# encoding: utf-8 class HotThreadsReport HOT_THREADS_STACK_TRACES_SIZE_DEFAULT = 10.freeze def initialize(cmd, options) @cmd = cmd filter = { :stacktrace_size => options.fetch(:stacktrace_size, HOT_THREADS_STACK_TRACES_SIZE_DEFAULT) } jr_dump = JRMonitor.threads.generate(filter) @thread_dump = ::LogStash::Util::ThreadDump.new(options.merge(:dump => jr_dump)) end def to_s hash = to_hash[:hot_threads] report = "#{I18n.t("logstash.web_api.hot_threads.title", :hostname => hash[:hostname], :time => hash[:time], :top_count => @thread_dump.top_count )} \n" report << '=' * 80 report << "\n" hash[:threads].each do |thread| thread_report = "" thread_report = "#{I18n.t("logstash.web_api. hot_threads.thread_title", :percent_of_cpu_time => thread[:percent_of_cpu_time], :thread_state => thread[:state], :thread_name => thread[:name])} \n" thread_report = "#{thread[:percent_of_cpu_time]} % of of cpu usage by #{thread[:state]} thread named '#{thread[:name]}'\n" thread_report << "#{thread[:path]}\n" if thread[:path] thread[:traces].each do |trace| thread_report << "\t#{trace}\n" end report << thread_report report << '-' * 80 report << "\n" end report end def to_hash hash = { :time => Time.now.iso8601, :busiest_threads => @thread_dump.top_count, :threads => [] } @thread_dump.each do |thread_name, _hash| thread_name, thread_path = _hash["thread.name"].split(": ") thread = { :name => thread_name, :percent_of_cpu_time => cpu_time_as_percent(_hash), :state => _hash["thread.state"] } thread[:path] = thread_path if thread_path traces = [] _hash["thread.stacktrace"].each do |trace| traces << trace end thread[:traces] = traces unless traces.empty? hash[:threads] << thread end { :hot_threads => hash } end def cpu_time_as_percent(hash) (((cpu_time(hash) / @cmd.uptime * 1.0)*10000).to_i)/100.0 end def cpu_time(hash) hash["cpu.time"] / 1000000.0 end end