\p +q M  ( ") L e !k 6 R . sF & m /O! b"%+H"t)612*&]H(7. fp  F('?)g#6#3h6SZ"}8#7UV! "$:C_ %" $X-#"00 /9O nK6 kDb< P3q! Li1o=3b'v,(>, kTv0+\ |"$ -:M$]#J , QG   1M"F""%"## 2#<#9[#@#2#b $"l$L$+$%%Z:%&% %%%&5&#U&#y&#&?&('*'CC' ' '''' ''8'/(B(+b((B(((),)b/)) )M)Q *\*u*=****%*+Q,+!~+0+"++,/,QG,, ,,/,- -j&---2-2- ..9. W.x..:..0.g /d/+/0<)0$f000"060 1" 16C1/z1\1 2-(2!V2x22K2 2X3 ]3~3333133 4(4H4!d444 4 4 4445P$5u565R561VhpZg *M5#2w Xj7TBLOF)0%toEy&>:s}9q_^'@d S$a?6l"x<J`CGm[,vriRK(U+c;z{e=Y4H8u~\PD-]k! 3.|N /WfA nbQI"Unable to find hostname in #{service_uri}""You can also download the certificate manually and store it as #{cert_file}"%s: %s%{flag} is deprecated: %{deprecated_msg}%{param} was deleted successfully.'%s' is not a valid date, or Add a default parameter to configAdded %{key_val} default-option with value %{val_val}.Added %{key_val} default-option with value that will be generated from the server.Any combination (comma separated list) of '%s'As root you can also install the certificate and update the system-wide list of trusted CA certificates as follows:At least one of options %s is requiredBe aware that hammer cannot verify whether the certificate is correct and you should verify its authenticity.CA certificate for %{uri} was stored to %{file}Can be specified multiple times. Character to separate the valuesComma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslashComma-separated list of key=value.Configure SSL verification of remote systemConfigure the client's private keyConfigure the client's public certificateConfigure the directory containing the CA certificatesConfigure the file containing the CA certificatesCould not load the API description from the serverCould't read SSL client certificate %sCould't read SSL client key %sCouldn't create %s. Please create the directory before setting defaults.Couldn't find the requested param in %s.Couldn't parse URI '%s'.Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 formatDefault: Defaults managementDelete a default paramDeprecated: %{deprecated_msg}DescriptionError: %sError: %{message}Error: Some of the required modules are disabled in configuration: %s Exit interactive shellExplicitly turn interactive mode on/offFetch CA certificate from server and exitFetching the CA certificate failed:File %s not writeable, won't log anything to the file!Format output in markdownGet list of possible endingsHammer CLI helpIdIf you choose any other location set the ssl_ca_path or ssl_ca_file configuration options appropriately.Illegal quoting in %{buffer}Interactive shellIt will be used automatically when ssl_ca_path and ssl_ca_file options are not set.Legacy configuration of modules detected. Check section about configuration in user manualList all the default parametersList all the providersMake sure your server sends cert chain including the CA.MessageMissing arguments for %sNameNo permissions to create log dir %sNo such sub-command '%s'Now hammer can use the downloaded certificate to verify SSL connection to the server.One of options %s is requiredOne of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.Only one of options %s can be setOption %s is requiredOptions %s are requiredOutput as CSV (same as --output=csv)Page %{page} of %{total} (use --page and --per-page for navigation)ParameterPerhaps you meant to connect to '%s'?Possible value(s): %sPrint help for all hammer commandsPrint help for commandsProviderProvider %{name} was not found. See `hammer defaults providers` for available providers.SSL certificate verification failedSSL client authentication disabledSSL client certificate is set but the key is notSSL client key is set but the certificate is notSSL errorSee: '%{path} --help'Set output format. One of [%s]Show ids of associated resourcesSupported defaultsThe CA certificate for %{uri} couldn't be downloaded. No CA cert was found.The name of the default optionThe name of the default option (e.g. organization_id).The name of the provider providing the value. For list available providers see `hammer defaults providers`.The param name is not supported by provider. See `hammer defaults providers` for supported params.The service at the given URI does not accept SSL connectionsThe value for the default optionTo see the actual chain you can use openssl commandType 'help' for usage informationUnable to parse JSON inputUnknown option name '%s'Unrecognised option '%s'Use standard authentication in addition to client certificate authenticationValueWarning: An error occured while loading module %sWarning: Couldn't load configuration file %{path}: %{message}Warning: Option %{option} is deprecated. %{message}Warning: location hammer.modules.d is deprecated, move your module configurations to cli.modules.dWelcome to the hammer interactive shellYou can display the certificate content withYou can't set all options %s at one timeYou can't set any of options %sYou can't set option %sYou must specify value or a provider name, can't specify both.be verbosecan't replace subcommand %s (%s) with %s (%s)force reload of Apipie cacheis the server down?nono value providednumeric value is requiredoption '%