require 'spec_helper' describe "Basepack Basic Show" do # subject { page } let(:employee) { FactoryGirl.create :employee } let(:ability) { } describe "responses" do it "success code with :html " do visit employee_path(id: expect(page.driver.status_code).to eq 200 end it "raises NotFound" do visit employee_path(id: '123this-id-doesnt-exist') expect(page.driver.status_code).to eq(404) end # not implemented yet # it "responses with :json" do # pending "json" # visit employee_path(:format => :json, :id => # expect(ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(page.body).length).to eq(1) # ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(page.body).each do |employee| # expect(employee).to have_key("id") # expect(employee).to have_key("name") # expect(employee).to have_key("email") # expect(employee).to have_key("created_at") # expect(employee).to have_key("updated_at") # end # end # it "responses with :xml" do # pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}" # end end describe "fields without association" do it "has Edit, Delete and attributes" do RailsAdmin.config Employee do show do include_all_fields end end visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_selector("a", :text => "Edit") expect(page).to have_selector("a", :text => "Delete") Employee.attribute_names.each do |attr| next if["id", "created_at", "updated_at"]) expect(page).to have_content(Employee.human_attribute_name(attr)) expect(page).to have_content(employee.send(attr)) end end it "shows only defined columns" do RailsAdmin.config Employee do show do field :name field :income end end visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content( expect(page).to have_content(employee.income) expect(page).to have_no_content( end it "properly format date columns" do RailsAdmin.config Employee do show do field :name field :created_at end end visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content(I18n.l employee.created_at, format: :long) end describe "properly shows boolean field type" do before(:all) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do show do field :bonus end end end it "when true" do employee.update_attributes(bonus: true) visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content("Bonus") within('.badge') do expect(page).to have_content("✓") end end it "when false" do employee.update_attributes(bonus: false) visit employee_path(:id => within('.badge') do expect(page).to have_content("✘") end end it "when nil" do employee.update_attributes(bonus: nil) visit employee_path(:id => within('.badge') do expect(page).to have_content("-") end end end end describe "belongs_to association" do before(:each) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do show do field :position end end employee.position = FactoryGirl.create(:position, name: "My Position")! end context "when has access" do it "it shows as link" do visit employee_path(:id => click_on "My Position" expect(current_path).to eq position_path(employee.position) end end context "when has no access" do it "it shows as text" do ability.can :manage, :all ability.cannot :show, Position ApplicationController.any_instance.stub(:current_ability).and_return(ability) visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content('My Position') expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'My Position') end end end describe "has_one association" do before(:each) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do list do field :account end end employee.account = FactoryGirl.create(:account)! end context "when has access" do it "shows as link" do visit employee_path(id: click_on "Account #{employee.account.account_number}" expect(current_path).to eq account_path(employee.account) end end context "when has no access" do it "shows as text" do ability.can :manage, :all ability.cannot :show, Account ApplicationController.any_instance.stub(:current_ability).and_return(ability) visit employee_path(id: expect(page).to have_content("Account #{employee.account.account_number}") expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, "Account #{employee.account.account_number}") end end end describe "has_many through association" do before(:each) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do field :projects end 'first project') 'second project')! end context "when has access" do it "shows as links" do visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content('first project and second project') expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, 'first project') expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, 'second project') click_on "first project" expect(current_path).to eq project_path(employee.projects.first) end end context "when has no access" do it "shows as text" do ability.can :manage, :all ability.cannot :show, Project ApplicationController.any_instance.stub(:current_ability).and_return(ability) visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content('first project and second project') expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'first project') expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'second project') end end end describe "has_many through association" do before(:each) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do field :tasks end task1 =, description: 'first task') task2 =, description: 'second task') project1 =, tasks: [task1, task2]) employee.projects << project1! end context "when has access" do it "shows as links" do visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content('first task and second task') expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, 'first task') expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, 'second task') click_on "first task" expect(current_path).to eq task_path(employee.tasks.first) end end context "when has no access" do it "shows as text" do ability.can :manage, :all ability.cannot :show, Task ApplicationController.any_instance.stub(:current_ability).and_return(ability) visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content('first task and second task') expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'first task') expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'second task') end end end describe "has_and_belongs_to_many association" do before(:each) do employee.skills = { |n| FactoryGirl.create(:skill, name: "skill #{n + 1}") }! RailsAdmin.config Employee do field :skills end end context "when has access" do it "shows as links" do visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content('skill 1 and skill 2') expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, 'skill 1') expect(page).to have_selector(:link_or_button, 'skill 2') click_on "skill 1" expect(current_path).to eq skill_path(employee.skills.first) end end context "when has no access" do it "shows as text" do ability.can :manage, :all ability.cannot :show, Skill ApplicationController.any_instance.stub(:current_ability).and_return(ability) visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content('skill 1 and skill 2') expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'skill 1') expect(page).to_not have_selector(:link_or_button, 'skill 2') end end end describe "phone" do context "without cc (country code)" do it "shows formatted number" do RailsAdmin.config Employee do show do # set phone type for phone field field :phone, :phone end end employee.update(phone: "41443643532") visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content("+41 44 364 35 32") employee.update(phone: "00420721312712") visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content("+420 721 312 712") end end context "with cc (country code)" do before(:each) do RailsAdmin.config Employee do show do # set phone type for phone field field :phone, :phone do # set czech country code cc "420" end end end end it "shows formatted phone with czech prefix" do employee.update(phone: "721312712") visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content("+420 721 312 712") end it "shows formatted phone with czech prefix entered as a full", js:true do employee.update(phone: "420721312712") visit employee_path(:id => expect(page).to have_content("+420 721 312 712") end end end =begin describe "show for polymorphic objects" do beforere(:each) do employee = FactoryGirl.create :employee @comment = FactoryGirl.create :comment, :commentable => employee visit employee_path(:model_name => "comment", :id => end it "shows associated object" do should have_css("a[href='/admin/employee/#{}']") end end =end end