module SeleniumToCapybara

  # This class holds the translations for minitest.
  # To add a translation you need to do the following steps:
  # 1. Open the .side file and find the command you want to add
  # 2. Define a method in the Minitest class with the command as name.
  #    The command name must be translated to the ruby version of the name. `assertText` => `assert_text`
  # 3. Define the translation
  # The properties of the whole .side command object are accessible through ruby methods.
  # - `target` is the preferred target selector of Selenium IDE
  # - `targets` holds all possible target selectors identified by Selenium IDE
  # - `selector_type` identifies the type of the preferred target selector (e.g css, xpath)
  # - `selector` is the selector of the preferred target selector itself. (e.g 'body .header .title')
  # - `value` e.g. the value that a text field should get
  # - `command` the command name itself like `assertText` or `click`
  # - `comment` a optional comment for that command
  # - `id` the internal id generated by Selenium IDE
  class Minitest < Base
    def open

    def double_click
      case selector_type
      when 'css'
      when 'id'
      when 'xpath'
      when 'name'

    def click
      case selector_type
      when 'css'
      when 'id'
      when 'xpath'
      when 'name'
      when 'linkText'

    def assert_text
      "assert_selector('#{selector}', text: '#{value}')"
