package sh.calaba.instrumentationbackend.query.ast; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import android.view.View; public class UIQueryASTPredicate implements UIQueryAST { private final String propertyName; private final UIQueryASTPredicateRelation relation; private final Object valueToMatch; public UIQueryASTPredicate(String text, UIQueryASTPredicateRelation parsedRelation, Object parsedValue) { this.propertyName = text; this.relation = parsedRelation; this.valueToMatch = parsedValue; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public List evaluateWithViews(final List inputViews, final UIQueryDirection direction, final UIQueryVisibility visibility) { return (List) UIQueryUtils.evaluateSyncInMainThread(new Callable() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Object call() throws Exception { List filteredResult = new ArrayList(16); for (int i = 0; i < inputViews.size(); i++) { Object o = inputViews.get(i); if (o instanceof Map) { Map result = evaluateForMap((Map) o); if (result != null) { filteredResult.add(result); } } else { Object result = evaluateForObject(o, i); if (result != null) { filteredResult.add(result); } } } return visibility.evaluateWithViews(filteredResult, direction, visibility); } }); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Map evaluateForMap(Map map) { if (map.containsKey(this.propertyName)) { Object value = map.get(this.propertyName); if (this.relation.areRelated(value, this.valueToMatch)) { return map; } } return null; } private Object evaluateForObject(Object o, int index) { if (o instanceof View && this.propertyName.equals("id")) { View view = (View) o; String id = UIQueryUtils.getId(view); if (this.relation.areRelated(id, this.valueToMatch)) { return o; } else { // let it fall through and check via general property access // in case the user actually wants to compre the real value of // getId() } } Method propertyAccessor = UIQueryUtils .hasProperty(o, this.propertyName); if (propertyAccessor == null) { return null; } Object value = UIQueryUtils.getProperty(o, propertyAccessor); if (this.relation.areRelated(value, this.valueToMatch)) { return o; } else if (this.valueToMatch instanceof String && this.relation .areRelated(value.toString(), this.valueToMatch)) { return o; } else { return null; } } public static UIQueryASTPredicate newPredicateFromAST(CommonTree step) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (step.getChildCount() != 3) { throw new IllegalStateException("Bad Predicate query: "+step+". Expected form {getter RELATION value}."); } CommonTree prop = (CommonTree) step.getChild(0); CommonTree rel = (CommonTree) step.getChild(1); CommonTree val = (CommonTree) step.getChild(2); return new UIQueryASTPredicate(prop.getText(), UIQueryASTPredicate.parseRelation(rel), UIQueryUtils.parseValue(val)); } private static UIQueryASTPredicateRelation parseRelation(CommonTree rel) { String relText = rel.getText().toUpperCase(); boolean caseSensitive = true; final String CASE_INSENSITIVE_SPEC = "[C]"; if (relText.endsWith(CASE_INSENSITIVE_SPEC)) { caseSensitive = false; relText = relText.substring(0,relText.length() - CASE_INSENSITIVE_SPEC.length()); } if ("BEGINSWITH".equals(relText)) { return new BeginsWithRelation(caseSensitive); } else if ("ENDSWITH".equals(relText)) { return new EndsWithRelation(caseSensitive); } else if ("CONTAINS".equals(relText)) { return new ContainsRelation(caseSensitive); } else if ("LIKE".equals(relText)) { return new LikeRelation(caseSensitive); } else if ("<".equals(relText)) { return ComparisonOperator.LESSTHAN; } else if ("<=".equals(relText)) { return ComparisonOperator.LESSTHANOREQUAL; } else if ("=".equals(relText)) { return ComparisonOperator.EQUAL; } else if (">".equals(relText)) { return ComparisonOperator.GREATERTHAN; } else if (">=".equals(relText)) { return ComparisonOperator.GREATERTHANOREQUAL; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported Relation: " + relText); } } }