTAMP_ALWAYS 1 /** field types */ #define ft_string 0 #define ft_integer 1 #define ft_float 2 #define ft_date 3 #define ft_time 4 #define ft_decimal 5 #define ft_money 6 #define ft_logical 7 #define ft_numeric 8 #define ft_bfloat 9 #define ft_lstring 10 #define ft_zstring 11 #define ft_note 12 #define ft_lvar 13 #define ft_uinteger 14 #define ft_autoinc 15 #define ft_bit 16 #define ft_numericsts 17 #define ft_numericsa 18 #define ft_currency 19 #define ft_timestamp 20 #define ft_blob 21 #define ft_reserve22 22 #define ft_reserve23 23 #define ft_reserve24 24 #define ft_wstring 25 #define ft_wzstring 26 #define ft_guid 27 #define ft_datetime 30 #define ft_myvarchar 40 #define ft_myvarbinary 41 #define ft_mywvarchar 42 #define ft_mywvarbinary 43 #define ft_mychar 44 #define ft_mywchar 45 #define ft_mydate 46 #define ft_mytime 47 #define ft_mydatetime 48 #define ft_mytimestamp 49 #define ft_mytext 50 #define ft_myblob 51 #define ft_autoIncUnsigned 52 #define ft_myfixedbinary 53 #define ft_enum 54 #define ft_set 55 #define ft_mytime_num_cmp 56 //for comare use only #define ft_mydatetime_num_cmp 57 //for comare use only #define ft_mytimestamp_num_cmp 58 //for comare use only #define ft_myyear 59 #define ft_mygeometry 60 #define ft_myjson 61 #define ft_mydecimal 62 #define ft_nullindicator 255 /* compair types */ enum eCompType { eEqual = 1, eGreater = 2, eLess = 3, eNotEq = 4, eGreaterEq = 5, eLessEq = 6, eBitAnd = 8, eNotBitAnd = 9, eIsNull = 10, eIsNotNull = 11 }; /* filter cobine type */ enum combineType { eCend, eCand, eCor }; /** extruct row comp bias */ // In the case of a var type, it is copare as whole length. #define CMPLOGICAL_VAR_COMP_ALL 16 #define CMPLOGICAL_CMPACS 32 // no support // The field for comparison shows not a value but a field number. #define CMPLOGICAL_FIELD 64 #define CMPLOGICAL_CASEINSENSITIVE 128 // not case-sensitive /** btrv transaction lock options */ #define LOCK_BIAS_DEFAULT 0 #define LOCK_SINGLE_WAIT 100 #define LOCK_SINGLE_NOWAIT 200 #define LOCK_MULTI_WAIT 300 #define LOCK_MULTI_NOWAIT 400 #define NOWAIT_WRITE 500 #define PARALLEL_TRN 1000 #define TRN_ISO_READ_COMMITED 0 #define TRN_ISO_REPEATABLE_READ 2000 #define TRN_ISO_SERIALIZABLE 3000 #define SINGLELOCK_READ_COMMITED LOCK_SINGLE_NOWAIT + PARALLEL_TRN #define MULTILOCK_READ_COMMITED LOCK_MULTI_NOWAIT + PARALLEL_TRN #define MULTILOCK_REPEATABLE_READ TRN_ISO_REPEATABLE_READ + LOCK_MULTI_NOWAIT #define MULTILOCK_ISO_SERIALIZABLE TRN_ISO_SERIALIZABLE + LOCK_MULTI_NOWAIT /** InnoDB or transactional engin lock options */ // Transaction #define SINGLELOCK_NOGAP SINGLELOCK_READ_COMMITED #define MULTILOCK_NOGAP MULTILOCK_READ_COMMITED #define MULTILOCK_GAP MULTILOCK_REPEATABLE_READ + LOCK_MULTI_NOWAIT // Snapshot #define CONSISTENT_READ 4000 #define CONSISTENT_READ_WITH_BINLOG_POS 4200 #define MULTILOCK_GAP_SHARE TRN_ISO_REPEATABLE_READ #define MULTILOCK_NOGAP_SHARE 0 #define REPL_POSTYPE_NONE 0 #define REPL_POSTYPE_MARIA_GTID 1 // like 0-1-50 #define REPL_POSTYPE_POS 2 // 12345 // Read row lock #define ROW_LOCK_X LOCK_SINGLE_NOWAIT #define ROW_LOCK_S 5000 + LOCK_SINGLE_NOWAIT //Server isoration #define SRV_ISO_READ_UNCOMMITED 0 #define SRV_ISO_READ_COMMITED 1 #define SRV_ISO_REPEATABLE_READ 2 #define SRV_ISO_SERIALIZABLE 3 /** open mode */ #define TD_OPEN_NORMAL 0 #define TD_OPEN_READONLY -2 #define TD_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE -4 #define TD_OPEN_READONLY_EXCLUSIVE (TD_OPEN_READONLY + TD_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE) /** @cond INTERNAL */ #define TD_OPEN_MASK_SIMPLE_NULL 0 #define TD_OPEN_MASK_MYSQL_NULL -16 #define TD_OPEN_MASK_GETSHCHEMA -32 #define TD_OPEN_MASK_GETDEFAULTIMAGE -64 #define IS_MODE_READONLY(mode) (((0 - mode) & 2) != 0) #define IS_MODE_EXCLUSIVE(mode) (((0 - mode) & 4) != 0) #define IS_MODE_MYSQL_NULL(mode) (((0 - mode) & 16) != 0) #define IS_MODE_GETSCHEMA(mode) (((0 - mode) & 32) != 0) #define IS_MODE_GETDEFAULTIMAGE(mode) (((0 - mode) & 64) != 0) /** @endcond */ /** field algin */ #define BT_AL_LEFT 0 #define BT_AL_CENTER 2 #define BT_AL_RIGHT 1 /** error code */ #define STATUS_TABLE_YET_OPEN -3 #define STATUS_DURING_TRANSACTION -4 #define STATUS_NO_ACR_UPDATE_DELETE -5 #define STATUS_NO_ACR_INSERT -6 #define STATUS_NO_ACR_READ -7 #define STATUS_CANT_ALLOC_MEMORY -8 #define STATUS_USE_KEYFIELD -9 #define STATUS_TOO_MANY_TABLES -10 #define STATUS_INVARID_PRM_KEY_NUM -11 #define STATUS_INVARID_PNT_KEY_NUM -12 #define STATUS_INVARID_REP_KEY_NUM -13 #define STATUS_INVARID_FIELD_IDX -14 #define STATUS_ALREADY_DELETED -15 #define STATUS_LMITS_MAX_TABLES -16 #define STATUS_DB_YET_OPEN -17 #define STATUS_TABLENAME_NOTFOUND -18 #define STATUS_DIFFERENT_DBVERSION -19 #define STATUS_DUPLICATE_FIELDNAME -20 #define STATUS_INVALID_TABLE_IDX -21 #define STATUS_AUTH_DENIED -22 #define STATUS_TOO_MANY_FIELDS -23 #define STATUS_FILTERSTRING_ERROR -24 #define STATUS_INVALID_FIELDLENGTH -25 #define STATUS_INVALID_KEYTYPE -26 #define STATUS_LVAR_NOTE_NOT_LAST -27 #define STATUS_NODEF_FOR_CONVERT -28 #define STATUS_TRD_NEED_VARLENGTH -29 #define STATUS_INVALID_VARIABLETABLE -30 #define STATUS_AUTOINC_SPACE_ERROR -31 #define STATUS_TOO_LONG_OWNERNAME -32 #define STATUS_CANT_DEL_FOR_REL -33 #define STATUS_NO_AUTOINC_SPACE -34 #define STATUS_INVALID_RECLEN -35 #define STATUS_INVALID_FIELDVALUE -36 #define STATUS_INVALID_VALLEN -37 #define STATUS_FIELDTYPE_NOTSUPPORT -42 #define STATUS_INVALID_NULLMODE -43 #define STATUS_TOO_LARGE_VALUE -44 #define STATUS_SQL_PARSE_ERROR -45 #define STATUS_SUCCESS 0 #define STATUS_PROGRAM_ERROR 1 #define STATUS_IO_ERROR 2 #define STATUS_FILE_NOT_OPENED 3 #define STATUS_NOT_FOUND_TI 4 #define STATUS_DUPPLICATE_KEYVALUE 5 #define STATUS_INVALID_KEYNUM 6 #define STATUS_NO_CURRENT 8 #define STATUS_EOF 9 #define STATUS_TABLE_NOTOPEN 12 #define STATUS_REQUESTER_DEACTIVE 20 #define STATUS_KEYBUFFERTOOSMALL 21 #define STATUS_BUFFERTOOSMALL 22 #define STATUS_CANT_CREATE 25 #define STATUS_NOSUPPORT_OP 41 #define STATUS_INVALID_BOOKMARK 43 #define STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED 46 #define STATUS_INVALID_OWNERNAME 51 #define STATUS_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR 59 #define STATUS_LIMMIT_OF_REJECT 60 #define STATUS_WARKSPACE_TOO_SMALL 61 #define STATUS_INVALID_EX_DESC 62 #define STATUS_INVALID_EX_INS 63 #define STATUS_REACHED_FILTER_COND 64 #define STATUS_INVALID_FIELD_OFFSET 65 #define STATUS_CHANGE_CONFLICT 80 #define STATUS_INVALID_LOCKTYPE 83 #define STATUS_LOCK_ERROR 84 #define STATUS_FILE_LOCKED 85 #define STATUS_INVALID_SUPPLYVALUES 86 #define STATUS_CANNOT_LOCK_TABLE 88 #define STATUS_INVALID_KEYNAME STATUS_INVALID_KEYNUM #define STATUS_INVALID_DATASIZE STATUS_BUFFERTOOSMALL #define STATUS_INVALID_FIELDNAME STATUS_INVALID_FIELD_OFFSET #define ERROR_TD_INVALID_CLINETHOST 171 #define ERROR_NO_DATABASE 172 #define ERROR_NOSPECIFY_TABLE 176 #define ERROR_LOAD_CLIBRARY 200 #define ERROR_INDEX_RND_INIT 201 #define STATUS_INVALID_PREPAREID 202 #define STATUS_LMIT_OF_PREPAREED 203 #define STATUS_ALREADY_INSNAPSHOT 204 #define STATUS_ALREADY_INTRANSACTION 205 #define STATUS_ALREADY_INEXCLUSIVE 206 #define SERVER_CLIENT_NOT_COMPATIBLE 3003 #define NET_BAD_SRB_FORMAT 3021 #define ERROR_TD_HOSTNAME_NOT_FOUND 3103 #define ERROR_TD_CONNECTION_FAILURE 3106 #define ERROR_TD_NOT_CONNECTED 3110 #define ERROR_TD_NET_TIMEOUT 3800 #define ERROR_TD_NET_REMOTE_DISCONNECT 3801 #define ERROR_TD_NET_TOO_BIGDATA 3802 #define ERROR_TD_NET_OTHER 3810 #define ERROR_TD_C_CLIENT_UNKNOWN 3811 #define ERROR_TD_RECONNECTED 3900 inline bool canRecoverNetError(short code) { return (code >= ERROR_TD_CONNECTION_FAILURE) && (code < ERROR_TD_RECONNECTED) && (code != ERROR_TD_NET_TOO_BIGDATA); } #define TRANSACTD_SCHEMANAME _T("transactd_schema") #define TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF 0 #define TYPE_SCHEMA_DDF 1 #define TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF_NOPRELOAD 2 #define FILTER_CURRENT_TYPE_NOTINC 0 #define FILTER_CURRENT_TYPE_INC 1 #define FILTER_TYPE_SEEKS_BOOKMARKS 1 //with FILTER_TYPE_SEEKS only #define FILTER_CURRENT_TYPE_NOBOOKMARK 2 #define FILTER_TYPE_SUPPLYVALUE 4 #define FILTER_TYPE_FORWORD 4 //at preparing only #define FILTER_TYPE_SEEKS 8 /* No need export for client */ #define FILTER_COMBINE_NOPREPARE 0 #define FILTER_COMBINE_PREPARE 32 #define NIS_FILED_NAME "$nf" /** max ownwr name size + 1 */ #define OWNERNAME_SIZE 12 #define TD_BACKUP_START 0 #define TD_BACKUP_END 2 #define TD_BACKUP_MODE_OK STATUS_SUCCESS #define TD_BACKUP_MODE_NOT_SUPPORT STATUS_PROGRAM_ERROR #define TD_BACKUP_MODE_BUSY STATUS_CANNOT_LOCK_TABLE #define TD_BACKUP_MODE_NOT_PERMIT 41 #define TD_BACKUP_MODE_SERVER_ERROR 91 #define DFV_TIMESTAMP_DEFAULT 1.0f #define DFV_TIMESTAMP_DEFAULT_ASTR "1" #define DFV_TIMESTAMP_DEFAULT_WSTR L"1" /** @cond INTERNAL */ struct clsrv_ver { union { ushort_td clMajor; ushort_td srvMysqlMajor; }; union { ushort_td clMinor; ushort_td srvMysqlMinor; }; union { ushort_td clRelease; ushort_td srvMysqlRelease; }; uchar_td srvMajor; uchar_td srvMysqlType; ushort_td srvMinor; ushort_td srvRelease; inline bool isSupportDateTimeTimeStamp() const { if (srvMysqlMajor >= 10) return true; if ((srvMysqlMajor == 5) && (srvMysqlMinor > 5)) return true; return false; } }; #define VER_ST_SIZE 12 #define MYSQL_TYPE_MYSQL 'M' #define MYSQL_TYPE_MARIA 'A' struct trdVersiton { char cherserServer[128]; clsrv_ver desc; }; #define MYSQL_SCRAMBLE_LENGTH 20 #define MYSQL_USERNAME_MAX 16 struct handshale_t { unsigned int size; // size of this unsigned int options; trdVersiton ver; unsigned short transaction_isolation; unsigned short lock_wait_timeout; unsigned char scramble[MYSQL_SCRAMBLE_LENGTH+1]; //user auth scramble }; #define HST_OPTION_NO_SCRAMBLE 1 /* server system variables index */ #define TD_VER_DB 0 #define TD_VER_SERVER 1 #define TD_VAR_LISTENADDRESS 2 #define TD_VAR_LISTENPORT 3 #define TD_VAR_HOSTCHECKNAME 4 #define TD_VAR_MAXTCPCONNECTIONS 5 #define TD_VAR_TABLENAMELOWER 6 #define TD_VAR_POOLTHREADS 7 #define TD_VAR_TCPSERVERTYPE 8 #define TD_VAR_LOCKWAITTIMEOUT 9 #define TD_VAR_ISOLATION 10 #define TD_VAR_AUTHTYPE 11 #define TD_VAR_PIPESHAREMEMSIZE 12 #define TD_VAR_MAXPIPECONNECTIONS 13 #define TD_VAR_USEPIPE 14 #define TD_VAR_HSLISTENPORT 15 #define TD_VAR_USEHS 16 #define TD_VAR_TIMESTAMPMODE 17 #define TD_VAR_SIZE 18 /* server status variables index */ #define TD_SVAR_TCP_CONNECTIONS 0 #define TD_SVAR_TCP_WAIT_THREADS 1 #define TD_SVAR_TPOOL_CONNECTIONS 2 #define TD_SVAR_TPOOL_WAIT_THREADS 3 #define TD_SVAR_PIPE_CONNECTIONS 4 #define TD_SVAR_PIPE_WAIT_THREADS 5 #define TD_SVAR_OPEN_DBS 6 #define TD_SVAR_SIZE 7 /** @endcond */ /* In the case of "tdclcppxxx" library of msvc, The ($TargetName) is not changed automatically. If you change this version then you need change The ($TargetName) project options too. */ #define C_INTERFACE_VER_MAJOR "3"//##1 Build marker! Don't remove #define C_INTERFACE_VER_MINOR "3"//##2 Build marker! Don't remove #define C_INTERFACE_VER_RELEASE "0"//##3 Build marker! Don't remove /* dnamic load library name. The default extention of Mac is ".boudle", Therefore ".so" is popular. */ #ifdef LINUX #ifdef __APPLE__ #define C_INTERFACE_VERSTR \ "." C_INTERFACE_VER_MAJOR "." C_INTERFACE_VER_MINOR ".so" // use loadlibrary #else // NOT __APPLE__ #define C_INTERFACE_VERSTR \ ".so." C_INTERFACE_VER_MAJOR "." C_INTERFACE_VER_MINOR // use loadlibrary #endif // NOT __APPLE__ #else // NOT LINUX #define C_INTERFACE_VERSTR \ "_" C_INTERFACE_VER_MAJOR "_" C_INTERFACE_VER_MINOR ".dll" // use // loadlibrary #endif // NOT LINUX #if (defined(__x86_64__) || (defined(LINUX) && !defined(__BORLANDC__))) #define TDCLC_LIBNAME "tdclc_64" C_INTERFACE_VERSTR // use loadlibrary #else //__x86_32__ #define TDCLC_LIBNAME "tdclc_32" C_INTERFACE_VERSTR // use loadlibrary #endif //__x86_32__ /* Cpp library name prefix */ #define TD_CPP_LIB_PRE "tdclcpp" #if ((defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DLL)) || \ (defined(__BORLANDC__) && defined(_RTLDLL))) #define RTL_PART "r" #else #define RTL_PART #endif /* Cpp library name middle part */ #if (defined(__x86_64__) || (defined(LINUX) && !defined(__BORLANDC__))) #ifdef _UNICODE #define TD_LIB_PART "64u" RTL_PART #else // NOT _UNICODE #define TD_LIB_PART "64m" RTL_PART #endif // NOT _UNICODE #else //__x86_32__ #ifdef _UNICODE #define TD_LIB_PART "32u" RTL_PART #else // NOT _UNICODE #define TD_LIB_PART "32m" RTL_PART #endif // NOT _UNICODE #endif //__x86_32__ /* Cpp library name version part In the case of "tdclcppxxx" library of msvc , The ($TargetName) is not changed automatically. If you change this version then you need change The ($TargetName) project options too. In the case of "tdclcppxxx" library of gcc , The -soname option is not changed automatically. If you change this version then you need change The -soname option project options too. */ #define CPP_INTERFACE_VER_MAJOR "3"//##4 Build marker! Don't remove #define CPP_INTERFACE_VER_MINOR "3"//##5 Build marker! Don't remove #define CPP_INTERFACE_VER_RELEASE "0"//##6 Build marker! Don't remove /* use autolink tdclcpp */ #if (__BCPLUSPLUS__ || _MSC_VER) #ifdef __APPLE__ #define CPP_INTERFACE_VERSTR \ "_" COMPILER_VERSTR "_" TD_LIB_PART "." CPP_INTERFACE_VER_MAJOR \ "." CPP_INTERFACE_VER_MINOR #else #define CPP_INTERFACE_VERSTR \ "_" COMPILER_VERSTR "_" TD_LIB_PART "_" CPP_INTERFACE_VER_MAJOR \ "_" CPP_INTERFACE_VER_MINOR #endif #endif #define TD_CPP_LIB_NAME \ LIB_PREFIX TD_CPP_LIB_PRE CPP_INTERFACE_VERSTR SHARED_LIB_EXTENTION #ifdef LINUX #ifdef __APPLE__ #define TD_CPP_SO_NAME \ LIB_PREFIX TD_CPP_LIB_PRE CPP_INTERFACE_VERSTR ".dylib" #else // NOT __APPLE__ #define TD_CPP_SO_NAME \ LIB_PREFIX TD_CPP_LIB_PRE ".so." CPP_INTERFACE_VER_MAJOR "." CPP_INTERFACE_VER_MINOR #endif // NOT __APPLE__ #else // NOT LINUX #define TD_CPP_SO_NAME \ LIB_PREFIX TD_CPP_LIB_PRE CPP_INTERFACE_VERSTR ".dll" #endif // NOT LINUX #define TRANSACTD_VER_MAJOR 3//##7 Build marker! Don't remove #define TRANSACTD_VER_MINOR 3//##8 Build marker! Don't remove #define TRANSACTD_VER_RELEASE 0//##9 Build marker! Don't remove #endif // BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_TDAPCAPI_H