module OrientSupport # This Module fences specialized Ruby objects class Array < Array include OrientSupport::Support mattr_accessor :logger =begin Initialisation method stores the model-instance to work on in @orient. The keyword_parameter "work_on" holds the record to work_ion. Ihe second argument is the array to work with If instead of a model-instance the model-class is provided, a new model-instance is created and returned Its up to the caller to save the new instance in the database Further a list of array-elements is expected, which are forwarded (as Array) to Array =end def initialize work_on:, work_with: @orient = work_on.class == Class ? : work_on super work_with @name = @orient.attributes.key(self) # puts "ORIENT: #{@orient.inspect} " @name = yield if @name.nil? && block_given? # puts "NAME: #{@name.inspect}" # puts "SELF: #{self.inspect}" end def record @orient end =begin Append the argument to the Array, changes the Array itself. The change is transmitted to the database immediately =end def << arg # print "\n <<---> #{@name}, #{arg} <--- \n" if @name.present? @orient.add_item_to_property(@name, arg) end super end =begin Updating of single items This only works if the hole embedded Array is previously loaded into the Ruby-array. =end def []= key, value super @orient.update set: {@name => self} if @name.present? end def [] *arg super end def delete_at *pos if @name.present? delete self[*pos] else super end end def delete_if if @name.present? delete *{|y| y if yield(y)}.compact # if the block returns true then delete the item else super end end def delete *item @orient.remove_item_from_property(@name){item} if @name.present? end ## just works with Hashes as parameters def where *item where_string ={|m| where_string = compose_where m}.join(' and ') subquery= from: @orient, projection: "expand( #{@name})" q= from: subquery, where: item # query = "SELECT FROM ( SELECT EXPAND( #{@name} ) FROM #{@orient.classname}) #{where_string} " # puts q.compose # sql_cmd = -> (command) {{ type: "cmd", language: "sql", command: command }} # @orient.orientdb.execute do # sql_cmd[query.to_s] # end @orient.query q end def method_missing *args begin map{|x| x.send args.first} rescue NoMethodError => e logger.progname = "OrientSupport::Array#MethodMissing" logger.error{"Undefined method: #{e.message}"} end end end #Class class LinkMap < OrientSupport::Array def []= arg end end #Class class Hash < HashWithIndifferentAccess include OrientSupport::Support def initialize modelinstance, args @orient = modelinstance super args.from_orient # @name is the property of @orient to work on @name = modelinstance.attributes.key(self) # puts "ORIENT: #{@orient.inspect} " @name = yield if @name.nil? && block_given? # puts "NAME: #{@name.inspect}" # puts "SELF: #{self.inspect}" end def []= key, value puts " i will handle this in the future" #@orient.attributes[key] = value # r = (@orient.query "update #{@orient.rid} put #{@name} = #{key.to_orient}, #{value.to_orient} RETURN AFTER @this").pop super key, value @orient.update set:{ @name => self} # @orient = @orient.class(@orient.rid){r} if r.is_a? ActiveOrient::Model # self[ key ]= value # puts self.inspect #@orient[@name]=self.merge key => value # end def delete key super key @orient.update set:{ @name => self} end def delete_if &b super &b @orient.update set:{ @name => self} end # def << # def to_orient # self # end end end #Module