ThumbsUp ======= A ridiculously straightforward and simple package 'o' code to enable voting in your application, a la, etc. Allows an arbitrary number of entities (users, etc.) to vote on models. ### Mixins This plugin introduces three mixins to your recipe book: 1. **acts\_as\_voteable** : Intended for content objects like Posts, Comments, etc. 2. **acts\_as\_voter** : Intended for voting entities, like Users. 3. **has\_karma** : Adds some helpers to acts\_as\_voter models for calculating karma. ### Inspiration This plugin started as an adaptation / update of vote\_fu for use with Rails 3. It adds some speed, removes some cruft, and is adapted for use with ActiveRecord / Arel in Rails 3. It maintains the awesomeness of the original vote\_fu. Installation ============ ### Require the gem: gem 'thumbs_up' ### Create and run the ThumbsUp migration: rails generate thumbs_up rake db:migrate Usage ===== ## Getting Started ### Turn your AR models into something that can be voted upon. class SomeModel < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_voteable end class Question < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_voteable end ### Turn your Users (or any other model) into voters. class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_voter # The following line is optional, and tracks karma (up votes) for questions this user has submitted. # Each question has a submitter_id column that tracks the user who submitted it. # The option :weight value will be multiplied to any karma from that voteable model (defaults to 1). # You can track any voteable model. has_karma(:questions, :as => :submitter, :weight => 0.5) end class Robot < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_voter end ### To cast a vote for a Model you can do the following: #### Shorthand syntax voter.vote_for(voteable) # Adds a +1 vote voter.vote_against(voteable) # Adds a -1 vote, vote) # Adds either a +1 or -1 vote: vote => true (+1), vote => false (-1) voter.vote_exclusively_for(voteable) # Removes any previous votes by that particular voter, and votes for. voter.vote_exclusively_for(voteable) # Removes any previous votes by that particular voter, and votes against. ### Querying votes Did the first user vote for the Car with id = 2 already? u = User.first u.voted_on?(Car.find(2)) #### Tallying Votes You can easily retrieve voteable object collections based on the properties of their votes: @items = Item.tally( { :at_least => 1, :at_most => 10000, :start_at => 2.weeks.ago, :end_at =>, :limit => 10, :order => " DESC" }) This will select the Items with between 1 and 10,000 votes, the votes having been cast within the last two weeks (not including today), then display the 10 last items in an alphabetical list. ##### Tally Options: :start_at - Restrict the votes to those created after a certain time :end_at - Restrict the votes to those created before a certain time :conditions - A piece of SQL conditions to add to the query :limit - The maximum number of voteables to return :order - A piece of SQL to order by. Eg 'votes.count desc' or 'voteable.created_at desc' :at_least - Item must have at least X votes :at_most - Item may not have more than X votes #### Lower level queries positiveVoteCount = voteable.votes_for negativeVoteCount = voteable.votes_against plusminus = voteable.plusminus # Votes for minus votes against. voter.voted_for?(voteable) # True if the voter voted for this object. voter.vote_count(:up | :down | :all) # returns the count of +1, -1, or all votes voteable.voted_by?(voter) # True if the voter voted for this object. @voters = voteable.voters_who_voted ### One vote per user! ThumbsUp by default only allows one vote per user. This can be changed by removing: #### In vote.rb: validates_uniqueness_of :voteable_id, :scope => [:voteable_type, :voter_type, :voter_id] #### In the migration: add_index :votes, ["voter_id", "voter_type", "voteable_id", "voteable_type"], :unique => true, :name => "uniq_one_vote_only" Credits ======= Basic scaffold is from Peter Jackson's work on VoteFu / ActsAsVoteable. All code updated for Rails 3, cleaned up for speed and clarity, karma calculation fixed, and (hopefully) zero introduced bugs.