require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe('Quantifier parsing') do RSpec.shared_examples 'quantifier' do |pattern, text, mode, token, min, max| it "parses the quantifier in #{pattern} as #{mode} #{token}" do root = RP.parse(pattern, '*') exp = root[0] expect(exp).to be_quantified expect(exp.quantifier.token).to eq token expect(exp.quantifier.min).to eq min expect(exp.quantifier.max).to eq max expect(exp.quantifier.mode).to eq mode end end include_examples 'quantifier', /a?b/, '?', :greedy, :zero_or_one, 0, 1 include_examples 'quantifier', /a??b/, '??', :reluctant, :zero_or_one, 0, 1 include_examples 'quantifier', /a?+b/, '?+', :possessive, :zero_or_one, 0, 1 include_examples 'quantifier', /a*b/, '*', :greedy, :zero_or_more, 0, -1 include_examples 'quantifier', /a*?b/, '*?', :reluctant, :zero_or_more, 0, -1 include_examples 'quantifier', /a*+b/, '*+', :possessive, :zero_or_more, 0, -1 include_examples 'quantifier', /a+b/, '+', :greedy, :one_or_more, 1, -1 include_examples 'quantifier', /a+?b/, '+?', :reluctant, :one_or_more, 1, -1 include_examples 'quantifier', /a++b/, '++', :possessive, :one_or_more, 1, -1 include_examples 'quantifier', /a{2,4}b/, '{2,4}', :greedy, :interval, 2, 4 include_examples 'quantifier', /a{2,4}?b/, '{2,4}?', :reluctant, :interval, 2, 4 include_examples 'quantifier', /a{2,4}+b/, '{2,4}+', :possessive, :interval, 2, 4 include_examples 'quantifier', /a{2,}b/, '{2,}', :greedy, :interval, 2, -1 include_examples 'quantifier', /a{2,}?b/, '{2,}?', :reluctant, :interval, 2, -1 include_examples 'quantifier', /a{2,}+b/, '{2,}+', :possessive, :interval, 2, -1 include_examples 'quantifier', /a{,3}b/, '{,3}', :greedy, :interval, 0, 3 include_examples 'quantifier', /a{,3}?b/, '{,3}?', :reluctant, :interval, 0, 3 include_examples 'quantifier', /a{,3}+b/, '{,3}+', :possessive, :interval, 0, 3 include_examples 'quantifier', /a{4}b/, '{4}', :greedy, :interval, 4, 4 include_examples 'quantifier', /a{4}?b/, '{4}?', :reluctant, :interval, 4, 4 include_examples 'quantifier', /a{4}+b/, '{4}+', :possessive, :interval, 4, 4 include_examples 'quantifier', /a{004}+b/, '{004}+', :possessive, :interval, 4, 4 # special case: exps with chained quantifiers are wrapped in implicit passive groups include_examples 'parse', /a+{2}{3}/, 0 => [ :group, :passive, Group::Passive, implicit?: true, level: 0, quantifier:, '{3}', 3, 3, :greedy) ], [0, 0] => [ :group, :passive, Group::Passive, implicit?: true, level: 1, quantifier:, '{2}', 2, 2, :greedy) ], [0, 0, 0] => [ :literal, :literal, Literal, text: 'a', level: 2, quantifier:, '+', 1, -1, :greedy) ] specify('mode-checking methods') do exp = RP.parse(/a??/).first expect(exp).to be_reluctant expect(exp).to be_lazy expect(exp).not_to be_greedy expect(exp).not_to be_possessive expect(exp.quantifier).to be_reluctant expect(exp.quantifier).to be_lazy expect(exp.quantifier).not_to be_greedy expect(exp.quantifier).not_to be_possessive end end