module Fog module Storage class AWS class Real # Create an object in an S3 bucket # # @param bucket_name [String] Name of bucket to create object in # @param object_name [String] Name of object to create # @param data [File||String] File or String to create object from # @param options [Hash] # @option options Cache-Control [String] Caching behaviour # @option options Content-Disposition [String] Presentational information for the object # @option options Content-Encoding [String] Encoding of object data # @option options Content-Length [String] Size of object in bytes (defaults to # @option options Content-MD5 [String] Base64 encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of message # @option options Content-Type [String] Standard MIME type describing contents (defaults to MIME::Types.of.first) # @option options Expires [String] Cache expiry # @option options x-amz-acl [String] Permissions, must be in ['private', 'public-read', 'public-read-write', 'authenticated-read'] # @option options x-amz-storage-class [String] Default is 'STANDARD', set to 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY' for non-critical, reproducable data # @option options x-amz-meta-#{name} Headers to be returned with object, note total size of request without body must be less than 8 KB. # # @return [Excon::Response] response: # * headers [Hash]: # * ETag [String] etag of new object # # @see def put_object(bucket_name, object_name, data, options = {}) data = Fog::Storage.parse_data(data) headers = data[:headers].merge!(options) request({ :body => data[:body], :expects => 200, :headers => headers, :bucket_name => bucket_name, :object_name => object_name, :idempotent => true, :method => 'PUT', }) end end class Mock # :nodoc:all require 'fog/aws/requests/storage/shared_mock_methods' include Fog::Storage::AWS::SharedMockMethods def put_object(bucket_name, object_name, data, options = {}) define_mock_acl(bucket_name, object_name, options) data = parse_mock_data(data) bucket = verify_mock_bucket_exists(bucket_name) options['Content-Type'] ||= data[:headers]['Content-Type'] options['Content-Length'] ||= data[:headers]['Content-Length'] object = store_mock_object(bucket, object_name, data[:body], options) response = response.status = 200 response.headers = { 'Content-Length' => object['Content-Length'], 'Content-Type' => object['Content-Type'], 'ETag' => object['ETag'], 'Last-Modified' => object['Last-Modified'], } response.headers['x-amz-version-id'] = object['VersionId'] if object['VersionId'] != 'null' response end end end end end